>Be you
>chillin with welsh bros
>4000 big mean niggers come charging out of the brush
Wat do?
Be you
Just think, you gave this up for independence.
Only if the (((britans))) would have quit stealing our shekels
We needed that to pay for defending you against the French, who you then ran off to I might add.
You'd been restricting our trade before the French Indian War
Why did you abuse us, dad?
WTF I love the Welsh now!?!?
Weren't they mostly English?
"Of the 122 soldiers of the 24th Regiment present at the Battle of Rorke's Drift, 49 are known to have been of English nationality, 32 were Welsh, 16 were Irish, one was a Scot, and three were born overseas. The nationalities of the remaining 21 are unknown."
They were mostly Welsh Regiments
They were fuck all welsh there mostly English, Irish and Scottish
Oh maybe not righto
Unrealistic as fuck, first nigger would fall and all the rest would run immediately.
They were.
They are nice, when I speak to them on the phone in call centers they are always very friendly. Friendlier than English people.
Even if they had aquired the taste of English boipucci from Islandwana?
Just think, you gave up this for diversity
Niggers are incapable of war, war requires values, morals and honor. You have to justify taking a life and dying. Niggers lack the inherent qualities that allow one to do so.
Name one nigger army ever in history.
Or, better yet, read some stuff about nignog mercenary forces. Unreliable as fuck, cannot stand in pitched combat properly.
Have the Swedes make you a nice song.
Are you projecting? Did your mom trade your dad in for some cultural enrichment?
First of all
Second of all, wikipedia links to battles is not conclusive evidence, contrary to Sup Forums popular belief.
The nigger mentality of zero morals and values speaks far more.
>Tfw used to take a shortcut through the cemetery on the way home from school every and walk past pic related every day
One of the survivors from Roukes, he went on the own a pub, must have had a few good stories to tell about the fuzzy-wuzzies
Take cover behind mealie bags. Bayonet a thousand niggers.
>Battle of Islandlwana didn't happen because wikipedia
Your conclusion is based on nothing
Even if most were, thats not surprising, honor usually isn't too big in tribal warfare
The 24th became the South Wales Borderers
>Battle of Islandlwana didn't happen because wikipedia
Never claimed that.
Hey we still have bants and crumpets mate.
is this really what welsh women look like?
More red haired qts i thought
Wasn't it primarily the Germans that defeated Napoleon in the last battle?
oh shit he's serious. No.
And king Billy can fuck off as well the useless cunt. I'm glad Sharpe shot the fucker
They're fit enough, but the accent sounds like a cat coughing up a fuse wire hairball. Get yourself an English Rose
Doesn't sound any different than bongspeak to me, or even some stereotypical german accent
God, Sup Forums is hitting some new lows today. EVERY THREAD is some junior-high-school kid screeching "hey guise look at this it's so red-pilled" and then posting some piece of liberal Cultural Marxist shit which three dozen other junior-high-school kids proceed to "ooh" and "aah" over.
"Zulu" is a typical product of the multi-culti, pacifist/anti-nationalist, left-liberal 60s that were the hatching ground for the globalist, culturally suicidal mess we are in today.
That should be clear enough to any infant just from the fact that the movie is called "Zulu" and not "South Wales Borderers", for fuck's sake.
The niggers are treated throughout as AT THE VERY LEAST worthy of equal respect with the British soldiers. They are eulogized for their honour and warrior prowess by the Boer character. And they are portrayed in the final scene as superhumanly noble and magnanimous, saluting their opponents with a song and retreating when they could easily have pressed their advantage and slaughtered all the British/ A complete and utter multi-culti, Cultural Marxist fiction, because in historical fact the Africans only retreated when reiforcements arrived and they were on the point of being annihilated.
The underlying ethos as regards the British soldiers is also anti-war and borderline defeatist, as was typical of 60s Cultural Marxism. The family of one of the men who received the VC even sued the Jew producer because the movie portrayed him as a cowardly cynical malingering criminal who only fought when he had absolutely no choice in the matter, whereas the reality was that he was a decent man who knew and did his duty from the start.
Congratulations, edgy children of Sup Forums. Once again you have swallowed a tasty bit of Cultural Marxist bait and further discredited what more serious people are trying to do here.
Hold the line
Yeah, hold the line by gobbling down Cultural Marxist bullshit.
Christ, do we badly need a Bouncy Castle for the edgy "Alt Right" children while the men are talking....
