Why is weed so illegal in Asia?
Why is weed so illegal in Asia?
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What part of Asia? You realize that covers a shit ton of different governments and cultures, right?
Because Duterte says so.
>smoke a bong, don't live long
We'll I know for a fact during the communist uprising in China weed was banned because it "destroying the people's resolve" and "killed the communist's fighting spirit"; even tho historically us Chinese have cultivated marajiuana for a very long time.
I don't think the authorities care in India.
In Chinese marajiuana (dá mā) translate to "big/great numbness".
Because opium really messed up asia so they went full anti drug mode. Thailand, vietnam and cambodia are fine with weed though.
because we fucked them up with opium and now Asia as a whole is much more wary of drug use.
because it's the devil's lettuce
Mostly the problem of monopolization and the effects that it has on the economy
philippines got really fucked when Tabacoo was first introduced and many asian countries have a huge problem with drugs that can be considered addicting like opium
Because addictive shit is bad u retard
You can buy fucking Valium without prescription in India
>weed is addictive
Not gonna say you're wrong but is there really an addictive substance in it? Being a weak willed stoner doesn't equal addictive
it was legal in india until ronald reagan decided that wasn't good enough
still not a big deal though, you can see rickshaw pullers smoking from a chillum out in the open
>tfw 1st world countries get great weed but i have to make do with ditch weed because the government will never make it legal again
There's no addictive substance in sleeping pills either though and they still don't give those out without a prescription even though they're actually useful.
Sleeping pills can kill you, show me a case of someone od'ing on marijuana
They don't care much about weed in the Philippines and that's coming from a stoner I know who's been there recently.
You can pretty much shit on the streets and noone gives a fuck really.
Asians are typically very anti-drug. Doesn't matter which.
Because they are smarter than you.
This. The wounds from the Opium Wars have not headed. Thanks Britain.
>Duterte and drug dealer are sit down in the same helicopter
>what's happenning ?
Holy fuck you are an idiot.
All those countries you listed are super intolerant to cannabis.
>Bad 19th century opium experience
>Drugs considered way too much of a social ill to be tolerated.
that is a tobacco pipe.
You guys have Hindu Kush, right? And hash?
Take a pipe, cap one end and drill a hole just big enough for the nozzle of a can of butane to fit inside.
Fill the pipe with buds and cap the other end by duct taping a screen over the hole. Now take a can of butane, stick the nozzle in the hole you made earlier and empty the can out. Collect the drippings in a bowl or something, and do this outside in a well-ventilated area far from sources of ignition. When nothing more comes out, stop adding butane and remove the buds, then grind them up coarsely and repeat the process. You may want to keep the first "nug run" seperate from the second as it will be of superior quality.
Now you're almost done. Next, the liquid in a glass container and heat it over low heat in a well-ventilated outdoor area for at least 72 hours. If you have access to or can construct a heated vacuum chamber you can purge the butane in 48 hours.
To test the wax, heat up the stove and drop a little onto it. If it's purged well it will melt and then quickly turn to vapor without burning, sparking or crackling.
Now order a dab rig off the internet or smear a little on the outside of a joint and you're smoking like a first worlder.
I don't like this meme
You guys made it illegal in most countries
yeah, hash from malana and kasol is top tier, and those places are filled with mostly jews from israel coming there to smoke up after their mandatory millitary service, so i guess it's Sup Forums related after all.
I smoked weed nearly every day for like 3 months, and I'm not addicted. I'd be fine never smoking again if I had to.
funny thing is the opium problem was fabricated by the birtish
because it's legal in North Korea
how hard can it be to grow it decently?
>put seed in soil in the spring
>veg during spring, flower towards the fall
>designate shitting streets to marijuana plants to provide fertilizer
>proceed to consume dank nugs
Exactly my point. I've smoked a bunch and just decide to quit cold turkey because it's easy to do.
Hooray for Big Pharma and paying taxes!
The west essentially brought their morals down on them for decades and turned them into cucks.
>t. quit a day ago.
You're going to be totally responsible for the upcoming slum fire that kills thousands
You get addicted to the sedating effect so you can't fall into sleep without them anymore if you overuse it retard
>There's no addictive substance in sleeping pills either though and they still don't give those out without a prescription
What about over the counter sleep aids?
Heres a you for a irl lol
Growing weed is one of those skills that's easy to learn and hard to master. Sure you can grow it outside and get a consumable product, but the hydroponically grown shit you can get from placesin California, Oregon, and Canada is leaps ahead in terms of quality.
Many of them smoke tobacco in excess and drink like fish.
I don't really see it.
>t. Perpetually drunk Irishman
Opiate wars made them really fucking touchy about it.
Duterte actually isn't out to get weed, his issue is with meth and heroin and coke and other ADDICTIVE drugs. it's addicts that bring shit down in the Phillippines. Duterte is actually in support of medical marijuana.
