How does this make you feel? Are you ok with this?
1 out of 10 whites are race traitors, so all things considering
that's racist
Hispanics got demoted again?
WTF? I thought we were white!!!!
black guys usually knock women up and abandon the kids. Not to say it happens a ton to white women but of the 4 or so mulatto kids I've known or met all of their fathers abandoned them and left the white mother to raise the kid.
Youre only white when you murder someone.
>white/hispanic couples
Feels good to GUAC those white genes
Well, to be fair, there are some whites hispanics around. Don't know the proportion, though.
Why the fuck is it so low?
This is marriages, most pump and dump.
the reason asian is so high is because asian women are notorious for marrying outside their race. In the U.S., it's around 50% of asian women who interracial marry compared to less than 10% of asian men.
So the most common "interatial" marriage for whites is Hispanics
You do realize many Hispanics are basically white
Some hispanics are white, some aren't. Hispanic is an ethnicity, not a race.
This, there is a very small percentage of black men who will stick around to raise their kids, and white girls who want to get back at daddy usually avoid those types.
Also in FBI statistics.
The stats are marriage not just fucking, unless you're a moron you only put a ring on something worth keeping. A very small number of non-whites fit that bill.
>53% of the hispanic population
I'm white btw
there's still somewhat of a taboo revolving interracial especially bmwf but it's an increasing trend. also just because white women don't marry other races doesn't mean they don't fuck them.
Let the bleaching commence!
White-Hispanic isn't really a big deal since Hispanics are already mostly white.
What year is that for? 2016?
lolno they're mostly indio fucking shits
squat brown smelly bastards
Feels good that whites are the most loyal, even with all the social engineering. Should be way lower than 1 in 10, however.
If nothing is done it will only get worse.
Question: hispanics is an umbrella term that contains even Italians? Or are they white in these polls?
>CAPTCHA: polenta
You know that the perception of "whiteness" is different between Latinos and Americans, right?
We don't count dagos period :^)
Anyone who says this hasn't seen the Squatamalan indio trolls that make up 90 of hlatinos. "Mostly white" is a meme, and still isn't white.
It's as simple as Latin American is not white.
I guess someone's stepfather habla castellano
always a huemonkey fantasizing that everyone's being mongrelized like them
half are fat weeaboo losers who white women don't want and half are fat coalburner women who white men don't want
What are Criollos?
What are immigrants' colonies?
What are Teuto-brasileiros?
What are Chileno-croatas?
What are Italo-argentinos?
Or like your newest half brother
please keep your fapfiction to yourself
Chicano here. I have pink nips, am I white?
The data gathered was from 2015 but was published in 2016.
Not all Hispanics are white, they included black Hispanics as well.
A rough break down of all Hispanics in America;
50% are technically mestizos aka "White Hispanic" Euro Spanish / South American Indian mixed
30% are "Black Hispanic" Spanish / Islander Black mixed
10% are the Definition of European Hispanic (or slight black / Indian mix)
10% are South American Indian with sight Euro Spanish mixed
>tfw dating pale white girl with blue eyes
>tfw the interracial banter is fun as fuck
>tfw white and brown color contrast during sex makes my toes curl
1 in 10 whites racemix but then again look at the white birthrates compared to the one of any other race other than asians.
Fuck off, Shlomo.
So most of the "race mixing" white couples are between whites and white hispanics.
Not the biggest deal, there are large amounts of actually white hispanics
But single white mothers with non-white kids is the real problem
ah so it comes out you're a spic larper
yes and no
>implying you even need to larp
Romantic Latino is literally a romance novel stereotype. All i have to do to make a white girl blush is just talk a little slow and keep eye contact like im mad. Its no hard to get a white girlfriend fool. Most latinos fetishize white women but aren't so sexually aggressive and socially retard like blacks so we make your women feel special.
>tfw when dating, native american right now.
>am pic related
kek, just adding to the stats.
nigger nigger nigger
muslim muslim muslim
9 out of 10 rural and suburban retards voted for Trump
9 out of 10 city people voted for Hillary
>be native american
>get fucked for hundreds of years because MUH land
>become .01% of the population
>losing cultural identity by the day
>decide to breed yourself out of existence
Native Americans are the most cucked in history of man. The only ones more cucked are that one civilization that Khan wiped out
>Romantic Latino is literally a romance novel stereotype
Yes, of Spaniards, not ugly smelly midget beaners.
>black guys usually knock women up and abandon the kids.
You know what they say...Once you go black, you're a single mom. To be fair mudskanks DO have a 6% change to keep the nigger around, marriage-wise. and a whooping 8% change that they even knew the niggers name in the first place. Hollywood advertising power to degenerates and the gullible is amazing
Bretty accurate.
Now you should factor in ethnicity.
>still too high
>implying most coalburners marry their walking dildos
white race is not worth saving
we have power to niggers and women
so fuck the white race
germany is less muslim than you are nigger
Whatever you say, rapemany.
yeah I'm sure every marriage counts for all the dicks theyve sucked prior.
Aparently it's only if we kill someone
Sort of like a bizarre Pinocchio with Pepes instead of that annoying goody-goody cricket.
>when Hans can only cry nigger online but can't do anything in public
I'll just let you feel better about yourself. You only have at most a century left until your entire lineage is outbreed anyway.
10% is an acceptable number for me. Now if only we could fix the financial risk of marriage and eliminate birth control so that women actually had to perhaps refrain from constant risky sexual behavior and think about marriage and family...
It's removing the risk of pregnancy that set all of this nightmare loose in the first place. Birth control and contraception should be a strictly controlled product.
Im part of the 9% :))
germany /BTFO/
Better even, Replacemany!