>took IQ test
>hardly tried
>score 127
>need 132 to be in Mensa
Should I try to be a Mensan and make friends with other Mensans? Are they redpilled?
Are Mensans redpilled?
Do you want to?
> pay money so you can identify with a club for societal rejects
sounds real smart, senpai
Do you have to have a certificate that says you're smart, chances are you're not that smart.
>not just a circlejerk
No. The true redpilled path is to blend in to normie society and rule them with your hidden super intelligence.
They're one of the single most bluepilled crybaby attention whore groups in existence.
what do you think a PhD is? Or even certification for that matter ya dummy.
Am actually in Mensa, they're mostly circlejerking 40-50 year olds who joined to feel relevant in their dead-end life.
It's actually quite sad. But I do enjoy having a membership card in my wallet validating my ego, I guess. If you're joining for the social aspect, expect alot of 'board game nights'.
>took IQ test
>got 172
>left after a few years because it was boring after two specific people died
>and holy shit the number of smokers in mensa
I said smart, not educated.
Intelligent people are naturally more drawn to novelty like drugs :^)
My aunt's a mensan and rubs it in everyone's face, yet lacks total common sense and a knowledge of virtually everything. She just reads books and watches Big Bang Theory.
Baring that in mind, I wholeheartedly believe a good majority of Sup Forums must be of a high intelligence, considering the amount of philosophical and intellectual shitfits I see on here daily.
TLDR: Sup Forums is gene-ass, Mensa is for egomaniacs. Egomania is degenerate.
The negros must truly be a former space faring people
>paying money to be part of the 'super smart club'
No, mensa is a test.
>took IQ test
>tried my hardest
>scored 98
>at least I'm not a nigger
Could you stop reposting the shit quality one?
If somebody enjoys the big bang theory, I think that's definitive proof they're fucking retards.
Thanks for the genuine laugh. You must have some Anglo blood in you, that was a witty one.
>actually have an IQ of 144
>I don't use it on anything worth while
>Self employed though
I'm really sorry guys
It's funny how all these supposed intellectuals congregate in one place, yet fail at producing anything of worth or beneficial to society.
It's a cult lad
Board games are a patrician pastime though.
youre a smart nigger
we produce dank memes
usually those high IQ-results come from intense exercise and practice from other IQ tests. They have studied how IQ Tests are designed and formed to exploit their weaknesses.
fMRI scans give better indicators on intelligence.
>need a certificate to feel smart
Literal definition of bluepill.
It is not the literal definition of a blue pill.
you use it to rub it into the faces of easily impressionable idiots
>being this autistic
>You must have some Anglo blood in you
we germans are known for being very comedic in Europe, especially with practical jokes
the unfunny germanz meme is Made In Americaâ„¢
Dammit Hans, I fucking spit on my desk. Heartiest kek I've had all day.
yeah we think of you guys as being extremely good technical skill people like brabus who machines of millimeters in the inside of engine blocks, but not necessarily funny
>IQ maymay
You are retarded
>tfw didnt got into any club and got mensa score
Your jokes are like your technology, when they work, they are the best, when they don't, run.
I considered joining at one point, however I wasn't really sure what the point was. Is there actually a point to Mensa beyond its members sat around masturbating their own egos?
Besides which, now that I've been on Sup Forums for a while, I'd probably end up being surrounded by insufferable libs and I'd have to leave after a while.
>Tfw to intelligent to score over 115 on an IQ test
I think it's quite funny looking at the price tags of brabus
it's not like a bad joke will cause the destruction of europe or somehitng
a comedian knows that he WILL have bad jokes in his life there is never someone who is 100% funny
>it's not like a bad joke will cause the destruction of europe or somehitng
With the current political situation?
I'm not so sure.
I'm in Mensa and I don't get it, must be a shit joke for low IQ people
>Took iq test
>took it again a few years later
Never masturbate.
I was 3 questions off from being eligible into mensa from my lsat test, did horribly in the logic games section.
People with higher iq already gravitate towards certain fields, where they find themselves surrounded with other like minded people.
Mensa members are usually less professionally successful, but still want to be around like minded people.
>tfw outlier even on highest bars but have lowly trade profession
Mensa is for people who need an ego boost