Other urls found in this thread:
Bitch I'm not clicking that filth.
>gender is a social construct
Afraid to fall for these cuties?
Im not clicking
But i am lurking in this thread.
ready to call people faggots
[gruff cockney accent]
Hello. Moi name's Dave err Sandra!"
You better not be a transphobe
>i'm a beautiful girl with a feminine penis
what kind of horsefaces shemale faggot is that
wtf, I can look more like a girl without actually trying. But these niggas actually try wtf
lol wut?
Slide thread
>this is what 1.5 years of hormone treatment at 21 looks like
How is this political?
wat a faggot
>that flag
>that comment
This thread is basically the difference between Autogynephilia vs Transsexualism.
All of these guys are autogynephiles. They don't look anything like women. It's a fetish for them.
Only one of the trannies in the picture is AGP.
>26 mtf 2.5 years on hormones
give it a try and post with timestamp
that fucking attempt at make up, fucking hell...
This is the only one who passes. He's certainly a gay TS not an AGP.
That wing eyeliner really does not make trannies look any better.
Almost half of your(/most western) country panders to these mentally ill people. They've got huge political power compared to their numbers.
Why do people even try transitioning if they are over 18? Your results are almost always going to be shit.
Only way you will ever be a trap is if you started HRT before your puberty growth spurt is done.
>that fucking hairline
l o l
>that light stubble
>gay TS not an AGP.
you can the find the same shit here on Sup Forums
and ctrl + f "/passgen/"
is that Cara DeleVinge?
Not true though.
Gay boys who want to transition will do so. It's self selected.
These guys who fail miserably don't care about the results that much. It's the fetish for them.
not bad seeing as he'd be an ugly man anyway
I've fapped to worse
>43y MtF / 24m HRT - Doing Okay?
This is why your insurance is going up.
Never, ever, say anything like that ever again.
Gay transsexual versus autogynephile.
Transsexuals are homosexuals and they usually pass. Usually younger.
Autogynephiles are fetishists who like women and they don't. Usually older.
Still looks like a dude :^)
On that note:
poor dad
>we share sites with this
I wouldn't look twice at him. I think he passes well enough.
One of my old friends was a nerdy loser
>family life a complete disaster
>played eve online 24/7
He's a tranny now. Completely brainwashed. His Facebook is full of Jeremy Corbyn and those trans comics. A living meme.
It's a picture of Evalion you retard
I bet he's a "transbian". Like Chris-Chan.
Theres nothing wrong with being a nerdy shut in who is depressed
>tfw you'll never be a beautiful strong woman
these pictures
That dude looks like he should be in an 80's butt rock band.
>gender is a social construct shitlord
>women have big hands too
I know that feel that's why I used to be friends with him when no one else would. He's not even gay. I think he did it to escape depression. I don't really know I haven't spoken in two years.
They look like abominations
Your post just cut to close friend kek. The whole turning into a trap is fucking weird though.
>this thing wants to go to the same bathroom as your little daughter
How is it that reddit/imgur spits out horrifying creations while anons pass so well when they post pictures?
Is it the realization of a fetish? Is it the gratuitous ridicule one will receive not only for posting their picture, but posting a bad picture?
They all look like women who were caught turning into a werewolf.
Maybe it's a matter of numbers. Reddit is also a massive hugbox telling people they look beautiful when they look like a trainwreck, causing more people to post pictures even though they're abominations.
You don't say?
Female to male on the other hand usually doesn't look too bad, if you take away that most of them are midget sized.
It would be very progressive
Fuck you. Now this thread arouses me.
>don't look too bad
>every single one looks like they have no idea how to shave
Gee maybe it's because they're still delusional women who only manage to look like faggy guys 99% of the time.
>for you
It's really bizarre. All these trannies and sjws just appeared out of nowhere in the last few years. Maybe normies are just too impressionable for the internet? Social media was a mistake.
>this is your average brazilian
Can the pendulum swing back?
I entered this thread not knowing what to expect.
It seemed like satire at first.
Now the dried fruits I was eating taste like shit.
post feminine feet
Fuck me! That hurts!
>im literally shaking right now
I'm done with Sup Forums for a while.
Is that that youtube racist? Sup Forums is always right!
The only thing swinging should be a large axe.
>pedro with a feminine penis
I'm not passing at all, and get compliments if I post pictures in certain ways and backlash in other ways. Thus, Sup Forums breeds degeneracy, but it doesn't allow mediocrity, as the anonymity creates and environment for harsh criticism without consequence.
"Yeah the toilet brush is next to the toilet, maria!"
kinda hot desu senpai
Asians do get some points for passing though
This one's 35.
asians don't count because they are naturally androgynous from all the soy they eat
back to cancer again
You could land a fucking plane on that forehead.
>gender is a social construct idiot
>no i really MUST shit in the WOMEN's toilet don't you understand ugh
You wouldn't be able to resist such a fine piece of meat
>what do you mean you don't want to date a guy?
>i'm a real woman you shitlord
getting a bit sick of seeing all these monstrosities
Because our society is killing masculinity and making so many beta males that even woman can pass. Its sad.
>you are definitely passing. If I didn't know any better I would never know you used to be a woman.
Is that Charls?
just fuck my shit up
I have the misfortune of knowing this failure of the human condition.
I'd hit that if I was drunk enough.
Good thing I've been going to AA..
This has to be shooped