>there are people who unironically support the fucking Israeli kikes and their war crimes on THIS BOARD RIGHT NOW
Get the fuck out! OUT OUT OUT!
Jewish subversion
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck u isreal belongs to the jewish people
The Israeli flag's Six Pointed Star of Moloch. or better said satanism. It is an occult symbol that goes by different names, i.e. the Star of Remphan or the Seal of Solomon.
6 – Pointed star
6 – Triangles comprise the star
6 – The triangles sit on a hexagon
The hexagram of the synagogue of Satan are the geometrical equivalent of 666. The mark of the beast is the hexagram in the middle of the flag of Israel; the world headquarters for the New World Order that worships the beast (Lucifer) and the antiChrist (son of Lucifer).
God destroyed Israel twice and now Lucifer is rebuilding Israel thru his agents the Satan worshiping Rothschilds. Any Christian that supports Israel is not standing with God but is siding with the Synagogue of Satan.. The third Jewish temple will welcome the AntiChrist as God incarnate.. God has told you that "You are for Me..Or Against Me!"
John 8:44 is very clear about the nature of the Jews:
"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."
Jews are Satan's children, sent to Earth in order to destroy everything that God created.
What this man says.
Israel is a meme state that exists solely by "virtue" of the (((UN))) and cunts like Rothschilds. It should not exist, let alone take territory from palestinians.
I mean fuck Arabs but fuck jews infinitely more.
This. Watch Marching to Zion if you're not convinced.
An additional Jewish subversion redpill:
Pornography is a Jewish invention made to undermine the moral values of Christian nations. Look at the credits for any porno, it reads like a Tel Aviv phone book.
> Siding with mudshits
Back to Germany you go.
Bump for truth.
See also Revelation 3:9
>siding with Israel
Not letting Hitler gas the shit out of you here was a massive mistake
hillary lost, get over it, libtard.
Really made me think
it's bait to support trump? perhaps you think you're on tumblr, shill.
Imo they are mostly paid Israel enthusiasts, no one with eyes, ears and a working brain actually supports zioschlomo
>supports israel
>calls other people libtards
GTFO with your elections bullshit, nobody cares fucking newfag. You cant be redpilled and support fucking Israel, JIDF.
trump supports israel you leftist cuck.
>daily reminder that no Jew knows exactly the "origin" of their symbol
>daily reminder that the Torah (Old testatment in the bible), is THE jewish book, yet jews don't follow it nor do they follow the 10 commandements from God (Thou shall not steal... lmao)
>daily reminder that Jews are literally the slime of the Earth. As a Christian, I'd take a muslim over a jew every single time
Fuck jews
Then Trump is a cuck but this isnt what this thread is about you massive homo.
I dont give a flying shit if Trump supports the tooth fairy or Skyrim.
The jew shills will go away after a while. This happens from time to time.
haha wow so butthurt. Hillary lost, get over it. jesus christ you libtards are all cry babies.
Also Trump is not some grand prophet that divines the will of this board or the right wing. Just because he has a certain policy does not mean you should change your views entirely and follow blindly. Thats pretty much the difinition of being a bluepilled cuck
Israel literally did nothing wrong and Sup Forums cannot prove otherwise no matter how hard they try
>Also Trump is not some grand prophet
we get it, you voted for hillary. Now leave politics to the adults, whiny libtard.
No let's gas all the allahu akbar types like yourself.
Sup Forums has been infliltrated by muslims and muslim sympathizers that need to be shot on sight! there also should be a rule that you have to eat bacon before you get access to this site.
Unironically getting paid to shitpost you mean.
Fuck Hillarts asshole till she bleeds the baby blood she survives on. I dont give a shit. She has the exact same stance on Israel as Trump. Every US politician ultimately does. You cant criticise Israel, especially in an election campaign. Doing that is literally considered political suicide. I wonder why?
The kikes in Israel are better than the kikes in my country.
We need to ally ourselves with other ethno-states. The multicultists are our real enemy. Israel owes the Nazis an apology and assistance.
In this board we support and will always support Israel. Now gtfo
are you retarded? how can hillary be pro-israel if trump is? do you not understand anything? you libtards are fucking moronic.
Gas them both you cuck. Supporting Israel goes against everything this board stands for.
>Pornography is a Jewish invention
No dumb muslim retard, it's a greek invention. Deport yourself.
>Sup Forums #standswithher and always has
fuck off back to tumblr, shill.
t. Brainwashed goy
How can you be so retarded about the variety of political ideologies and be constantly exposed to different views on Sup Forums. There are plenty of criticisms of Trump that could be applied to Hillary. They're both shit, and now trump has come out as a literal Zionist shill.
have you seen the drama today during the trial?
Piss off abu al goatfucker, you and your stone age religion will be eradicated from this world.