The IC Webley of Col. John Chard VC, used at Rorkes Drift
>mfw my aunt handed in my grandads webley mkVI
Twelve-year-olds......Wall-to-wall twelve-year-olds tonight.
You wanna try to respond to even ONE of the points I made about the movie at the head of this thread's being pure Cultural Marxism?
Or do you prefer just to treat your little buddies to a few more selections from the collection of photos of SCARY SEXY WHITE MEN HOLDING BIG GUNS that you jack off to?
>express my astonishment in a comical yet memorable fashion
Play this and kill some niggers
stop wasting digits and suck my big bong you little froggart
>Bend over
>Pull ass cheeks apart revealing asshole
>Scream "Enrich me savage beasts!"
My Grandpa killed niggers for Rhodesia in the 70's, European empires again when?
Gosh.....A twelve-year-old who SAYS BAD WORDS ON THE INTERNET.
Well, clearly the point-by-point critical analysis of the film I provided has been once and for all refuted by this eloquent intervention consisting off
lol i dids a BIIIIIIIIIG poo looksame Mummy I dids a BIIIIIIIIIG BIIIIIIIIG poo on the edgy Alt-Right Racisss bo'....
Circle the wagons
One of the greatest scenes of any movie.
>Gosh.....A twelve-year-old who SAYS BAD WORDS ON THE INTERNET.
Well, clearly the point-by-point critical analysis of the film I provided has been once and for all refuted by this eloquent intervention consisting off
lol i dids a BIIIIIIIIIG poo looksame Mummy I dids a BIIIIIIIIIG BIIIIIIIIG poo on the edgy Alt-Right Racisss bo'....
Gosh.....A twelve-year-old who SAYS BAD WORDS ON THE INTERNET.
Well, clearly the point-by-point critical analysis of the film I provided has been once and for all refuted by this eloquent intervention consisting off
lol i dids a BIIIIIIIIIG poo looksame Mummy I dids a BIIIIIIIIIG BIIIIIIIIG poo on the edgy Alt-Right Racisss bo'....
>Gosh.....A twelve-year-old who SAYS BAD WORDS ON THE INTERNET.
Well, clearly the point-by-point critical analysis of the film I provided has been once and for all refuted by this eloquent intervention consisting off
lol i dids a BIIIIIIIIIG poo looksame Mummy I dids a BIIIIIIIIIG BIIIIIIIIG poo on the edgy Alt-Right Racisss bo'....
Gosh.....A twelve-year-old who SAYS BAD WORDS ON THE INTERNET.
Well, clearly the point-by-point critical analysis of the film I provided has been once and for all refuted by this eloquent intervention consisting off
lol i dids a BIIIIIIIIIG poo looksame Mummy I dids a BIIIIIIIIIG BIIIIIIIIG poo on the edgy Alt-Right Racisss bo'....
>Gosh.....A twelve-year-old who SAYS BAD WORDS ON THE INTERNET.
Well, clearly the point-by-point critical analysis of the film I provided has been once and for all refuted by this eloquent intervention consisting off
lol i dids a BIIIIIIIIIG poo looksame Mummy I dids a BIIIIIIIIIG BIIIIIIIIG poo on the edgy Alt-Right Racisss bo'....
>get an english rose
>Posts irish clover.
>Celtic cross
>Irish surnames on headstones
>yet strangely Protestant looking buildings in the background
Are you a nordie?
think of the valleys and how much coal we're going to mine this day
>screeching autism
The Zulus were pretty respected for their military tactics by their contemporaries m80. My grandad, who had loads of saffers in his family, used to talk about them loads and he was old as fuck by the time the left-liberal (those things are a contradiction in terms btw, liberal is the opposite of left), multi-cult, pacifist, anti-nationalist, "cultural marxist" 60s.
Are people forming some idea of the level of the intelligence of the children posting in this thread?
>>Name one nigger army
The zulu army. Very capable of war
>Incapable of war
The Ethiopean army handed the modern Italian army its ass.
Stop being an illiterate fuck and read some damn history before you jolt, filthy rapebabby
God you're dull, triggered by fucking banter of all things
>i am very smart
Jeez mate every red headed bird isn't a bog trotter. Literally jewgle 'English rose girls' and she's on the 1st page. Do the same for Irish birds you get pic related
ayo white boy, why you be have to talk trash bout muh niggaz n shit. muffucka man i be coming there in the us of a and breaking my dick in yo momma's pussy, bitch. i ain't said shit bout yo cracka pencil neck gap wearing flat ass crackuz and how i m gonna do with muh homeboys to 4000 of yo women , now have i?
