Man banned from Starbucks for asking girl on date

>So I gave her a note to see if she’d be interested in dinner,” the man wrote in a Facebook post.
>He said that when he went back the next day, a police officer told him he was banned from the Starbucks.
>It is an uncomfortable position no girl want to be put in.

You guys aren't rapist refugees tier """men""" who think this is appropriate, right?

Other urls found in this thread:

Poor fuckin dude

>I gave her a note

If he was a refugee, he could've just raped her right there and then and he'd still get his state sponsored coffee the next morning.

>leaving her a note
Yeah that's creepy as fuck don't do this

from the article: "I have a whole webpage dedicated to age gap love."

>Sup Forums hasnt read about mr.telomeres

The guy is literally insane. I'll try to find the webpage he speaks about in the article, it's filled with crazy stuff.

Man asks girl on date, gets smacked down, doesn't feel good and changes - MGTOW. Many such cases!

people should start posing as refugees/muslims so they have special legal status when they rape murder.

if he was a muslim he could say they're racist and sue them. same thing if he's a refugee.

>37 year old man asking a 16 year old on a date
I mean banning him is a little much especially since he did it through something as non aggressive as a note (I assume it had his number on it), but that is a little creepy.

>“I know the female Starbucks barista was of legal age to date,” the man said. “I broke no laws. I merely took a chance with my heart. I’m tired of hearing the word ‘creep’ as any black person or gay person is tired of hearing certain words. I have a whole webpage dedicated to age gap love.”
It's best that this man not reproduce.

This is creepy as fuck, he absolutely deserved to be banned.

Found it.

This is the guy in the article.

That guy is literally insane and it probably shows.

was he a nigger though?

The guy is named Lucas Werner. He is a lolcow that had been tracked by a cringe blog for a long time before.
He is basically a homeless autist who is obsessed with dating young girls. He thinks he is a genius who has figured out that old men like him have a magical chemical called telomerase in them that reverses the aging of young girls when they suck his dick (I'm not joking.)
Pic related is the note.

I didn't save it but they showed the notes where he talks about inseminating her and shit. He's a flip. Don't buy into the sensationalist garbage.



>I have a whole webpage dedicated to age gap love.

MGTOW will defend this

>old men have better children
Old men are more likely to produce downies.

first picture confirms he's Sup Forums's problem.

Back transcript:
There’s this chemical in my body Telomerase All men past 35 automatically become ideal fathers because It feeds offspring stronger DNA Its been a year Its been 5 years since I’ve had sex Why do I feel this need to be inside of you?


Yeah well, that's actually really creepy.

>Gays can get married
>Interracial relationships are celebrated
>A man in a dress with 5 o'clock shadow expects to be referred to as a "she"
>Adultery has become destigmatized
>Premarital sex is now considered normal
>Divorce is now morally acceptable
>Monogamy is under siege

Somehow, age gaps, which were prevalent in relationships for a good chunk of Western History, are a major problem.

>I have a whole webpage dedicated to age gap love

The fact that he has this page isn't even the weird part. Why would he even say this out loud and why does his stream of consciousness work like that

Theyre pretty creepy desu

My girlfriend linked this guy's Facebook page to me a week ago, it's the funniest thing I've ever read in my life.

No fuck you. This isn't some anti leftist Hill for you to die on, this guy is a fucking weirdo and should be gassed along with gays and muslims and whatever.

Have to not heard about him? He has a literal Webpage filled with autistic rants about how he's so alone, how younger women need his time Larose, how he's homeless, how young men have tainted the gene pool with their young sperm, etc

he also has a Youtube channel and is insanely creepy

he needs his own wiki page

Children can't consent you weirdo

Another pic
He also talks about young women who supported Bernie are obligated to sleep with him because he is homeless and it is classist not to.

>B-but why are our birth rates plummeting? Must be the right wing's fault, let's import some more refugees!

oh, lucas werner.

check the thread about him on lolcowDOTfarm

dudes batshit insane

The age gap is not the problem.

>Gave her a note

>Do you like me?
>Yes [ ]
>No [ ]
>Maybe [ ]
>Tick one :)

how is it creepy though

>"I have a whole webpage dedicated to age gap love."

No wiki but this blog here has an extensive collection dubbed the werner files.

>this was in Spokane
Spokucks BTFO, Western Washington master race

telomerase is a real thing. A telomere is a DNA section at the end of a chromosome. Normally it gets shorter everytime the DNA gets copied. (This way a cell knows how often it has divided itself, ages this way and stops dividing at some point). Stemcells f(or example) have telomerase to prevent parts of telemere being cut off, so they don't age. Also in your balls and shit

but it doesn't work the way he thinks

Not really. Much less creepy than gays, interracial dating, etc.

Speaking in generalities. This guy's awful; however, there's literally nothing wrong with age gaps.


>being feminist anglos


>Many people took to the Spokane Starbucks’ Facebook page to praise the store for barring the man from the location.
>“I have never been so proud to be a Starbucks customer!” one user wrote.
Lmao @ Starbucks for using this as an opportunity to shill for itself

>I did not ask her to have sex with me.
>Why do I feel this need to be inside you?


That's female for "anything that I don't like but am not eloquent enough to explain why I don't like it"

And now I want Starbucks

>37 year old man creeping on a teenager

Are you old or something? Why are you defending this guy?