Day of that giant black shoe box being demolished is coming.
Biggest cuck in the thread. Fuck Hillary and Trump
Ok m8. You're being a shitty troll, we get it.
I can't believe hillary is still paying you retards to shill for her. or maybe you're just so brainwashed you're doing it for free now. either way, sad!
Eat shit faggot. I bet you cry over dead muslims.
Soros and the international jewry are the problem and it's apparent that they are not loyal to Israel.
>anybody I dont like is a Muslim
Did CTR fire you and you found a job at JIDF, Serbshill?
Whats that? JIDF are being faggots on this board? Whats new?
The "Palestinians" aren't a real peoples, the land was Ottoman prior as well. Also, it's already documented in many towns Jews were a majority. Late 19th century Jerusalem was majority Jewish.
But please tell me what the nearly two dozen Arab nations have provided to the world compared to the untold number of advancements the Jews/Israel has contributed to the world.
Ex: if you're running a modern Intel cpu, chances are it was actually developed and manufactured at their Israel R&D center. So if you really despise them that much, you might as well start with your PC and other devices that had underwent Jewish R&D
Tl;dr- enjoy living a wonderful life thanks to the Jews.
>I'm not a Muslim, I just have the same goals as Muslims, but I call myself X.
If it talks like a duck...
>the man who was cucked to death- the post
The kikes don't eat bacon either dumbfuck. They're both sandniggers.
you're the cuck who is so feminized you wanted a woman president lmao.
Map is wrong in its entirety. All that land was British, Palestine only exists as a region under the Mandate and has only ever been used as a regional name for 4,000 years.
But since you actually think that was a state, tell me who the leader was during that period and explain why the curency was the direct equivalent to the British pound
Also explain why the Palestine Post was (later renamed the Jerusalem Post after the mandate) Jewish, their bank was Jewish, soccer team was Jewish, the list goes on.
"Palestinians" are not Arabs, they're regional Jews.
>I just have the same goals as Muslims,
So.. The Nazis and literally every civilization prior to the 20th century were Muslims? Interesting
>there are people who unironically think the most racist/tribalist group of people on the planet want to flood the countries they inhabit with niggers and third worlders to destroy the white race that many of them have mixed with for 2 millenia because only white people threaten their dominance (what are asians)
Top kek. The Jews obviously want to shift the overton window and are encouraging the superior races to despise the lesser ones in preparation for the upcoming race war.
Trump understands this.
G-d bless the chosen ones.
>babbys first shitpost
Lol wut Im not even American.
Somebody fix this JIDF bot
we all know foreigners like you voted to try and rig the election, retard.
..... holy shit this guy.
>Sup Forums unironically worships a man who filled his cabinet full of kike lobbyists and supports the state of Israel and has already gone back on his promise to build a wall
>can't see he's a shill
>if anyone dares criticize him they're a "Hillary supporter" even if they voted for him.
>Sup Forums has become so cucked that they unironically support Israel even though Israel attacked U.S. ships in the 60s and bleeds the U.S. of billions of dollars every year.
The kikes and their puppet (Trump) sure have turned this board to shit.
>He thought studying science and math in school was more important that getting a good bible score.
>It's too late now and his bible score is still low
>everywhere you go in capitalist society there are Jews and conservatives cursing and profiting from those with low bible score.
>This isn't going to stop until you either take out Old Testament based religions or the entire world becomes Paleo-Conservative.
Embrace the trauma, it never ends.
I think it's mostly subversion and trolls mixed with some who unironically think Trump can do no wrong. Either way, we have to make it clear that we have to make it clear that the US has no place supporting Israel. Our middle eastern policy is a train wreck because of them and they do not need any of our money, no matter how bad they want missiles.
Fuck off shitlib
People STILL dont realize that the jews are playing both sides like they always do. I know Im Swiss and we're biologically wired to spot and outjew jewish tricks but COME ON.
Yes perhaps Trump was the better option.
But that does NOT mean we should all go #nutsforisrael.
We should send all muslims from western countries to Israel. This would solve almost all problems in the west and middle east
Go away muslim
No one is gonna buy into your religion of """peace"""
Allahu akbar kaffir. Pay jizzya or die.
>implying that's what he's talking about
>attempting to strawman this hard
Schlomo pls go.
stfu semite piece of shit genetics
You should update your map Milutin.
Wait, is it Kosovo ?...My bad no forget it.
Nice ID pham
Says the guy that would behead a six year old and rape the corpse for drawing Muhammad.
Sick fucks.
Plain and simple goys you are either with us or against us
With us - Your country will prosper, your life will be good
Against us - See pic related
Nice try cryptokike
>moving the goal post
>implying everyone who doesn't like being cucked by kikes is a mudslime
Your tricks never cease to amaze me chaim.
Nice doubles Swissbro.
