What's up with this little blue belt here

What's up with this little blue belt here,


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I mean niggers.



I bet a 100 bucks its niggers

Dindu muffins

The Black Belt, a line of exceptionally fertile soil that extends through several southern states.

cotton, bong.

Dots represent the areas where cotton was picked.

I live in mississippi, its the urban niggers yeah.

The highways go from hattiesburg to atlanta to whatever shit city is in vermont.

the addition of cities to homely urban towns was shit decisions

Did someone say Dindu Muffins?


the physical representation of the left over niggers from cotton and tobacco picking


I'm in western PA, I've always been surrounded by conservatives. so when trump won I really wasn't surprised, because it was Trump land over here.

I can't imagine living in those belts or blue areas and everyone you need is #mentallyhill, you think "this is the status quo, this is whats happening" and then the election happens and just fucks your shit all up



Googles for real.

It's funny as you drive through south Georgia how you'll just come to an all-black county . . . another 20 minutes and it's all white . . . then black again . . . then white. The settlement patterns after 1865 stuck pretty well.

Fun fact: those blue counties in south Georgia are the net payees into the state Lottery. The proceeds of that Lottery pay for the college education of primarily white middle class students from the red areas north and east of Atlanta. Yes, the legislature figured out how to tax lack of statistical knowledge and time orientation.

ex slave niggers who stayed in the south. they're a bit more civil than your northern urban nigger but still niggers nevertheless

>fight an entire war to escape whitey
>stay in the south anyways cause shiiid dassa far ass wawlk

gets me every time

You know what I like best about Western PA? When you go stop at the sheetz innawoods its a certainty that you'll see a dudebro in his lifted truck with muddy atvs in the back wearing cutoffs.

Then you get back in the car and there's nothing on the radio but jesus and you can't help but just think to yourself
>god bless ameriga

They live there because they like to eat dirt. I'm not even being facetious.

Western PA here also. I literally saw 2 Hillary signs the entire election season. I did see a lot of Hillary for Prison signs, though.

Lots of them went north into cities looking for work (northerners quickly regretted freeing them)

Which is why every city is filled with them

South-East coast blue areas is blacks.
Center and South-West coast blue areas are Mexicans.
Northern east coast and west coast blue areas are white liberals.

Lots and lots of niggers. Most cities are over 50% black and there is an obvious separation between white and black areas. Blacks feel like they own the place and let you know it.

Tons of wiggers and coal burners. Whites are either red necks or wiggers... very few in between.

Outside the cities its not a bad place to live if you want to live rural with hot humid summers and mild winters.

Tl;DR: If you are white look elsewhere.

Trump rallied in my literally where small town, the definition of the demographic he was trying to hit. I heard of him campaigning places you've never heard of but I didn't think he'd be right down the street from me

also actually it was at a sheetz I first saw the MAGA hats before I even thought people wore them and they were just a Sup Forums meme. I got to see firsthand just how fucking astonishing his ground game was. Hillary was in Chicago that night, Trump was aht here innawoods with us and it was beautiful.

The "little blue belt" represents the southern white man's success at keeping niggers away from decent folks.

We have a thing here I like to call Incognito Segregation. We keep the niggers in their own areas. If too many move into our areas, we move away to more expensive areas they can't afford to move to.

Our police and judges in the south tend to be racist, so they profile. If a nigger is out of pocket, he's probably going to get pulled over. Since niggers are niggers, he's probably doing something wrong, so he goes to jail. When he gets in front of the judge, he gets the maximum sentence. Then, when he gets out of jail, he's a good southern nigger - he goes to a nigger area and stays there.

And behind the scenes, we've always got the KKK and their affiliates to deal with any serious nigger problems that might arise.

Up until the early 1980's, there was still a sign posted to a tree in my hometown that said "Nigger, don't let the sun set on your black ass in this town."

The rest of the country could learn quite a lot from us southerners and our "little blue belt."

pic related - the buckle


Why do witebois say "nigger" whenever they're on the internet? You wouldn't say it to my face unless you had a gun lmao

They're synonymous

The old coastline was there. The soil is perfect for growing cotton.

What's with that shit in the bottom of Texas? Spics?

>>fight an entire war to escape whitey
>>stay in the south anyways cause shiiid dassa far ass wawlk
>gets me every time
That is not what happened, user.
First of all, blacks didn't fight a war. It was whites. Second, southern whites wanted niggers. They kept breeding them and wanted to blacked the entire U.S.. Northerns were ok with southerns fucking up their states, but didn't want blacks all over the map. So northerns wanted to keep niggers in the south only. When the war was over they weren't going to take niggers.

Map guide.

Why did the blacks not move to the bigger cities?



That's like saying "woman" and "bitch" are synonymous.

high impact shit posting here boys


That is, without question, the most fucked-up, random, and blatantly false rewrite of Civil War history I've ever heard.

Yes, that's the Texas and mexico border. Infested with them


They are, the difference is connotation

What? Calling someone by an animal name applies the behaviors of that animal

Nigger literally means black

I go to U of Alabama and do a ton of community work south of Tuscaloosa and let me tell you it is poor as fuck areas dominated by about ~70% blacks. These are the shittiest, most depressing tiny towns filled to the brim with blacks who repeatedly vote for liberal policies which drain the wealth away from them. No clue why they keep doing it but I met my gf cleaning up the town square of one of their shitty little hamlets so I'm thankful. It's so disheartening too because cities like Huntsville in Alabama are so good for business and entrepreneurs and are 90% white, and generally vote republican.

>mfw Alabama would be a dominating state in the business world if not for the room temp-IQ blacks in the black belt

Make Bama Great Again when?

I'm pretty sure they both objectively denotate exactly what they mean.


well nigger the problem is we can't touch your monkey asses without you saying it's a "hate crime".

niggers are only tough in packs but one on one you aren't shit, nothing special. nigger is more likely to pull out a gun in a fight anyway if hiz couzins aint dare to jump in

Which part exactly is false?
Or are you pissed that the confederates wanted Haiti 2.0?

>You wouldn't say it to my face unless you had a gun lmao


i fucking love cotton

it's so nice

so comfy

I am pretty sure white folks called you niggers for decades without carrying guns on them.

The Black belt.

It's a name for both the soil and the people.

hemp & wool > cotton

why is everyone in this thread being so racist? You realize the only black people that actually come here are the Ben Carson types. the leftist liberals here are all white as snow.

High standard of living and good quality of life. One of the last remaining strongholds of the conservative southern democrats.

BASED as fuck.

As everyone has already said it is the Dindu Menace

definitely niggers

Don't get your panties in a twist, Brayden. Niggers can't read.

Its where cities and good schools exist

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards

City people all voted for Hillary.

100% false in every way

We have a lot of unfinished business because that pussy Lincoln ate lead before he could send them back.

Luckily their culture makes them kill themselves off.

Now stop sliding my board with dumb questions please we are trying to stop another Oakland fire.

Can confirm. Don't even know what you said.