Start singing Men of Harlech while attaching bayonets obviously
>bog trotter
I'll have to use that one more often
No, but I'm starting remember why I hate froggies. God bless the Duke of Wellington, based snail remover.
i would show them no mercy and fire at will
Feels like the Anglo Zulu mod from M&B Warband. Good fun with m8s
>Men of Harlech
Good lad
>ywn sing Men of Harlech as you reload your Martini-Henry while an officer shouts 'zulus, faasands of em'
Sooner "screeching autism" than an attempt to address the issue that clearly shoots miles wide of it, kid.
I don't doubt that there is a lot to be said in praise of the military and other skills of many nations that clashed with white European and American armies in the 19th and other centuries.
You can find dozens of movies in modern US cinema, for example - like "Little Big Man", "Soldier Blue" or "Dances With Wolves" - that portray the American Indian as a great, noble, wise, decent warrior morally and militarily superior to the corrupt, degenerate white man who only emerged the victor by overwhelming force of numbers and superior technology.
But those movies are what is called "Cultural Marxist propaganda", artefacts specifically designed to undermine the white man's esteem for his own race, culture and history.
"Zulu" is clearly a prime example of this sort of artefact. Partly, what it deploys in pursuit of its agenda of glorifying the non-European and denigrating the European may indeed be TRUE. Partly, certainly, what it deploys is FALSE:
>The ending of the film is somewhat fictitious. There was no Zulu attack at dawn on 23 January 1879, which in the film led to the singing of "Men of Harlech". There was only sparse fighting with a few remaining Zulus.
>The Zulus did not sing a song saluting fellow warriors, and they did not depart peacefully. They departed at the approach of the British relief column.
The key point, though, is that - true or false - information is deployed in such movies to FURTHER A CULTURAL MARXIST AGENDA.
But why am I wasting my time trying to explain this to "children ardent for some desperate glory" (Wilfred Owen)?
>welsh bros
Illegal immigrants
Good times
Does what I am writing sound to you like it was written by a "froggie", you sad dim frightened little infant?
I think you are going to have to try to come to terms with either one or the other of two probably (for you) equally difficult-to-imagine possibilities.
(a) there are French people who can flawlessly compose three dozen complex multi-clausal English sentences in the time it takes you to raise your ass up off the potty and beg Mummy to wipe it for you.
(b) not everyone is in the same position as you and has to ask Mommy's permission every time they want to stray far enough from home to go play with their little chums from pre-school; some of us can actually get on a plane and go abroad.
The British couldn't have won it without the Prussians, but the Prussians couldn't have won it without the British either.
However by all rights Napoleon should have rekt Wellington's army as he had the advantage in numbers, experienced troops and massively more artillery, but Wellington had Napoleon's tactics figured out after the Peninsular War and Napoleon refused to adapt despite knowing what Wellington did to his generals in Spain.
I haven't been reading anything that looks like a paragraph but I think you're trying to say that anyone who doesn't hate africas is a jewish twat?
trow a box of wings and fire up the Gatling gun and mow em down .
Boney was a warrior,
Wey, hay, yah
A warrior, a tarrier,
John François
Boney went to school in France.
Wey, hay, yah
He learnt to make the people dance
John François
Boney fought the Rooshians.
The Austrians and Prooshians
He beat the Prooshians squarely.
He beat the British - nearly
Boney went to Moscow,
Lost his army in the snow
Moscow was on fire then.
So Boney he came home again,
They sent him off to Elbow.
He came back to make another show
We beat him at Trafalgar Bay.
Blew his main topmast away
On the plains of Waterloo
The Iron Duke he put him through
Boney went a-cruis-eye-ing.
Aboard the Billy Ruffian
The sent him off to Saint Helenn
He never never came back again
The sent him into exile.
He died on St Helena's isle
Boney broke his heart and died
On Corsica he wished he'd stayed
Boney was a general,
A rorty, snorty general,
Boney was a warrior,
Wey, hay, yah
A warrior, a tarrier,
John François
Not a CESM, eh? Let me guess, a fucking leaf?
The frog is right. What he doesnt understand is that we just like seeing niggers shot up in technicolor.
nah, its cos we gave birth to actual successful colonies that can stand on their own two feet
Unaware as you may be of the fact, there is a middle way between "hating Africans" and "loving them" (largely to the detriment of the Europeans engaged in a war with them), which is what "Zulu" does.
