>The Holy Land belongs to God's chosen people >Only democracy in the Middle East >America's greatest ally >Best trained army in the world >Most moral army in the world >Best leader in the world >Greatest, smartest and best looking people that ever walked the Earth >Treats Syrian rebels so they can live to fight another day >Our only hope for peace in the Middle East >In Israel, most men are circumsized
Boys the Obama administration really has it in for this guy. The hatred is public. And they are pulling strings in Israel to get him sent to court with a public police corruption investigation. Talk about your foreign hacking!
Easton Bennett
It's also been confirmed by the infowarrior himself that there is a globalist plot against Israel.
Sup Forums will ALWAYS stand with Israel, stay triggered libcucks
Evan Lopez
Obama just gave Israel 50 billion last month
Jonathan Barnes
Fuck Israel and fuck Palestine. The holy land is the rightful clay of Chistendom.
Levi White
I literally agree with all of it
Josiah Sullivan
>Daily reminder that Sup Forums is a pro-Israel/Zionist board >Sweden
Oh you cucks are so silly.
Anthony Stewart
Hello /arabs/ (formerly known as Sup Forums).
Jaxson Ward
And Bibi still has the gall to slam him after speaking his mind on the settlement issue.
Fucking jews want total subservience, face it, america's politicians, money and resources belong to ((them)). We are the ultimate cuck
Ayden Wilson
oh not you again
Ayden Johnson
Hi JIDF. Going back to the old >Sup Forums is Muslims meme now, are we?
Ryder Collins
Why are Israelis so damn beautiful?
Evan Rivera
Carson James
>jews fuck off back to their desert homeland and stay out of US business
sounds great desu
Camden Reed
Democracy has nothing to do with Christianity.
Nor the jews that deny Christ have anything to do with God
Democracy is the stone wrapped around the neck of modern society, drowning it into the depths of the sea of filth created by satans synagogue
Levi Harris
>white >10/10 >faithful >know how to use weapons >respect gun ownership >can protect themselves and their families Remind me again why we hate Israelis?
Easton Ramirez
haha holy shit, hey asshole, see:
Jason Kelly
Ryder Miller
I'll support them if Christians are allowed to visit Jerusalem, and if they revoke all these secular lefties' jew cards.
Grayson Ward
>not supporting Israel Are you sure that you're not gay?
Andrew Wright
troll harder you hook nosed fuck
Christopher Howard
>2017 >Not supporting Israel
You are on the wrong side of history, goys.
Dylan Kelly
Frog damn you all. You don't do shit to help us Takers.
Tyler Sanders
>ywn Deus Gevult alongside an Israeli QT ;_;
Dylan Rodriguez
good goyim, keep it up together we can fight the stormfags
Anthony Bailey
Because they use their political influence to deny the ability to do the same for all other races; perhaps?
Brody Thomas
>supporting anything just because of 'muh dick' It's truly sad no white people are left in SA
I wish only republicans would die for that country, leave democrats alone
Caleb Harris
This girl is your FRIEND
She fights for FREEDOM
Connor Watson
>white no, some a white skinned but nearly none a racially white. >10/10 no >faithful no, atleast not any more then anyone else. >know how to use weapons maybe 5-10% of women actually do something in the army where they actually learn how to use weapons . most just go to the range and shoot 4 mags in their whole service. >respect gun ownership fuck no,israel has strict gun laws and gun ownership is only allowed with a license which you get if you work in security\live in a dangerous area. >can protect themselves and their families well yea i guess you can say that.
fuck you israelboos
Dylan Bennett
Ther not you are only looking at the best example.
Owen Gonzalez
Fuck that didn't take long
Joshua Ross
Friendly reminder that 2017 is the year of Judaism
Eli Clark
Yes goy, love Israel
Robert Rogers
You would literally suck Netanyahu's dick to get citizenship so you can leave your hellhole
Isaac Hughes
>>The Holy Land belongs to God's chosen people Jews are assholes and if belongs to them why do they still need money out of us. >>Only democracy in the Middle East Its not a democracy when you have to supress the native population. And get ready to see what suprises are in store for "democracy" when the arab pop ikeeps growing and the jew one does not. >>America's greatest ally Not even close they cost us way more then they offer. And they are in the way of Iran deals being made that would cause them to become more moderate and secular. Two things Isreal is not and does not want to be. >>Best trained army in the world Doubt it. They are somewhat good just because they are constantly on defense. >>Most moral army in the world lol >>Best leader in the world lol >>Greatest, smartest and best looking people that ever walked the Earth Jews are ugly. Inb4 propaganda pictures put out bu Isreal to make the people of the world hate them less. >>Treats Syrian rebels so they can live to fight another day Supports Isis you mean? >>Our only hope for peace in the Middle East They are the cancer of the middle east. They are honestly the largest barrier to peace. >>In Israel, most men are circumsized kek
Nathan Garcia
Yes goy, praise the jews. Praise Moloch and sacrifice your children to it.
Thomas Jenkins
I'm not gay and I do support israel.
Coincidence? I think not.
Jaxson Bennett
Post this over and over in every fucking kike shill thread. Stupid motherfuckers outed themselves hahaha
Henry Gomez
This. So much this...
Tyler Jackson
Christian Zionists are worse than Jews. Their only motivation is to literally bring about the apocalypse so they can be raptures into heaven.
Alexander Reyes
>Israel and Netanyahu are one person
Ryan Clark
There is a division within the Jewish community on the Palestinian Question. There were far more two-staters before Bibi took power. Seems like most of the American Jews are anti Bibi and want to push him out.
Nathaniel Young
Yeah except the US is a vassal state to Israel so as long as it exists they won't leave us alone and will bring us into wars with their savage neighbors on their behalf.
Luke Thomas
this desu
Matthew Martin
Yeah and then democrats can fuck off to Europe and go live under Shariah law leaving only good Americans.
Jeremiah Phillips
There is no god. Israel is not special. why should I care about them? A long-standing ally? It seems to me that we've been their bitch for long enough.
William Cooper
Kek already determined that Sup Forums would become a Jewish board.
It is time for the goyish people to find a new homeland.
Jordan Richardson
>It's also been confirmed by the infowarrior himself that there is a globalist plot against Israel. >youtube.com/watch?v=jH6wxXG0UqI >Skip to 52:00
You can always count on Alex laying out the bare, naked truth, no holds barred. My kind of guy!
I love you DeepCover. Keep baiting these Stormcucks!
Alexander Mitchell
JIDF shills suck my black dick
Luis Hernandez
Ryan Martinez
Reminder Sup Forums is a Christian board and we do not support the synagogue of Satan.
Jackson Jones
Reminder that Christians will ALWAYS stand with Israel.
Jason Torres
Israeli Jews=\=Marxist Jews Plus Bibi is a kebab remover
Easton Bennett
Jordan Barnes
Oh no mister, I'm just a devoted Christian supporting God's Chosen People.
Luis Myers
in other words, you're a cuck
Kevin Brooks
who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and harassed and drove us out; and [they] continue to be highly displeasing to God and [to show themselves] hostile to all people,