Tomorrow, I'll be hanging out with a group of Swedish students studying abroad. Any tips on how I should go about red-pilling them?
Tomorrow, I'll be hanging out with a group of Swedish students studying abroad...
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Greet them with a: Heil Hitler!
Smear yourself with instant tanning cream, wrap a towel around your head, and then rape them all for days on end while yelling Allahu Akbar and telling them how your people are colonizing Sweden like your potent Muslim seed is colonizing their wombs.
Take them to a mosque. They're probably feeling a little homesick.
Greet them with a: Praise Kek!
don't red pill them or they will never want to hang out with you again. It's a long slow process to red pill someone efficiently
Only redpill them after you've impregnated them
Just remember to take it out.
I dgaf, honestly. I'm doing this for the lulz.
Of course, I'll try to be as subtle as possible and not go full-blown autist.
>in Germany you can't redpill someone in a few hours. The germans don't wanna hear another mind. They got their positions and ignore every fact you tell them.
Maybe the swedish ppl are a bit smarter. Find it out dude
check first their stance, maybe they are open to SD.
I wouldnt really try to redpill them but I would definitely ask them about the insane rape statistic and why is there a shooting/bombing in Malmo almost every week.
and also wtf is up with Little Mogadishu and what they think about IS flag being legal to to be flown
I met some in Thailand this past year, and I can tell you that its impossible. They are the most privileged knowitalls I've ever met. I literally travel the world, and have been to most places and never met a more cucked people than the guys I met from Sweden. I don't think they are happy unless they are getting dicked in the ass by niggercock why watching their sister get raped by muslims. This, I think, is their natural state of happiness.
Is it girls? If it is, I wouldn't even try. They will sadly just think you're a conservative and stupid Trump-voting american.
If you're going to hang out with guys it can be done, just drop some red-pilling facts like it's the most normal thing to talk about and do it in relation to something relevant. Don't start talking about race or anything out of the blue, lead them in slowly. Good luck!
If they're from the north chances are they're already pretty redpilled. If they're from the south however you're shit out of luck.
>implying they'll even look at you if you're not brown or black
Get a tan then rape them
Eventually, it will work.
After 1000 red piller Sup Forumsians have shouted Heil Hitler to them, then, I can guarantee you, it will work
>Ask why do non native swedes think they hate themselve and if there is some truth to it
>Ask why they seem to accept these no go zones in sweden without even protesting
>Ask them if their males are actually all fgts or is that a joke.
>Ask them if they'd date a Non white person over a Swede.
I've used similar tactics on a Brit before and managed to get a good chuckle out of her. I've met maybe one or two Swedes prior to this a long time ago, so I'm not sure what their sense humor is like.
It's mainly girls. Like I said before, I won't be going full-blown autist and I really dgaf about the outcome. I'll probably joke about a few SWEDEN YES type happenings (without saying SWEDEN YES of course) and see how they react to determine how I proceed. What do you think?
I'm White, but I'm still somewhat Chad-looking.
first you have to rape them, after you rape them you need to get their family and tie them up and make them watch you raping her and while you're raping her play this
>exchange students
Just have a laugh at their expense, they're all "citizen of the world" types.
Please redpill them on gravity. All Swedes I've met under the age of 45 were morbidly obese.
Sounds good. But I think that you will get the most out of picking one or two from the herd and really go deep on red-pilling them. Otherwise I think the most important and constructive thing you can do is to try to put some thoughts in their heads.
red cock them, you stupid asshole
Pffttt red pill them
good god, your a moron.
>so I'm not sure what their sense humor is like
>he doesn't know about weird Scandi comedies
more glum comedy than black, wonderfully unique, the danes are very good at it
just don't be a poofta
>Any tips on how I should go about red-pilling them?
just shut up
https:// publicintelligence net/2001-bilderberg-meeting-participant-list/
Mind you it was the EU Summit in Gothenburg at the same time.
Kiruna is cucked as fuck, man.
Good to know!
t. achmed goldbergsteinblatt
Just give up on that and try to fuck one of em. Swedish pussy is nice but they just lay down like a mattress, kinda weird considering they are absolute sluts
its the other way around you fucking retard
the north is still cucked as fuck because they havent been raped by immigration yet
There's significant difference between a northern S/V voter and a southern one. Well, mostly one between people who grew up in the country and "people" from the cities.
Most northerners are absolutely fucking retarded, but yes the countryside folk are not as cancerous. People in LuleƄ, PiteƄ etc. are probably the most bluepilled people in the whole country.
He is right. North are cucked communists while SD's largest supporters are from swedes down south.
Dumbshit, they'll be looking for the foreign dick while in your country.
Just slip them a good plenty of inches and they'll begin to realize how fucked their society is when they get back.
Do it. You might get a new friend. Some dude pulled that on me, and I revealed my power level. We had many keks together after that.
It's either this or rape desu
Yeah, I'm not disputing that. There's no arguing statistics, the north isn't doing SD any favors. But a lot are just voting economically, and don't much care about the social "issues" like having borders and law and shit. There wasn't as much incentive to care about the infestation before the quotas, since they congregated down south.