And yes, it actually IS a matter of simple historical fact that the director of this film was a Jew - as well as a Communist who fled the US rather than testify before McCarthy's Un-American Activities Committee.
Note some of the turns of phrase used on this web-page:
>The Pennsylvania-born Endfield made films that exhibit an outsider’s eye for his adopted country, including the working-class “trucking” drama Hell Drivers and the cult film Zulu—a war epic as politically nuanced as it is spectacular.
"outsider's eye"....."politicaly nuanced" - all code for targeted cultural Marxist subversion.
>The Many Lives of Cy Endfield is the first book on this fascinating figure. The fruit of years of archival research and personal interviews by Brian Neve, it documents Endfield’s many identities: among them second-generation immigrant, Jew, Communist, and exile.
Worth a read, indeed.
But CAN you read, moron?
This. Waterloo was a poetic end to France's period of european dominance, their 2 arch nemesis nations attacking from both sides.
Jokes aside, I have nothing but pure respect for Napoleon and you should too. A worthy enemy and a great general.
The song emotes that, and I do, he was a worthy adversary
Also probably an adversary who knew the correct meaning and use of the word "emote".
Lol. It really is fucking hilarious watching a bunch of spotty obese little 12-year-olds banging away about military history from behind their computers like they're Hugh Trevor-Roper when none of you have enough brains or knowledge to get you through your "A" levels with grades high enough to win a place at one of the 1001 shitty Mickey Mouse "universities" you have in England.
First off, The Universities in England are some of the best in the world.
Secondly, i have a degree in History. And no, I didn't study le ebin german battles
was getting angry part of your plan?
I will never understand why some people get so upset over events that happened over two hundred years ago.
3rd person present: emotes
(especially of an actor) portray emotion in a theatrical manner.
"the actors would emote for the camera"
it portrays that emotion though, can you stop being a faggot
This. It's all in good fun. I love the french. Nice people (usually).
Hell drivers, pat mcgoohan. Good film.
"The universities" is a meaningless phrase in the case of England.
For 700 years you had two of them.
Then for about 100 years a couple of dozen.
In the 1990s an advertising executive masquerading as a Prime Minister quintupled their number overnight - renaming as "universities" establishments where the level of the education of the senior teaching staff didn't come even up to the level of education of first-year undergraduates at the ancient universities.
You are clearly a product of one of these latter institutions: pseudo-universites churning pseudo-graduates holding pseudo-degrees at the rate of thousands a year.
It is ridiculous and downright disgraceful that someone with a BA or a B Sc after their name should not know the correct meaning of the word "emote".
Kill yourself. And the dean of your "university".
it's right here, and we're two different people
We didn't, you just made up a lot of this stuff like LE TYRANT KANG to justify being rused by some merchants
Sounds like someone's erasmus application didn't work out
>Can you read
I might have been projecting
I just think white supremecy is a dumb meme, nationalism is good, but it doesn't have to be on race, though ethnic nationalism is something I can get off to.
I don't buy "the evil jew is out to race mix all our womens" either, not all progressives are jews, and not all jews are progressives
Gas the commies
I think your slipping in of the word "though" there indicates clearly enough that you are aware that the definition you cite proves me right and you wrong.
You're basically saying: "Emote doesn't mean what I tried to make it mean....BUT I was almost kind of right, in a way, so I win".
But sorry kid, no. Even if it were possible to apply a verb that clearly refers to the activity of a living individual to a non-living entity like a song - which it isn't - you must surely also have noticed that the emphasis in "emote" is on the false, "theatrical" nature of the emotion conveyed, whereas YOUR claim was a claim that the song EXPRESSED - not "emoted" - REAL AND SINCERE feeling.
But I think it's your bedtime now. Tomorrow is a school day.
Fine, i'll admit it, independence was a meme invented by liberal boston fags who didn't want to pay extra money for tea and playing cards
That said, Zulu was bretty gud
>inb4 you get labelled JIDF.
Lol. Are you still deluding yourself that I can't possibly be British just because I happen to be posting from Paris, you sad butthurt whining little pleb?
I assure you I know a great deal more about ACTUAL British universities than you do, my child. I hold a Bachelor of Arts from Oxford and a Ph D from the LSE. Qualifications of that order tend to make one pretty mobile, baffling as such mobility may be to a spotty little pleb like yourself rotting away in some shithole in Lancashire with a useless degree from the University of South-Western Salford sellotaped to his bedroom wall.
Israel is our greatest ally