Jordan Peterson Knows the KEK

So what does Sup Forums think? is he right? are we really just the people using chaos (KEK) to bring the world back to order?

or are just a bunch of deplorable kikes?

Other urls found in this thread:


watching now

gotta bump for the half hour skype call

Holy FUCK! I never saw that. So it is known.


bumping cause I want to believe

I kind of get what they're trying to get across. Chaos has led to this point that Pepe is now a prominent meme, not just a picture on the internet anymore. But it's still chaos, unpredictable and unknowable. So the use of Pepe, by this conversation's conclusion, is supposed to enlighten the population to the necessary truth to bring order back to this chaos.
Pepe lives in the chaos (KEK) and is a communicator between chaotic thought and the thought of truth... or it's all just superstitious gibberish for deplorable.

pepe is literally kek
whether kek is a real entity/force or not
pepe is chaos used for a cause. pepe is kek

survival bump

Jordan Peterson has actually spent his whole career thinking about myth, religion, and what amounts to memes. He's like a modern deist C.S. Lewis, and you can read Lewis's "Myth Became Fact" for an example.

Peterson believes that in the absence of cultural mytho-religious identity, as we've seen in the past century, humans are naturally driven to rebuild it. Meme is modern myth. Myth is ancient meme.

I think he also believes metaphysics is sort of a human construct, but a human construct that must exist because there's metaphysical truth.

So he knows exactly what meme magic is.

There was a good thread on this earlier, but I'll bump once anyway.

Was just about to start a thread about this. Peterson an incarnation of Kek confirmed??

We are all kek now bro

crazy mon

this is scary

>This is scary.

Thing is, Kek is Chaos. It doesn't want order. If you give Kek more power, you are dragged closer to chaos. If you're trying to return to order, you shouldn't be using meme magic to strengthen kek.

we just need to take it away from reddit and "efty pol" shitposting


what happened to pepe as just the raging robot

stop stealing our memes Sup Forums

>If you're trying to return to order, you shouldn't be using meme magic to strengthen kek.
okay, good to know


I like you.

The rest of Sup Forums are a bunch of Nazis who want a very rigid order. True Sup Forumslacks wish for anarchy.


only so we can establish a new order that works in our interest

You don't realize what you would be unleashing.

You cannot so easily reign back Chaos once you have unleashed it. Be warned.

Well since its been done thousands of times in human history, Id say its safer than doing nothing.

Watch the video again

Kek wills it


I second this motion

You fight fabricated order with chaos, waking people up to their genocide.

Then, Fascism returns stronger than ever.

top lel
does he edit his videos himself?

This, they are literally doing what they claim the SJWs are doing. While at the same time they shit over how much actual anger it represents.

it's funny to listen to a scholar actual quantifiying a joke some dingdongs on the internet cooked up to troll lefties

>when u spend ur career studying cultural generative metaphysics and realize u urself r a cultural generative metaphysical artifact

I don't understand why they claim Kek is chaos. If he is chaos, then what - arab spring, transgender mania, rapefugees, racemixing and all that - it was an order?

what peterson and his mate say in this video is thought masturbation, and absolutely opposite could be concluded if it fitted their political orientation better - one can easily conclude kek wanna bring order to fucked up world


This, Sup Forumss bullshit detector isn't working anymore.

Be a aware of the whole conversation. These are the main threads on this subject. This is what we have said and what we know so far.

By the way, he made it very clear what the golden ball is in his previous video.

Someone needs to show Him this Picture. It affected me deeply because I have heard him talk about this archetype in a few lectures. The story of St. George and the Dragon, the children's book "there's no such think as dragon" where the kid says mom there's a dragon but mom says there's no such thing as dragons. So the dragon is ignored and grows until its too big for the house and throws it into chaos. We all need to slay our dragons and sort ourselves out.

Did you find the golden ball?

found your gold ball

Fuck I really cant believe I am in this timeline.

I spent countless years trying to spread the importance of Myth in the moral\spiritual evolution of mankind and now Jordan appears and enlightens this place a little.

I feel I contributed a little.

Thanks kek.


The ancient midrash describes the frogs in Egypt as "shock troops" when an Egyptian man tried to kill one, six new ones came out from the belly of the dead frog(the more you fight them the stronger they become).

Does he have a facebook page?

Stream reminds of when a person does their first D&D.

>kill one Pepe
>six more take his place
the glory of Kek shall prevail

Do you mind if I save that Pepe on my Computer?

I always liked the relation between wojak, the sufferer, the depressed individual trying to get along, but transforming at night into pepe. Bringer of chaos.



this shit's gonna be part of our lore when our religion makes it

please do.

