Promote destructive values
Nothing more pathetic than a half mongolian swedish dressed like a vikingcuck
You've convinced me, I'll start my own rape and breeding dungeon tomorrow.
>Brazilian education
He's Norwegian and that's Roman chainmail.
Same shit to me.
You are a monkey and your skin is more brown than the shitting streets of India.
Do not reply to me jungle monkey.
Aren't you all niggers though?
No but truth to be told the average mixed brazilian is smarter than german americans. You are the trash of western civilization.
You're not Italian.
Hahahahaha okay porch monkey.
You're right. I'm half italian and half spanish.
Which means I don't have cuck blood like germans and nordicucks.
>I'm half italian and half spanish.
Say something in Italian.
Checked. Niggers BTFO eternally.
my family moved here in the 1920s. My grandfather died when I was 4 and my grandmother when I was 9.
I fighta the Ehthiopian anda we losta.
I pretenda to be a Italiano and Spanish but end of the day I am Browna skinned Braziliano AYYYYY PIZZA
So basically it's just you projecting when you're shitting on your fellow LARPer here
Pretty funny.
>It's a german trash living in japan
If the germans didn't helped the russian jews to destroy germany after WW2 my family wouldn't need to flee Italy.
Good job always destroying everything, eternal german.
Left one shithole for another, no wonder they killed themselves.
Funny how you'd look back proudly on a bunch of cowards that chose the brothel of the world to run to.
>y-you can't talk about muh varg xD
He is a half mongolian autist, get over it.
Sure you can, it's just hilarious that some muh heritage LARPer that doesn't even speak his (alleged) peoples language would have any issues with him.
Can you prove he's half mongolian, by the way?
>everyone that call me monkey must be a German
You are a mongrel and a rude one.
How dare you insult Wehrmacht and Waffen SS that volunteered to sacrifice the flesh in defense of Europe from Bolshevik Jews. Oh well you are a mongrel shit.
Dont you have any neighbours to molest in your basement frizl?
I've had to live near the austrian border full of destructive germans who spent all day drinking instead of working I'd move to another place as well.
Many austrians moved to brazil before 1920s because they couldn't stand such degeneracy and laziness.
>sacrifice the flesh in defense of Europe
No one killed more europeans than germans. WW1 was not enough so they started WW2.
Bunch of weak men who only felt strong while in group just like thugs.
Sure, could you cater some hot dogs for the event?
>Bunch of weak men who only felt strong while in group just like thugs.
A bit like how Italy had to chimp out at the Greeks and then needed their superiors to help them out, effectively ruining the war efford?
That is not true you should learn real truths of WW2 in Europe next time from a non Jew source.
Germans were not to blame.
Germans and nordics are our misfortune.
The fact that I can speak 3 languages should tell you something about the superiority of the latin people. While in Rome they invented the modern law system you were living in african-tier houses.
>The fact that I can speak 3 languages
Yet none of the people you LARP as, why's that?
>hitler mande dozens of deals with the bolsheviks
>Decided to attack Russia
>Dragged Italy, Finland, Romania and France to WW2
Explain how germans tried to save europe.
You follow a literal walking meme who uses "traditional" scandinavian clothing making degenerate music.
Unlike yourself I don't follow this shit and I don't need to "LARP".
What makes you think that I'm following Varg? I'm just pointing out that it's a bit hypocritical from someone like you going WE WUZ while having 0 connection to those people you LARP as - all while shitting on a guy that does the same.
Is that why your country is such a shithole? I thought smart people were supposed to make great nations. Guess I was wrong. Thanks for showing me, monkhue.
>while having 0 connection
As I said before, my family left Italy and Spain last century. I don't try to talk italian because I don't live there. I have another good latin language here which is the portuguese language and I don't need to write about MUH ROOTS
We wuz italion an spenish lil nigguh we swear, yo need to continue da heritage by not even bein able to speak da language homem
>portuguese language
>As I said before, my family left Italy and Spain last century.
Yes, which means you lost your connection to your ancestral homeland which just gets cemented by you not even managing the very basics of speaking their language.
That's why you're a LARPfag
I speak spanish and it's vastly superior to german for instance. I'm not a larp I just showed that the "Muh superior German reich" is a pathetic meme.
>I speak spanish and it's vastly superior to german for instance
>citation needed
German language was born in the 16th century. It's a chaotic and uncivilized language that they had to change the modern german many times so people could communicate with each other
So why the fuck aren't you speaking Latin nigger?
>German language was born in the 16th century.
Modern German you mean.
Funny how someone speaking a language derived from the degeneration of a degeneration of latin (vulgar latin) would take pride in something like this. LARP logic, I guess.
Can't really complain about chaotic languages when speaking one that has no proper syntax :^)
I do agree that germanic tribes invading the Iberian peninsula was bad because it corrupted the Latin language but still even though is a degradation of 7th century latin it's better than what you have over there.
This trend of always reforming the language is totally degenerate. Every 100 years people are changing our languag too much. Let's say if you pick up a text from 300-400 years ago you can't read it today.
>Let's say if you pick up a text from 300-400 years ago you can't read it today.
can you read the original translation of the bible by Martin Luther? no dictionary allowed.
Yes. Which brings me back to my first post adressing you personally: >>Brazilian education
Well, since your language is only 500 years old it's natural it's less corrupted than portuguese which more than 1500+
>shit my original argument was retarded
>quick, if i shift the goalpost maybe he won't notice
You're a pretty sad creature and you probably know this.
Watch lots of chinese cartoons.
nah I'm just saying user. I mean I can read documents from the year 1120 however the words are very different. I compared Luther's bible from 1500 to the modern and the words are different but I'm sure you can read.
However you are trying to push the "brazilian education" meme at all cost.
You are pathetic like most germans.
>I compared Luther's bible from 1500 to the modern and the words are different
They're not except for slight spelling differences.
> I mean I can read documents from the year 1120 however the words are very different.
Wow, I can say the same about the shit written back then. Why is it ok when the words are different for you?
>However you are trying to push the "brazilian education" meme at all cost.
It's not a meme when it's obvious how inferior it is. That's probably also why you have to go LARP as ancient Roman despite not even speaking latin, instead of posting shit from modern Brazil.
That would be hot as fuck.
>That's probably also why you have to go LARP as ancient Roman
I just compared both civilizations I never claimed to be "descendant from the roman empire" or I never wanted to dress, talk or write like romans.
You are hallucinating right now mein friend. Go back and read my first replies.
Also Romans didn't speak italian. Italian is also a "degenerate" version of Latin.
>I just compared both civilizations
For what purpose other than WE WUZ? Let's look at the current situation where Germany has its dick up all mediterranean countries via the EU.
>Also Romans didn't speak italian. Italian is also a "degenerate" version of Latin.
Go back to the post you're replying to and look at what language I mentioned. You retard can't even follow this conversation despite there not being a distraction in this thread.
Where do you come from?
>For what purpose other than WE WUZ?
To stop with nordicism and varg larping.
I'll help you all now: Proxyfag.
Move along, sir.
>To stop with nordicism and varg larping.
Why can't you let people take pride in their past?
>Why can't you let people take pride in their past?
WTF am I reading? You said many times I was being a hypocrite etc just because I compared nordics with romans
Also you accused me of larping romans just because I said they were more advanced
Now you are defending a guy who literally is a walking meme using pseudo-pagan clothing.
>It's still up
Fuggit, might as well fap
Stop larping