We've had this thread before. Turns out the guy is a super-weirdo that wrote an insanely weird facebook screed after the fact where he talked about how love between old/young people should be normalized. He's not as worthy of pity as these articles might have you believe. Hopefully someone saved that screenshot of his post.

>and now I want Starbucks
overpriced and shit taste, user.

They're not, being creepy as fuck is.

Old autists are creepier than young autists because they had more time to figure shit out. If they still haven't it's the ultimate red flag.

Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/

>oyyy veyyy age gap is practically pedophilia! you need to be EQUAL to your partner, goy!

Autists should be put in the "care" of animal control if they're unable to participate in normal society.

>“I know the female Starbucks barista was of legal age to date,” the man said. “I broke no laws. I merely took a chance with my heart. I’m tired of hearing the word ‘creep’ as any black person or gay person is tired of hearing certain words. I have a whole webpage dedicated to age gap love.”

>I have a whole webpage dedicated to age gap love


Yeah, there's probably more to this story than the little note. Dude was probably staring her down while sweating profusely and sporting a visible erection.

I don't have anything against fucking 16 year olds, I have something against this guy fucking anybody.


It's female for "I don't want to mate with you, fuck off". They don't need to explain it any more than guys need to explain why they don't want a chick around

Nah senpai, I'm young. I just have realized that it's far better for me to finish Uni, get a job and then marry some conservative qt that isn't used goods.

That means, in the future, I'll have to be dating younger.

That Christmas cold spice cream thing is pretty good

When will Sup Forums take the telomerase pill?

>guy was 37
>girl was 16

Good, they should send him off to camp too for being a pedophile

white knight cuckold

The guy broke two important rules: don't hit on the help unless you know you've got it in the bag, and don't hit on underage girls. Was it worth a banning? Probably not, but he should be too ashamed to show his face again.

He not only wrote the soft-serve ice cream line, he actually went back, re-read what he wrote, and fucking corrected it.

Women will call holding a door open for them "creepy," dont be a white knight faggot

>cum on the floor

If the guy wasn't a creep he'd have figured out that there's a whole subsection of young girls that are turned on as fuck solely by 35+ yo guys.

>holds doors for women
>calls others white knight faggot

Age gap and young marriage in general only existed in royalty and extremely wealthy families.

Logically entitled to pussy

>being creepy as fuck is a major problem
>anything that [[[triggers]]] a woman is a major social issue


well let natural selection take place, he doesn't need to be gassed just for creeping some teenage Bernie supporter barista out.

>Creepy old guy stalks young girls and gets rejected after multiple cases of being a creeper.

Sucks to be him. I'm 27 and can still get teen girls fawning over me.

Just got done in an r9k thread where they were posting a bunch of vids of college girls getting blacked. Its one thing to see it in porn, but to see actual real life white college girls getting pounded and filmed by niggers makes me fucking sick.

In relation to this thread, if you are a white male you are literally not allowed to show interest in females anymore. You have to wait for interest from them, which rarely happens because it is not how nature works.

Niggers and foreigeners are allowed to hit on our women though, because 'they dont know any better' and everyone expects them to be that way, they are just 'fun guys.' We have been purposely, socially handicapped.

>Old men are more likely to produce downies.
Shhh you'll trigger the retards here who don't have a background in genetics. They think it's only on the girl's side.

It's been awhile since genetics...but I believe telomerase is an enzyme that works on telomeres, the end caps of chromosomes. Telomeres begin to break down in all people around the age of 20, one of the reasons why people get old and die.

Not sure where he got his fancy theory from...

>not holding the door shut until the bitch gives up, and then opening it for her

If you want to get laid by young girls then yeah, it's a major problem.

>Beta kissless virgins of Sup Forums will defend this creep

>I'm not a pedo but it's not because I'm not attracted to children

It must have been terrifying for her

AT&T is a much better place to pick up chicks btw. They hire slutty ones

>not a creep

That population of girls has risen drastically in the last two years. The whole daddy-dom thing is now all the rage more than ever. There's obviously something wrong with the old man.

>wanting to fuck young, physically mature adults is a problem
feminist kike spotted

Women are retarded

It's 2017

Reminder that Nu-Males ARE the problem.

lel, link that guy to Common Spic.

Maybe you're not allowed.

Weird, I've hit on at least 5 girls a day since forever and nothing bad ever happened (unless you consider a woman cussing you out once in a while bad).


It's more of a risk if the woman is too old, but yes, older men still offer the risk.


> I want something from somebody therefore I must have it.

entitled loser spotted

Thank you, Kim

Age gaps are degenerate as fuck.

Reagonomics but with genes.
This guy should write the next metal gear solid.

I'm a degenerate if I'm almost 30 and into legal-aged teens.

Nigel, please.

No, old women are more likely to produce downies.

Old men are more likely to produce aspies.

I didn't say that

I'm saying that your "creepy!" prohibitionism is a feminist ploy, because that's what it is. If every female married when they were 16-18 to a male who is 5-10 years older, society would probably be a lot better because women need to be kept in their place by men.

A 16yr old female barista was flirting with a 37yr old male customer.

Should that not be considered creepy and contrary to company policy interms of employee/customer interaction?

He should be focusing on taking the Bogdanov pill instead, it's the only logical path to progress

lel underrated