I never really saw it that way but I like it. It demonstrates the duality of life from a cosmic perspective.

Welcome to the truthception inside the fractal verse. It was bound to happen.

Its a pretty clear if you look at everything pepe since the beginning.

The relation is there.

Wojak is you struggling day by day, putting up a mask, suffering.

Pepe is your shitposting.

Someone should base their college thesis on the relation between Pepe and Wojak.

I did, i googled the name but didnt get anything, forgot all about it till now




You haven't done your research on Kek, have you? Kek is the Egyptian deity of primordial darkness (aka night). While Kek himself represents darkness and chaos, he also ushers in each daylight, being referred to as "raiser up of the light". Kek is chaos himself, but also the usher of order. Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Oh yeah I'll keep that in mind when I go for my PhD in Memology.

Thanks for the links man, I got my reading cut out for me now.

I save these threads to my computer, they won't be in the archive forever.

Noted and done. I'm so glad this video game out finally.

Crash this world, with only white survivors.

What is the point of getting another guy on?

That guy is only there to confirm what he has to say. He even used the same analogies that Prof. Peterson used in his lectures time and time again.

Everybody knows kek music of awakening is vaporwave user.

Use heavy metal anger to liberate yourselves instead.

Man, Peterson is a godsend. He's probably the first significant individual who actually suggests constructive measures as opposed to just fighting the retarded left.

Hell, he made me curious about religion again.

He is from Toronto. He would know, look at this.

I think what's important is that he diagnoses and explains the problem of Western Civilization since the Enlightenment in terms people can understand (Nietzsche is just 2deep4me), and he seems to give a way to deal with that: return to objective societal values.

I sincerely believe that his book and ideas will come to be seen as the instrument of the saving of Western Civilization from nihilism.

Imo he provided a substantial amount of information on how to save the western civilization but it is still not enough. There has to be something much more. He himself said that we individuals can contribute to it just by being honest with ourselves in our daily lives.

>He himself said that we individuals can contribute to it just by being honest with ourselves in our daily lives.

True. I think what's missing is the corruption of government needs to be stamped out. It doesn't matter how virtuous a populace is if the government continues to commit atrocities in their name. Once society is re-ordered and the government corruption eradicated I think western civilization will be saved and birthrates might go back up to replacement.

You seem to forget that white people and their pathological altruism are the reason that it got to this point to begin with.

That's a funny way of describing cultural marxist infiltration of the academies, media, and government.

Egypt failed to defeat Pepe and so will all who stand against him.

Which white people embraced and replicated, which has it's roots in germanic people's philosophy. The merchant doesn't force the whitey to buy his goods, he just presents whitey with goods they are likely to buy.

>(((white people)))
Actually, no, almost none of the infiltrators or sources of cultural marxism are actual whites (non-jews).

What are the pillars of society in the west? I'd say the Family, Government, Church, Media, and Academies. The Church and the Family have been almost completely undermined by the Government, Media, and Academies and we all know who's responsible.

Cultural marxism has it's root in German idealism, the prominent people behind the Frankfurt School are jews, but that doesn't take any of the heat out of whiteys back for eating it up.
Going back to when that infiltration began, if white people still had the moral fortitude they used to years back, they would have just ignored the twisted teachings of the oh so evil merchant.
But the merchant knows what it's buyer wants, and what the buyer wanted was feeling morally superior and sodomy.

And what happened to that mental/moral fortitude? The Enlightenment which undermined the role of religion in society and the gap (nihilism) was filled with jewish self-destructive ideas like egalitarianism and utopianism.

>Family, Government, Church, Media, and Academies

And that is the result of the major differences of the west compared to the rest of the world ever since Greece.

Most importation being

Rule of Law
Property Rights
Civilian Military

Which again, was accepted by whitey, nothing was enforced, the juden never sold anything that whitey didn't want.
Whitey didn't want rules to abide to, didn't want to obey orders from a hierarchy, that's why they took the jewish ideas for themselves.
For every jewish "intellectual" leader on such movements there are hundreds of non-jewish people who replicate the ideas.
I won't say the juden is innocent, but whitey is less innocent, for theirs was the responsibility for maintaining what they wound up destroying.

I think organized religion belongs in there. People may not like it but it's been a huge part of European history and things really started going to shit with the Protestant Revolution and never really recovered. It also directly led to the Enlightenment as the power of the Church was severely undermined.

Chaos and order is a cycle. Existing back and forth, in the macro and micro.
Essentially, keep pushing chaos and circumstance will eventually lead it to order.

Yes I agree, buts that is so fundamental I didnt put it.

1992 Episode 43 "The Pitch"


kek will bring us our ethnostate of order