Well, Sup Forums?//

well, Sup Forums?//

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Trump supporters are trusting Assange. Hillshills are trusting the CIA. Dumb comic.

posting in a roach thread

for once can we have a thread on Sup Forums thats not bait/ctr/jidf/leftists

The lefty's current mantra is "Censor free speech, questioning the president or the CIA is TREASON," etc... which is FUCKING STUPID to push right before Trump gets in!

And the shooping over a comic with the opposite perspective is funny.

>mixing various groups into one for the purpose of "making a point" in a silly political cartoon

political cartoonists should hang

Reverse the panels, keep the headers and label it liberals. same thing.

I hope a bomb goes off near you and kills you.

I don't recall any one blindly following Trump. When he is wrong he should be called on it. Only problem is if you listen to the dominant media he's always wrong. So obviously Trump supporters are going to other sources.

Arent leftists saying that if we don't blindly believe the CIA hacking allegations we are Russian sympathizers and traitors?

Is this cartoon unironically retarded?

I don't know one single Trump supporter who doesn't want to keep Trump accountable for his actions.

Trump is not the government he is an outsider working for the benefit of the people.

>notneven in office
Meow can you blindly follow the government of trump isn't even in the government yet

Also obama is the one trying to get us into a war with Russia right now so FUCK you

So far trump is doing basically what he said he would

I always feel that loving america isn't loving your government, it's about loving the ideals that america was founded on and striving to meet those ideals.
Having to fight for the ideals you strive for is completely in line with telling people they need to love america, because loving america is loving freedom.
Not freedom lite version with "free" speech, but true freedom.

The author fails to understand this.

>we need to ban all guns to stop mass shootings
>lol do you think guns will help you against a fighter jet

trump gets elected
>quick lets all get guns to protect ourselfs against the trump goverenment

Don't you have random explosions every 12 seconds to worry about? Shoo, roach, you'll never be white.

What the fuck kind of gun is that? Seriously, if you can't even draw a real firearm correctly I'm not giving your opinion, as a professional cartoonist, any value.

>I don't recall any one blindly following Trump

The sad thing is you're probably serious.

>2012: Lol. Stop making Russia the boogeyman Romneytards
>2016: Russia is the boogeyman

>Under Obama: Who cares if he bombed 7 countries compared to Bush's 4?

>2007: We can't allow big corporations to control America. Finally we have an outsider to change that
>2016: B-but Obama didn't have the house

There's always hypocrisy but the American """""""""""""""""""""""left"""""""""""""""" has near a monopoly on it.

He is right though.
have you been on Sup Forums since the election? every move he made was discussed AD NAUSEAM here. And this right here is Trump Central.

Good point user, and well made.

You people are as delusional as the liberals.

You monkeys defended every position Trump ever held, even when he completely flip flopped on them.

Any criticism of anything about trump was met with shrill cries of beta cuck and ctr shill.

You koolaid guzzling faggots made Obama's cult of personality look nearly rational.

This person doesn't exist.

Change your argument when the target of your argument changes. I don't see the problem.

>"government is bad"
>*government becomes good*

Why, in this situation, should you hold your original position?

this picture was just posted in another thread. Nobody complained. Instead a lot of people, including me, agree with the points it raises.

Just stop lying, user. Nobody is buying it and nobody cares. You fail, again. sad.

Have you ever considered that it's strategically advantageous to do so? If you're playing a team sport and someone makes a mistake, do you tell them "you really fucked that up big time" in the middle of the game? Of course not, because it lowers morale. Same thing applies here.

This. Assange is only one I truly trust. Trump will be trusted if he delivers.

Get a gun.

>one faggot denies it
>one faggot embraces it

Do you guys just enjoy acting like scumbags? Or do you not know any better?

Cool strawman, roach.

>Then: Domestic tyranny isn't a thing you don't need guns what are you going to overthrow the government? lol
>Now: Trump is literally Hitler and I need a gun to protect my minority friends.

>I will repeal and replace Obamacare

One of the worst straw man arguments I've ever seen 2bh.

Yeah, I've always leaned right, but I only recently realized almost everything the left says is a projection.

I found this yesterday. It looks like even Horsey has swallowed the redpill.

Hmm, I am thinking.

That's not how populist progressives operate.

Trump and his supporters want government healthcare. They just want it on their terms.


>Gee billy, how come your mom let's you fight TWO strawmen?

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards

City people all voted for Hillary.

>haha stupid right wings
>how could you stop wanting to fight a government after you have rule over it!
>*idiotic picture of some guy holding a gun who has literally never ever seen a firearm, can't even be bothered too google image search one*

Lefty's really are this stupid

This one too! One of these might be the racist edit.

when confronted with contadicting evidence:

1. adjust opinion to new information
2. double down

I see you made your choice. good luck with that.

>Do you guys just enjoy acting like scumbags?
I enjoy seeing people I don't like get upset. That's all. Trump has been great so far, in that aspect.