I'm just saying that a S/V votes up north is usually very different from one in say, Stockholm.
I know the concept isn't easy to grasp, but gravity is a thing and being too heavy strains your body. Less mayonaise and butter will do wonder.
Or you could not be an autist at all and try and score some Swedish pussy.
A degenerate leaf, who knew.
OP, you should take advantage of the freedoms of speech here. Many basic arguments against refugees are things they have never heard. Go to a museum that covers the crusades or Jihads. Most of them have no idea what Islam is really about. You could pretend to be very liberal and talk about how ending racism can only be achieved by ending whiteness and try to talk them into why they should accept refugees no matter what and not have kids with white people. Be so blatant of your hate for whites that you show them the professor's videos about how we must end whiteness to end racism. Get them to realize this is a genocide against them and that what they have been taught is a road that goes nowhere.
Call a spade a spade.
These German exchange students came over to my campus last semester and well me and my friends took them shooting guns ,fishing, dirt biking, anddd we went to a drag race and we let them drive a 6 second car. It was the most bad ass time ever, everyone loved them and they told us "man i never want to leave, america is fucking awesome". :"'''''''''') i had the biggest patriotic boner ever
After all that we started talking about their domestic issues in Germany, and a few of them opened up saying that "those fuckers dont respect our culture", and "people want to do something about it but everyone thinks if they don't acknowledge it it will go away."
I think we changed their minds to into the from of actual action, thank god.
here is some basic stuff you can do if you want to redpill them.
ask them what they think about right wing politics and observe how they react( if they react positive or will casually say some redpill stuff themselfs) you can proceed to dump some redpills here and there
Paint yourself brown and rape them
kek wills it
but dont start off with insulting sweden or swedes or start yelling cuck cuck cuck cause then you will scare them off
pretend you're a muslim and rape them
Take a "wrong" turn and drive them through an enriched neighborhood.
I'd would pay to see your autist ass sperg out in front of a bunch of european international students (left leaning chad)
Pretend you are muslim and rape them
Getting pussy would be a nice bonus, but I'm looking for a real challenge this time.
I'll look like a fucking conspiratard if I do this. I just want to encourage more or less a healthy "Make Sweden Great Again" attitude.
You are a true hero.
drop them off in detroiat say heres your country tomorrow today.
when was the last time you were to the cities? absolute sjw infested shitholes
Watch out! If they can be sure the Thought Police isn't around to hear them, they might red pill YOU.
dude i highly recommend showing the exchange students everything that makes us american..
Also i got the snap chat off of one of the qt German babes,and we've been talking ever since then.. And i have family that lives realistically close to where they are from so ill be visiting them again..
implying Germany doesn't self-destruct until then
You sir, did well.
Zip code or town/state, and we'll find some specific American events for you.
For example, consider gun ranges, good BBQ, country music acts (even local ones, however the atmosphere can be very...Wal-Mart), etc.
This snow nigger is right, btw
>studying abroad
or 2
Say to them "tjena fjortis"
They will get a great kick out of it
Why would you?
Just go in blackface and have sex with their women.
step 1: Impregnate both (if you're white)
step 2: Never call them again
step 3: Raised by single mothers in an imploding hellscape of a country, both boys grow up to be disgruntled white nationalists
step: Boys start swedish RWDS, sparking a race war
step 5: profit
profit is a Hebrew terminology, gas yourself kike
I read "redpilling" as "raping"
Sounds good to me.
with ur dick
>profit is a Hebrew terminology
you're thinking of interest you ridiculous faggot
Only commies are afraid of the mere mention of the "p-word", Shlomo.
Sweedes are horribly cold and stand offish, arrogant, have no independent thought, and believe that their cucked shitstain of a country is the best place on earth.
They're like the worst parts of American, German and Jew.
Just discuss the refugee shit and cite statistics and hard facts. I know a few swedes and none of them like refugees, but faggy college kids will probably be different. Expect them to be defensive.
How about just take them shooting and show them it's not so bad. That's a fun thing, normalizes guns to people. Plus it's a real, "American" thing to do. Lots of foreigners like that.
>Redpilling girls that travels abroad
Yeah, good luck with that.
Don't try. I've spoken with some and all just ended up by them telling how afraid they are Russia will invade Sweden, while they were simultaneously against having an army. Oh, and they have no sense how geopolitics works.
Just start by saying that they should vote Sweden democrats. After saying that, I learned they were fascists who want to take away women's and gay right :^)
I honestly never met such bluepilled sjw people in my life.
>we let them drive a 6 second car.
What does this mean?
don't bother, just bang hot swedish girls
>Any tips on how I should go about red-pilling them?
No fucking clue senpai.
its a drag car that takes 6 second to go a 1/4 mile, it was fast as fuck pro mod ss camaro. my good friends' family owns the local drag strip and a race team so it was awesome. Also extremely dangerous hahahah hence they had no diving experience haha