We're against you merchant. And doing much better than you.
>he literally admits it.
What more proof does this board need?
>doubles of truth again.
Eats shit subhuman semite. Gtfo of my country.
Who even said that i was jewish?
Nah I'm just a guy that would rather have jewish neighbors than muslim neighbors.
At least with jewish neighbors i don't have to worry about getting beheaded or getting slaughtered for eating pig meat and not praying to a fucking square cube in the desert.
Also fuck off achmed, your six year old slave bride is trying to run away again cunt.
Get out of here you fucking nigger. Back to Germaniye with you. Go be a cuck over there, meanwhile we'll do business with the people capable of running a country. Go back to your people and suck mudshit cock over there.
Fucking euroniggers, you come here, leech welfare and vote greens and other leftwingers. Either go back or KILL YOURSELF.
No you just have to worry about the destruction of your country, race, mind and freedom. But other than that you're fine.
Muslims kill people, kikes destroy civilizations
I don't want either one of them as neighbors you dumb cuck.
the point I'm making is that it's not my country's responsibility to fund Israel. Especially after they napalmed one of our ships (The U.S.S. Liberty) in the 60s.
That's what happens when you "ally" yourself with back stabbing kikes but knowing a cuck like you, that sort of thing doesn't bother you.
> No you just have to worry about the destruction of your country, race, mind and freedom
Im Swiss you absolute dipshit kike.
What the fuck is your problem?
Mudshits are disgusting but being a kikelover is worthy of death.
Jews and and Anti-Whites are not acceptable as neighbors.
So your okay with a muslim murdering you and raping your children because you didn't follow a stupid religion?
I know the shit the jews do and they don't come close to extreme bullshit the muslims do you fucking islam dick sucking dumbass.
And I'm no fucking jewish supporter either, i just like to keep my head on my body and eat pork without some edgy brown fuck holding a sword glaring at me because i offended his feelings oh boo fucking hoo.
>tfw you'll never live in a universe where Hitler won
Feels bad man
>if you dont suck jew cock you like to live under sharia law
Nice strawman there, kike
>So your okay with a muslim murdering you and raping your children because you didn't follow a stupid religion?
Nope. You're moving the goal post again like a typical Jew.
>I know the shit the jews do and they don't come close to extreme bullshit the muslims do you fucking islam dick sucking dumbass.
And my country isn't officially "allied" to mudslimes either you deceptive kike.
>And I'm no fucking jewish supporter either, i just like to keep my head on my body and eat pork without some edgy brown fuck holding a sword glaring at me because i offended his feelings oh boo fucking hoo.
I find that hard to believe as much as you're shilling for Israel. Not to mention it's the Jew politicians and lobbyists who push for the United States and Europe to bring in more Muslims but you purposely omitted that, didn't you Schlomo?
Never stop fighting comrade. Help is on the way.
If you don't hold up neutrality and independence you are a fucking collaborator. Leave the country and go suck your German masters dick. The only mistake made in Swiss history was to not round up Kaiser/German/Euro sympathisers and burn them on the Bundesplatz.
You mudslime fucks are stubborn then liberals with their Hillary memes
You tell me then fucknut, what makes your shitty, barbaric, trashed religion """peaceful"""?
Because there is a fuckton of historical events that can easily show why it is not peaceful and everyone else can easily back it up too so tell me what makes your pathetic religion any better?
You naive little child.
Im all for neutrality and independance from Eurocucks.
Im also all for us gassing the jews.
And gassing the muslims as well or does that offend you?
JIDF what part of me hating both mudslimes and you kikes do you not understand?
>>wew a muzzie or tel avivian do a shitpost!!
>>it speaks for all of israel!!!!
we cannot be nationalists and yet ignore the fact that nationalism is viewd as fascism in the world.
furthermore that it is denied from other people, whites should have the right to have autonomy, i grow tired from seeing traditional folks in films and EVERY context the media has to offer as backwards irrelevant people, in their view a conservative cennot adjust to change and fear it,they also think that conservatives hate others for no reasons.
you should know shlomko that you fall in the same category as other nationalists, the libs are attacking us 24\7 so its most foolish to create unnecessarily antagonism.
>>>anybody I dont like is JIDF!!!!!
this kike knows his shit
> Cucking for sandniggers in secret cuz we scared
Get out now. Leave, nobody will miss you.
Arab Nations is an oxymoron. All Semites are equally mongrels, Jews and Arabs are equal.
I dont approve either. But this neutrality is a meme when our govt does shit like this.
Into the ovens you go my hooknosed friend
The Israeli state is a spook
Oh but if it was any muslim flags you would obviously believe him and support his post and even let him fuck your wife right?
You hypothetical sand nigger.
Wow you never run out of strawman arguments do you Shlomo?
We've been through this.