What did he mean by this?
>Repealing obamacare violates Trumps promises he made during the campaign
I legitimately have no idea what the fuck Bernie is talking about
is the ted cruz term limit amendment retroactive?
bye bye bernie
There was only one accurate statement in that screenshot.
Pic related
>Renoving Obamacare
>Against Trumps promises
Has the old jew cuck gone senile?
Whats next?
Democrats are so BTFO they are melting down
He promised to repeal it though...s.o.
Bernie is so fucking stupid/desperate
Bernie is really desperate to keep that bit of spotlight on him. Is Reddit still donating to him?
Now this is stupid
He openly said about him repealing Obanacare during the campaign
>What did he mean by this?
Creepy Bern (who looks like a child molester, no joke) wants to look like the mass media, when they were caught bullshitting over and over again about Trump.
If you like your Mexican you can keep your Mexican
>Repealing obamacare violates Trumps promises he made during the campaign
Campaign promise was to repeal obamacare
>Bernie continues to be retarded
It pains me to say it, but Sanders should be POTUS. He's legit. Trump is right and ok on most stuff, but it's time for somebody to put the hammer down on Wall Street and it's just not going to be Trump.
fun fact
"the hammer" is actually a pet name for bernie's favorite black bull
>Old frail man who never worked a day in his life is always talking about how healthcare is a human right
Do americans really think using taxes to provide a free health care for you and your neighbors and the rest of your country is stealing money to some people to give it to another ones? Wow i thought americans were more solidaries between them.
>Do americans really think using taxes to provide a free health care for you
>using taxes
"user, I..."
Lol. 3 days before the DNC convention when they officially named Hillary the nominee for demonrats, reddit admins shut down the sandersforpresident subreddit at the request of users from the EnoughSandersSpam subreddit. They had their ability to organize yanked out from under them by plebbit, and still go there today to support the platform that fucked their candidate over.
I heard /r/sandersforpresident was recently reopened. They've taken the redpill about them supporting Killary.
Is Bernie the most overrated politician ever? What accomplishments does he have that warrant such a cult like following? He's not particularly charismatic either, and outside of Huffpo the media prefers establishment Dems. What's the appeal exactly?
We're only 60 percent white and you think there is solidarity about ANYTHING here...?
didn't bernie want to repeal obamacare as well for a single payer
Pleasure is a spook
>people's money
the guy using that avatar doesn't understand Stirner at all.
Bernie is a shill, he's literally a communist Jew that would have destroyed the united states
healthcare is a spook
Bernie is cool
>Can't stand up to two black women
>Can't defy Hillary even though he knew she rigged the primaries against him
>Said, "I think everyone is tired of her emails"
This pussy will stand up to the most powerful people in America?
Hillary is out of the picture
>violating a campaign promise
is Trump spanish now?
Maybe he does, but maybe he is like I am, politically anarchocapitalist but philosophically egoist-nihilist.
I'm scared to even give trump the POTUS twitter account. we can't let this man get his hands on the nuclear codes.
it means bernie got rekt faggot
>SS not going broke
>Can't make payments after 2033
what the fuck? I like Bernie but a gov't service ceasing ability to make payments means its broke
Name 1 person for every cabinet position that is suitable for said position and is not part of the elite class.
Fuck that natzi mainstream meeteor
If digits confirm Bernie Sanders will admit that he had a sexual fantasy with Stalin on national television.
Well you got to admit he has been dropping some large bombs on Twitter already.
So what you're saying is the global elite is ok, because only it is qualified to be the global elite?
Nah. That post was a spook.
Bernie's supporters are turning against him.
No, it's the only thing that's not a spook - since it's biological and not ideological.
They're trying to get him to do a 2020 run. He'll be too old by then, if he hasn't died yet. Incredibly, they've managed to become even more delusional than they were during the primaries.
If they go full kike Trump can just fire them. Have you never had a job? There's a thing called an "employer" who your job he giveth and can also taketh.
How can anyone defend him now ? He was too much of a pussy to go against Clinton, he was cucked by BLM and they expect anything from him ?
Does it matter? He's controlled opposition.
Why does this old Jew still feel relevant? He's a Senator in the minority Senate group for a party that literally cucked him
>Arrrggggh the president needs to do what I say or I'll hold everyone mentally hostage
Typical commie leftist
Did he not see randlets tweet?
Trump is going to audit the fed and screw over bernies jew overlords
not an argument
Man call it free health care call it public health care. Whatever. Thats not the point of my post.
That's still not an answer to a simple question.
What rights do people have to others' wealth?
Yes i see your point. Niggers would take advantage of it as always do. I feel bad for the average white middle/low class worker though.
>What's the appeal exactly?
They have $400,000 in student loans because they wasted all their money on a Jewish con artist so they need to give more money to the Jewish con artist in the hopes that he will get rid of their debt.
>Jew tried to sneak up on honest businessman and scare him out of his shekels
>Sees that businessman won't back down and runs away scared
I don't think it's so much that as it is spending unironic trillions on black projects, sending Israel literal billions because Jews and then making people homeless because they can't pay the $500k hospital bill they've just received for a packet of Strepsils.
I guess if you have people arguing amongst themselves over pennies then hand rubbing can intensify indefinitely.
do you think that candidates like Sanders just get to keep money that was donated to PACs and his campaign? Uh he doesn't
How is the grand jew not dead yet?
So gullible.