You've presented no evidence and your fellow trumptard kind of ruined your little make believe session Sorry.

Way to hold up the stereotype.

Nice strawman in that comic burger

I did. You tried to explain it away, failed like you always do and are now pretending it never happened.

attempts on obamas life: 0

attempts on trumps life: 2 at least.

I agree 100% with both statements.

The other chose is to lose an election with 3 million votes more than the other side and only be able to cry and beg.

We need guns to fight the government if it comes to it.

We need guns to fight the government if it comes to it.

Git fucked roach.


lurk moar


During the Bush II years, they were anti-war. For the past 8 years, they've loved war.

When Trump is in office, they'll be back to Bush II mode. Public discourse is engineered to so as much division as possible. The ensuing chaos will make the people more open to the idea of giving truly imperial power to one, or a few, people which will then implement a police state. This the endgame.

>CIA's job is literally to lie
>they've done it before thousands of times

>reddit spacing
Bye fag

>when you double down on a narrative

>unless you blindly follow our government, you're treasonous.

Literally no one says this.

>Projection: The post

It's amazing how trumptard behavior resembles the liberals.

Oh wait, not really.


Ah the old everyone who points out what a gigantic hypocrite I am is a redditor maymay.

A classic.

cry more faggot

Put a Clinton tee shirt and hat on the guy, reverse the panels, and you pretty much have the liberal reaction to Trump getting elected.

I do, libtard.

you're not even trying anymore, are you? it's just ad hominems and desperately hoping nobody catches on with you. Now that's liberal!

Day of the Boot comes when?

You only hurt yourself by posting out of context quotes and sources that where heavily biased against trump the entire election.

Sorry that the truth hurts and that people have memories from more than an hour ago.

Please feel free to continue embarrassing yourself. As far as I can gather, trumptards universally seem to get off on it.

> The ensuing chaos will make the people more open to the idea of giving truly imperial power to one, or a few, people which will then implement a police state. This the endgame.

Yep. It became extreamly obvious as they started talking about "dynasties" and treating every election as if it were the last. They already had most of the pieces in place, it's just a game of who is sitting on the chair when the music stops.

Which is why they all flipped their shit when Trump came dancing in and fucked up their game.

I don't even care if he becomes literally Hitler. We the people were doomed anyway, as long as those fucks all get caught in thier own trap I'll go down smiling.

>le out of context maymay

Trump literally says the government is going to pay for it.

Are we going to do the standard trumptard dance of pretending that's not what he said for a few hundred posts before a couple of your monkey friends start explaining to us how government healthcare is actually a good thing and that trump has always supported it?

Kind of tiresome, but at least you monkeys are consistent.

I hate to be so critical of the CIA; but after many years of reading and research into the many declassified projects like MKULTRA. I have come to the conclusion many CIA officers are evil cunts.

You're confusing government and country.

I thought the conservative meltdown when Obama was elected was bad, but the liberal reaction to Trump's election had been worse.

What are you on about? Are you even replying to me anymore? What truth? What do you think this conversation is about?

>he just now realized this

It's comically pathetic. Probably the only bright spot in Trump actually winning.

You were trying to pretend that trump's followers didn't act like a mindless cult of personality during the election.

Then I laughed at you.

Now you're still trying to play make believe.

Like I said, some of us have memories from more than an hour ago.

>autistic screeching begins again

And of course the trumptard completely ignores trumps own words and jumps to crying about someone else being autistic.

At least you're consistent.

Ok, so now I'm laughing at you.

That means I'm right. And not only in reality but also in your world.

It's time to go home, son.


The right panel is literally no one though. As in, no one says or thinks that.

Why are leftist propagandists such shitty artists?

>1 post by this ID

>We need to fight the government because the new president brings an atmosphere of hate
>If you're against the president it's because you're racist and on the wrong side of history

Just now stated it publicly on a monitored message board. C'mon man I've been a tinfoil before it was cool.

Ok, son. But I brought my own jacket, don't need yours.

it happens with both parties whenever their candidate is in office

same shit happened for
democrats and clinton
republicans and bush
democrats and obama
and now republicans and turmp

both are huge fucking hypocrites that only care if "their guy" is in office

These are the same fuckers always screaming about ______ acceptance, and they're making fun of people for being fat. Someone should start a tweet storm of SJW bitching.


I've been here since the beginning. the answer is no.

Different opinions doesn't mean we're bring raided

Further proof that political cartoonists besides Kelley and Zyklon Ben are retarded


>have the artistic skills of a special needs child
>also have the political mindset of a special needs child
Checks out

>Trump supporters are trusting a dead guy who's being faked as alive by the CIA. Hillshills are trusting the CIA. Dumb comic.

thanks for activating my almonds, wtf I totally hate GPG signatures now!

All done in the interest of America. If you don't like it don't mention it to Trump he will start it up again as he thinks torture is good.

Why do shills always post the edits?