>even black cops chimp out
kek what a zoo
Justified. I fucking hate niggers. If anyone worked as a police officer in a heavily black neighborhood for 3 hours and IF they come out alive, they would change their mind 100% regarding niggers.
More black women need to become cops.
The world would be better off without LaChevron having a badge. Whites and asians are the best cops.
>Wanting to get shot by a 350lb sheboon with a 55 IQ for 'hate' breathing while being White
>Black female cop straddle punching a dindu
She should be given a commendation for that.
came here expecting white supremisit dressed as pepe shooting dindu..
see black female officer tell black bitch to fuck on up outta here sheeeit then throws cheap haymakers..
Fuck this is amazing.
Black female police officer, throwing haymakers on the top guard.
Completely expected moustached honky to "lose it".
Pleasantly surprised. Trump not even inaugurated.
>betas with preconceived notions about people bigger than them and who will shoot anything are the best cops
>More black women need to become cops.
America needs less black people.
>black girl fighting a black girl
knowing how simplistic and inconsistent these dindus are I am 1000% sure they will overlook this one
lmfao, the zoo is broken call animal contorl
>two monkeys get in a fight in there nature preserve
Fucking wild animals from a race that's centuries behind evolution wise.... it's an obvious connection with stacks of evidence
she was clearly punching the suspect
White privilege comes on any color as you can see on the black female officer, Fuck white people and fuck trump.
Hey Sup Forums. I'm new. Why cops are so violent in america?
People who bitch about shit like this have never been to a community of niggers. Violence is literally the only thing they understand.
They don't have a grasp on coherent English
They lack the cognitive ability to think logically about anything
Their only reaction to anything they don't like or understand is to act out in violence
I literally see no benefits to keeping people who are in the "hood" around. They should all be quarantined and killed. They don't work or pay taxes, as evidenced by how run down all of the things around them that run on taxes are.
The ONLY reason they're here today is Democrats need them alive for easy votes via pandering. The ONLY reason.
>"We will have a swift response today. We're not playing in 2017," Khalif said. "We want her a-- off the streets. She should not be out there with anger issues toward young African American women,
Because the ones who work in areas like that deal with niggers all day.
Cops that work in rich white areas are pretty cool. The biggest problems they have to deal with are drunk rich white people.
Because we have lots of niggers. Lots. And we know how to enforce the law. I don't know own how your law enforcement act over there, aside from politely avoiding Muslim enclaves and no go zones.
>What’s shown over the course of a minute of footage is a mass brawl between two families in the middle of a Southwest Philadelphia street. There are flying kicks delivered from atop parked cars, and a pair of police officers attempting to restore order.
>Then, 30 seconds in, a baton-brandishing female officer is shown entering the fray. The street clears out and she’s one-on-one with a teenage female.
>That’s when everything turns from Worldstar entry into footage that will leave Philadelphia Police Department spokespeople fielding questions from the media and push-back from the activist community.
Yeah it was just another violent incident for other niggers to laugh at until that cop showed up. Why she want to ruin they fun?
racism exists for a reason, the ideas don't appear out of thin air
nth for mummers
Typical racist cop.
Why are black people such violent white supremacists?
Cops are the most silent on how barely contained the situation is and how really fucked everything is while we continue to have niggerdoms in the USA. Even black cops hate niggers.
this was a nigger
White racism is responsible for this... somehow.
The cops should be permitted to assassinate every single one of these animals on the spot. They are just garbage with nothing to offer humanity but problems.
No more black women need to return to Africa.
When's the last time we had a riot? They just disappeared. Maybe it's because of winter.
ay hol up let me explain how this was whiteys fault
fuck white people
Holy fuck. These people behave like literal animals, never seen anything like it before.
This is typical black behavior in America, they even act like this at their high schools and middle schools.
And some you burgers have the audacity to try to make fun of Canadians. How's that monkey shit-flinging going? Top KEK!
Even trained chimps are dangerous
>black woman beating up black woman
Literally no one will care.
Fuck drumpf and fuck white people
>nigger cop beats niggers
wtf I hate white people now
This video is insane, how violent these people are, and the total disrespect towards police officers.
Could not understand a fucking thing that was said... so I will assume it was a fight over a Will Smith cassette tape.
Filthadelphia needs a cleansing.
Thank whatever God you believe in that you never had to attend a majority black school or live in a majority black area.
This is your future, leaf. Only with more suicide bombs.
they are allowed to do that, they have batons, she's lucky only her fists were used
must be the beverage tax getting the blacks all riled up.
nice sheboon ass at the beginning
DAMN that ending that woman deserves a raise
she seems to be able to handle the other ones pretty well. I agree burgerbro hard to call her racist either.
Fuck indios hediondos like you.
why can the fucking president not afford a personal trainer and show him some actual exercises?
>college age nig doing highschool trig
it's called niggers
>based black woman woops a punkass niggerbitch's ass for assaulting a police officer
Its always the black cops because they know these negrettes don't understand anything but violence.
Why do black people even exist?
These people are so fucking disgusting.
Living with actual chimps would actually be better than this.
its a black cop, nothing will happen. She will just lose her job MAYBE. thats the WORST case scenario and then she will get a book deal on how
>"Police are racist and sexist and thats why I was fired!!"
then she will sue the police department for 6gorgillian dollars.