Alright nerds. You have TEN seconds to tell me why I should trust Trump even though he's a bigot
Btw I'm a femanon
Alright nerds. You have TEN seconds to tell me why I should trust Trump even though he's a bigot
Btw I'm a femanon
Other urls found in this thread:
tits or gtfo
tits of gtfo
You know the drill, post tits
because you have literally no choice, he's been elected, get over it
he's gonna be an absolutely underwhelming president
tits or gtfo
How am I meant to think of a response, write it down, and complete a captcha in 10 seconds?
tits or gtfo
cuz he is cool lol
BTW i am 12
post tits you kuffar whore
We demand tits
No thanks
I beg to differ. In MY opinion he's going to be the most extreme president America has ever had which could even be compared to Hitler. Not as evil but much MUCH more unintelligent. Which is also just as dangerous.
Your presumption is false.
Fuck off CTR.
You shouldn't.
>doesn't post tits
Ma'am, you're in violation if internet law. Either post your tits or remove yourself from the premise.
>What is FDR or Regan
You have a grave misunderstanding of how this works.
>what is every president prior to the cucks of the post WWII era
Pol is too pro-trump
But the truth is
> trust a politician
You really shouldn't, ever
I bet this bitch doesn't even have a feminine penis. Get out of here you slag.
he's only a bigot towards subhumans
Where are the tits?
What does being a bigot have to do with anything?
tits or gtfo, cunt
tits aren't good enough
you have TEN seconds to prove you aren't a trap
Fucking retards stop bumping this thread.
he's literally hitler!
But I know my intuition and that's the best way to decipher any situation. Science has also backed up this fact.
At least post timestamp with face
Because his daughter is the leading champion for paid maternity leave. Which influenced Trump to develop his own maternity leave plan. But you won't care considering you give yourself so much self worth that you feel the need to tell us that you're a girl. How about you take a look at the money that is already being invested and the jobs that a being invested instead of coming up with reasons to be scared. Btw I'm Hispanic. X3
I don't have to prove SHIT to you.
If I was a male would you still be asking this question?
>(((she))) doesn't even know
Wew lass.
No, because we automatically assume everyone on Sup Forums is a dude. If you say, "I'm a woman," people are going to want proof.
you shouldn't trust anybody. Not even yourself.jpg.
But seriously, don't trust Trump because he's a slimy rich guy. Trusting any rich person is just asking to get fucked in the ass. I voted for Clinton but I sure as fuck didn't trust her. Not one bit.
Trump will be temporary, so don't bother. Just fight for your interests and those you share common interests with.
Trump is your president,fuck you
>why I should trust Trump
He will make anime real.
Post tits with a time stamp you worthless attention whore
>my argument consists of him being a bigot
Why are you on this board again, as you clearly have no idea what you are talking about?
Being a "bigot" is literally a non-issue.
Which is kind of a moot point since Trump isn't even one. But there would be literally nothing wrong with him being one.
Tits or gtfo
Because it doesn't matter if you're a bigot or whatever his personal believes are. What matter is his willingness to help and better his country instead of milking it dry and selling it to the left.
Whatever your personal beef with the guy is doesn't matter in the slightest. He has an entire team with different background and believes and an entire congress to moderate any extremism you think he might have.
It's time the blacks, the woman and the entire left learns that their feeling do not matter, at all.
Show tits and lurk more.
You've made your level of intelligence apparent through your OP.
Try to actually understand what you're being hostile to before being so hateful.
Most of us are hateful because we know things. You are hateful in ignorance, likely willfully.
>btw im a gril
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards
City people all voted for Hillary.
Hitler was not evil, you dumb bitch
If you had posted the thread without identifying gender it would have been fine but the identification of gender = attention seeking. Therefore the only reasonable response for an attention seeker is to first validate that you are indeed what you say you are (if you have any experience in here you will note that evidence is demanded of any LARPers if they are to be taken seriously). The same thing is demanded of you as you are essentially LARPing.
You have ten seconds for Tits or GTFO... you know the rules.
He has mad bantz and makes me chuckle some times
I approve.
So is Benjamin.
hitler singlehandedly fought most of europe, russia and the muricans while giving them a hard battle. someone unintelligent wouldnt have been able to withstand such forces for 6 years.
he still was a jewish plant to fake the holocaust to give them legitimization of israel while giving jews a magic shield against all criticism, but he wasnt stupid.
there is a reason by the way the jews always started the "6 million jews in danger of death" narrative because their scripts says they can come back to israel when they are 6 million less. so they tried to fake it all the time until with hitler they finally got a credible storyline giving legitimization of israel among their own people (since they are now allowed to go back to israel) and among foreigners (because the poor jews). thats why it is so important for them that no less than 6 million died in the holocaust
Nice LARP faggot
>Hey guys, tell me how X is wrong
This is your mind on female
>in MY opinion
No one gives a fuck what your opinion is, cunt. Sage.
You dont deserve my opinion.
piss off
It does not matter because you're singling ME out because of MY gender.
If you have nothing else to add to your load of bullshit then I'd suggest you stop replying back to me.
Tits or gtfo
we dont single anyone out who brings good arguments. being a girl isnt an argument and thus unnecessary to tell people. by doing that you tried to get social bonuspoints on here. now you are crying around because you dont get said bonuspoints and throw around the mysoginism card. so you probably really are a female or just a good larper. i dont even care because either way its irrelevant to the discussion.
if you want an honest tip: wait till this thread is archived, wait till noone remembers it, and remake it but leave the "muh vagina" stuff out and pray that its not seen as bait (which this here most probably is already even if OP isnt aware of it him/herself)
The one place op that you can trully be treated equally and you wave your vag card no women want to be treated equally its a joke otherwise you wouldn't have told us about your vag