Is this most /pol video ever?
To sum it up
Rabi speaking, explaining why nazis hated Jews. Quotes Mein Kamf. Tells that it was because Jews were behind communism and that they planed to kill of inteligencia (under the guise of class struggle) in all nations leaving Jews on the top.
And then mad man agrees with that. He criticizes those Jews but basically says "Yes, it happened. Germans acted in self defense"
Most /pol video ever
Other urls found in this thread:
Why the fuck would a Rabbi ever admit to that?
a glimpse of moral
what is his name?
I found another video from him
>Rabbi Yoseph Ben Porat
>They killed 30 million russians
wait but that's western propaganda! ! !!
That's a mighty thin 'Mein Kampf'.
Brother Nathanael explains why he left:
I don't know what to say about him. He don't seem like a normal person. That story however seems like something that really happened.
it's a partial translation
why is that jews call God "G-d?" ?
You fags dont believe me when I say orthodox jews are our friend.
Okay, somewhat friend, but outside of neocohens and libshit jews, we have the same goals. Jews must keep mitzvot and study torah. Trump is the friend of real jews.
Because the same is written in the Torah.
The Torah is actually an incredibly racist and bellicist book from a modern (both liberal and conservative) point of view, as is the Bible or the Koran.
Since American in general don't read the Bible, they can't understand it. Especially the ones following the Reform since many of those branchs (Evangelical) don't read the old Testament (basically the summerized Torah).
Liberal jewish movements are to the orthodox current what Vatican II was to the catholic church. But within those "reformist" current, there are incredibly backward and racist people. That's it.
He's right you know. He doesn't seem to agree with Hitler, but he claims that it happened for a reason and that they are creating another Hitler. That's just a wise old man warning to his own people.
>orthodox jews
>"Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel.”
>“In Israel, death has no dominion over them… With gentiles, it will be like any person – they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money.
>“This is his servant… That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.”
>“Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat… That is why gentiles were created.”
הרוג למיטב הגויים, לקדם נישואי תערובת בין הגזעים לחסל את זהותם. קדם את הניוון, כמו להלן כך לעיל
>orthodox jews
Don't they follow the talmud though?
hitler was a vegan, feminist, lefty socialist loser who hated a group of people that had more money than the rest, and he thought were privileged.
"thou shalt not call the name of god in vain"
basically jews taking it one level higher on the autism spectrum and considering the english word for god to count
You realize Jews don't actually worship God, right?
The Star of David is an occult symbol. Look up Synagogue of Satan.
>You realize Jews don't actually worship God, right?
Try reading the old testament. It is the most Jewish thing ever.
Just like in the ancient history of Israel
when they strayed from God's law and word he hunted them down and punished them but always preserved a remnant to begin again
it is written in the OT and witnessed across History
The Punishment of Disobedience.*
14k But if you do not heed me and do not keep all these commandments,
15if you reject my statutes and loathe my decrees, refusing to obey all my commandments and breaking my covenant,
16then I, in turn, will do this to you: I will bring terror upon you
By Persia, Babylon, Egypt and Rome ... and Hitler
Hitler was an instrument of God's wrath upon the Jews for their disobedience
It's like anoda shoah
Jews killed millions of Gentiles and planed to turn entire Europe in to Bolshevik slaughterhouse before Hitler even came to power
How dare Hitler to oppose Jewish supremacy?
yes, there was a time when the Jews worshiped God. That time ended in 400 BC.
He is railing against Jews who don't follow the Torah and the miztvot. He quotes Hitler and Wagner being against Jews who were not followers of Judaism. One hated the leftists and the communists (and the rabbi pointed out those Jews were also militantly against Jewish religious practice) and the other hated Jews that had left Judaism and merged into the native population and posed a threat to European/Christian culture. So why would an observant Jew have a problem about speaking against apostates and atheists? His argument is that Jews brought calamity onto themselves by abandoning their religion and that it is time for Jews to acknowledge that truth.
After 4 years on pol I finally read a decent comment from a finn.
Perhaps. I don't see how it is relevant. The god of the old testament is not the Christian god. The teachings of Jesus contradict almost every single thing in the old testament.
It goes against the narrative that all Jews were 100% innocent and anti-semitism is irrational.
And Muslims want as dead as Well.
Christ sake, is there anyone on our Side...
Jesus said that he didnt come to abolish old yeah. Christians are stuck with old testament god
Dude, you only one who rised so high in power after both world wars.
no, fuck off jewish puppet.
Absolutely not all orthodox jews think the post messianic world will take that form.
In fact I studied it a good bit and nobody agrees on much. Regardless, it doesn't matter, they talk about a hypotetical post apocalypse world that won't happen anyway, none of it matters. They are awaiting rheir messiah for a. Couple centuries, it doesn't mean they aren't 400 times less harmful than atheist/liberal jews and that they can't be allies. I'm all for religious freedom, let them believe whathever they want. I'm also all for separation, they don't intermarry and mostly keep to themselves. Trump is with them and against globalist lib jews, you should have figured it by now.
Not necessarily. If the Rabi in OP says that those perpetrators were atheists and apostates who betrayed Judaism, they were no longer Jews in his eyes. This works however only, if we assume that Judaism is a religion, not a race.
Well, Trump is a hardcore Zionist and as far as I know orthodox Jews oppose Zionism, because they believe it to go against the Torah. Israel should NOT exist yet. Only when the endtime comes. - Which is also why the evangelicals support Israel, because they actually believe its existence proofs the arrival of the end times and we will all be with Jesus soon...
No, only very fringe jewish groups like neturei karta believe that. The majority of orthodox jews think that since god did allow israel to exist, he is not against it. But they do not believe it is real israel yet since it is not under torah law and jerusalem is still not the capital. Trump wants to make jerusalem the capital, this is significant, more than you can imagine.
"Trump victory and the divine agenda"
Many early Christians struggled with how to reconcile it. Gnostics, Marcionists, and others concluded that they were not the same. People tend to forget that their was debate and disagreement on many things now considered canonical such a trinitarianism, the connection to the Jewish god, etc. Once Christianity got mixed with state power these disagreements were crushed violently and any dissent suppressed.
Sup Forums likes to think of Jews as a united front, but they're not. Jews in-fight like crazy.
It's an interesting dilemma of sorts since Jews are supposed to care for their tribe; so, religious Jews will get butt blasted at secular Jews a lot easier than goyim.
So, the Rabbi is essentially saying "You leftist cunts are fuckin' delusional fifth columnists working against the will of HaShem and you're gonna get us shoah'd again, and we'll deserve it."
He's talking about whites you dumb cock-eyed ruskie
top 3 favorite Jews
>Bobby Fisher
>David Cole
>this guy
>pol/ likes to think of Jews as a united front, but they're not.
Only idiots do. The rest of us realize that you are not compatible with us regardless. You do not assimilate and are an insular people with a religion/ethnic identity which declares superiority and celebrates killing. You are proto-muslims and need to go back to Israel.
I don't care how much this doesn't apply or you, your kind isn't worth the trouble of sorting wheat from the chaff.
You won't hear that, because the same culprits are still in power today.
Then we discovered that Marxism and Zionism share an origin and a familly....
They are not united except against the goyim.
OPs Rabbi is an exception to the rule and almost certainly has his own motives.
Well, he's not that wrong you know :DDDD
You may want to have a look at this book.
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution:
That's fair.
Strange this gets so few replies