oy vey this is another shoah
believe it or not, it's a very popular book with Muslims.
I'm not trying to make a joke, it is probably non-Germans buying it. Turks and so on.
eh Turks are not actual Germans, you know that, right? -.-
We are a very liberal people and distance ourselves from nazism, whether you like it or not, because national socialism is literally an excuse for holocausts.
Woah, anti-Semitic much?
Merkel pls ban hate this is offensive
not happening
didn't they fuck with it and give (((very persuasive arguements))) against it at the same time?
>We are a very liberal people and distance ourselves from nazism, whether you like it or not, because national socialism is literally an excuse for holocausts.
Good goy.
>We are a very liberal people and distance ourselves from nazism, whether you like it or not, because national socialism is literally an excuse for holocausts
Classic german taqiyya
oy vey I'm in danger
I like how they show that version and not the actual reprint version with a white cover that is edited from 200 original pages with an additional 1800 pages with (((professors))) explaining why Hitler is bad.
The people buying the reprint are antifa who wants to appear smart, nothing else.
Jup, it is kinda ridicolous.
The book is horrible on its own and now you have some fagits in it debunking all the nonsense that is contained by this really shitty book.
USA do something to help poor israel!
inb4 people buy it so they could burn it on twitter
and doesn't the money go to some jewish ww2 charity shit?
I'm always very scared when I hear Germans speak about this.. they are so obviously brainwashed and taught so many lies. It's really frightning how you can morally disarm a people like this. I will pray for you Heinz.
Oh no we're not falling for that one again Hans
It's an abbreviated, annotated version.
They removed some of his more controversial statements and also added pages of discussion about the contents.
It's not the original work.
Eat shit you subhuman proxy fag.
Sieg Heil
So it's basically like Cliff Notes for how to be a Nazi?
Oh yeah that's great. Nigger-tier nazis. That's what we need.
I'm glad they're seeing straight again
The print is unedited, but there's contextual annotations, as far as reports I've read have said.
Besides, being too defensive in the "annotations" could have the exact opposite effect.
Yeah it is scary, you got a point there
Would there be a market to print the real deal and sell it?
Germans are Making Germany Great Again.
you do know that liberalism is another word for left and guess whats on the left? thats right know what the nazi were? thats right you guest it socialist. well technically communist but still socialist. and fuck you people say that nazi germany and socialist russia are right wingers. but the hard truth both stalin and hitler were "feels" before "reals" men. makes me a little sad that hitler was a liberal
I'm not saying 6 million more, because that would be illegal.
Liberation time!
illegal over there
Illegality didn't exactly stop Hitler last time around.
>We are a very liberal people and distance ourselves from nazism, whether you like it or not, because national socialism is literally an excuse for holocausts.
>being too defensive in the "annotations" could have the exact opposite effect
This never stopped liberals.
u srs?
We had like three copies in my middle school library.
>well technically communist
Kill yourself
Hitler did nothing illegal from 1933 to 1945
We simply changed the laws and applied to them to nazi-germany in retrospective, which is morally grey to say the least.
What a much better world it was when an honest man could gas the kikes without breaking the law
They legit have censorship of literature?
>morally gray
>not having your own set of morals
>mfw Hitler escaped during WW2 and has been waiting for the perfect time to come back and lead Germany
Seems a little racist desu
Bavarian government got the copy rights for the book after WW2 and refused to reprint it.
This copyright expired recently, that is why it was reprinted.
This isn't new.
Mein Kampf was #1 on German Amazon for like a year.
Germany is getting pretty angry at all the Muslim refugees trying to turn Germany into another version of Syria.
>you know what the nazi were? thats right you guest it socialist. well technically communist but still socialist.
Is that why Hitler called communism one of the world's greatest evils?
>And that's when I said, the democrats are the real racists! Speaking of which, check out this dank black guy in a Trump hat, fucking based!
68 percent of Germans feel like Terrorism and Refugees are unrelated. So the germans still have hope even if they like to read comedic tragedies
I hereby nominate you for Goy of the Year.
It's just the beginning.
Keep going, neighbours.
Ja. I'm so angry, ich posten about it on the internet.
Did they happen to conduct this survey at a university?
but its not, "charge you with a federal offence" banned?
I don't think Germans are allowed to attend universities, are they?
apparently the first annotated print is available which helped pick up sales.
Just shows you how stupid krauts are when they BUY an ANNOTATED (read: full of disinfo and with parts left out) version when they can download the original for free on the internet.
>130 year old Hitler leads Germany into the 5th Reich
Not officially. Just like Germany has officially freedom of expression, nevertheless people got their lives ruined for voicing the wrong expressions and not just for holocaust denial and racism.
Some politicians have threatened to take people reprinting it to courts though.
he called communism evil because it was run by jews, not because it was a shitty ideology to begin with
Maybe they are buying it read about the QT3.14 SS girls?
We see this every other month. It's just a meme by the (((media))) the krauts will never uncuck themselves.
Good luck, German Bro.
I hear the SJW is pretty bad in Europe.
It also helped that the news sites, at the time, were saying it was a good thing because they're were annotated notes about how Hitler was wrong about everything.
all memes aside
>in germany, copyright ends 70 years after author's death
>state of bavaria inherited publishing rights from hitler in 1946 because his official place of residence was munich
>they did not reprint it for 70 years
>on the 1st of january 2016 the copyright ended
it became an instant bestseller as soon as it was re-released a year ago and sold out day one.
the book is not censored but contains over 3500 (((critical footnotes)))
Be silent, proxyfag
In the event that you're actually German, your great grandparents and everyone before them would like to disagree
You are liberal amongst yourselves but with no one else
He literally hated the ideology though. And the ideology was conceived by a jew (Marx) to begin with.
Wow berry prestigious honours
fucking germans like taking in their ass deep right :)
>Sieg Heil
Germany NO!
From Mein Kampf:
>It is not the mass that invents and not the majority that organizes or thinks, but in all things only and always the individual man, the person.
These are muslims buying these books, guaranteed.
hmm I dunno man, he did institue a lot of socialist policies during his time as chancellor
in my opinion, hitler was socially far right but economically far left
w-where can you download for free user? I-its for research purposes =DDD
So? Stalin had Trotsky killed, which one was the real communist?
What is the source of this NatSoc qtpie?
I ask kindly as an afficionado of qt natso/c/cies.
Good goy.
I wonder how long it will take for all the anti-german propaganda to disappear.
Well nothing Germany did within their own borders was illegal.
only if you're muslim
It's just the edited version with comments from historians and authors. Not even worth reading.
That's right GER brothers. It's time to stop being such fucking cucks and Make Germany Great Again!
It was banned until a few months ago.
Thats why everyone is reading it
Trotsky. Stalin was just an opportunistic puppet-master, not really beholden to any particular ideology, just his desire for power. Pure evil.
Except Stalin didn't write an entire manifesto about how he wants Trotsky dead. Stalin wasn't exactly a "real communist" anyway, that was Lenin if anybody.
Scheiß kanacke :^)
He hated capitalism
Dat's right goyim
Better pay dem reparations
Kim pls don't start...
Calm your tits, Germany. Last time you got excited, wasn't pleasant to anyone involved, you included.
Kim fuck off, go nuke worst korea
Not allowed in Germany
RIP in pieces Merkel
He hated both communism and capitalism.
We do too, leaf.
Good goy!
Who are you trying to trick filthy jew?
They have Internet for normal people in North Korea?