Post your face when you found out that Islam was the correct and most true religion of them all

Post your face when you found out that Islam was the correct and most true religion of them all



what is his name?

is that lena laila al-dunham?

Oh god imagine the smell...

Well, that a new one.

الله أكبر

what the fuck is that

still waiting cause its not

ugh I can't have dinner anymore

I thought God didn't make mistakes.

i actually can smell that through the screen it is awful

can someone explain to me why lena dunham is famous to begin with?

Written by a pedophile warlord 1500 years ago... ok there Abdul





For all the nofap fags, just put a poster of this on your wall. Problem solved.

They are all Abrahamic and rip-offs of other "religions". The true red-pill is being able to see beyond our traditional Abrahamitic religions. And the Qu'ran, I've shit it.

Lena nobody love fuck you.

> if you refuse to blow yourself up when ordered, you get beheaded for being heretic
> most true religion of them all
Its "true" only in a sense that religion is a way to govern slaves so they keep being obedient.

Lena Dunham attempting to be sexy and flash her vag like Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct, but failing because she's fat and fails at everything.

Concentrated PR Campaign by her wealthy Jew parents.

That ugly dude has the fattest pussy in the world.


Sup Forums is like that

Don't ever post a picture like that again

>be 25 year old basement dweller
>tfw no gf
>muslims treat women like shit