Is God reel?

Is God reel?

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You bet your sweet ass

dubbs confirm

Yea dude

Yes, and his name is Allah and Mohammad (pbuh) was his prophet.

If he is, nobody has proof of it
with that said, agnostic atheist (aka soft atheist) is the only position someone can rationally justify

If God exists then why does he allow cancer, poverty, mosquitoes, nazis and country music to exist? Benevolent and a loving father my ass.


He's as real as Mexican intellectuals
So no, he doesn't exist




Christianity is just a tool to keep the savages in check. The kind of people who would break down and start committing atrocities if they didn't think that star daddy were watching them.

I'm kind of glad we have Christianity for them. Otherwise the quality of life for the rest of us would probably be worse.

>guaranteed replies

Its not bait if its true
Many theists/religious people literally have no idea how you can even posses a moral compass without a higher power to guide you. They literally would not know how to behave if they didnt believe they were being watched and judged at all times.
Religion is the equivalent of self-imposed thought-policing
Thats why the first argument people make is "you'd go around raping and killing if god didnt tell you not ti", because they simply cant grasp the concept or secular morality.

You are god. If you want proof of god, just open your eyes. Watch a sunset. Listen to music. That is god.

God is not reel


The book is better.

Thats defining god into existence, which is basically useless.
Why call a sunset or music god, when i could make things a lot simpler and just refer to them as sunsets and music?

There is only one God and he is the God of chaos

Yes, she is, I have seen her and heard her voice.

See it like this. Everything is based on reactions. Whatever we do and whatever happens is usually a reaction to something and will cause another reaction. But if everything is really just a reaction of something else then why do we have a such developed mind? Why do we have feelings, visions, dreams and more if we actually don't need it anyway? There are many animals who are solely based on instincts and can not think freely yet they create buildings in their own dimensions. A free mind wouldn't be neccessary yet we have it.

Yes but it's unlikely that he's a humanoid man with a beard, either a natural force or sentiant being of pure energy.

Which is simpler: unity or multiplicity?
God is the ultimate abstraction. An abstraction is not useful in a vacuum, but it allows us to relate concepts to each other in new ways.
When you look at a sunset, you see "merely" the sun, the sky, the horizon. But I see god. I see everything as imbued with the divine. That is a valuable perspective to have.

>rationalists and logicists btfo