Chinks are like automatons, most of them can't really make decisions on an individual level. They need a select few to lead the great masses. If you threw weed into that mix the whole balance would fall apart when Johnny Xiang doesn't feel like inhaling glue fumes in the microprocessor factory for his allotted rice ration because he can stay at home and 420blazeit.
Yet everyone smokes cigarettes in Asia.
Same reason as it's illegal anywhere else. People enjoy doing it and in the west it wasn't as established in culture as alcohol was so they thought prohibition would be successful.
Ultimately what the motivation behind drug bans is is they want to ban getting high. They don't care about the safety of the drugs, there's lots of legal drugs that'll kill you, but they don't get you high. It's a holdover from the temperance movement.
In the west we used opium and weed in classical antiquity but after the collapse of the Roman empire, Cannabis (except low THC hemp strains used for fiber) and Opium disappeared from Europe until the 1500's or so when Opium was reintroduced to medicine again, and it wasn't for another few hundred years (mid 1800's or so) when Asian immigrants brought psychoactive cannabis back to the west.
So Whites just don't have it in our culture as much as the rest of the world so we thought it'd be a success if we just banned it, and since the US had so much clout in the world post WW2, we made the rest of the world ban it too.
Because, social integration and cohesion in high-population countries depends on mental uniformity and good common sense. Dope blows both of those right out the window.
>Many of them smoke tobacco in excess and drink like fish.
Typical "anti-drug" double think. They don't consider alcohol, caffeine, or even nicotine to be "drugs" . Like you said, Japs smoke like chimneys and drink like sailors, but anything stronger than that is super illegal and you'll do serious time. Not to mention the social stigma that being a "drug user" carries.
A new cause for Right Wing Safety Squads emerges!
Because America hasn't waged opium wars 2.0 to legalize it yet.
>the "pot isn't addictive" meme
Only addicts believe this
Its not addictive, it's just easy to become dependent on it
You never get worse withdrawls than some lack of appetite, stress and trouble sleeping
What was his name again?
I haven't smoked weed in 6 years now, and even when I did, it was like, 3x a week at most, and even that wasn't consistent. I quit any time I had a situation in life where I thought I'd be tested. So I'd quit for 6 months, pick it up again for awhile, etc. But the last time I smoked was in Dec of 2010, and I smoked most of 2010 but had quit back in 2009 because I was in a school program that was claiming they do random drug tests.
So yeah, I don't really find it addictive. Psychological addiction is just weak character, and you can get "addicted" to anything you find enjoyable, like you're addicted to shitposting on Sup Forums.
Because it's degenerate. Ironic!
Technically, yes. It was easy to find in all those countries, and people were smoking it in the streets everywhere I went.
Because they're soulless ants entirely subservient to the hivemind that live on slave wages and work 12 hours a day.
Asia have a bad history with drugs. Also, weed is fucking shit you doped up retard, it'll make you fucking DUMB.
In addition, I also feel cold all the time and lack empathy. As I get older, the cons are starting to outweigh the pros
addictive is not the same as habit forming fucklord.
a metabolic dependence can't happen with marijuana.
Thailand executes people for drug crimes, and you can get 15 years in a shithole prison for weed.
Just stop and exercise for a week until you sweat it all out and feel normal again
Asians don't drink much really, they just have zero tolerance.
There is a reason why Asians are outperforming weed driven white countries in terms of intelligence and education.
you dont get to bitch your country allows any generic we only get swiss drugs madated by law and about 4000% more expensive
spotted the basement dwelling alt reich vpn kid with 0 life experience
There is a reason, but it's not marijuana. It's niggers.
This. Nigs drop the mean intelligence. And theres too many of em.
>99.9% nig
>higher IQ than whte countries like Slovenia, Ireland, and Portugal
Nope, juts burgers being dumb as usual like vid
I don't think you can anymore I was just there a few months ago. That being said, it's India you can bribe a doctor for a prescription for like 2$.
Weed makes you fucking retarded, and when you're retarded you're more likely to make retarded self harming choices. Anyone who smokes weed without a death wish or not as a last resort painkiller/ fuck everything soft drug, is an absolute fucking idiot.
Weed is like heroin for people who don't want to full destroy themselves.
it was only popular to say americans are dumb in 2004 with george w , europe lost their bragging rights of being superior when they imported all their muslims
What are you, dumb and a half? It's harder to grow good weed when you have to be covert about every step of the process. Also there's only black market investment going into black market ventures. That means human capital too.
>it was legal in india until ronald reagan decided that wasn't good enough
Wtf? Reagan was president of India too? This man has done everything.
I had a sugar OD after smoking cannabis, does that count?
That's my flag too if you put a star in the middle. Fucking Hiromoot
Isn't opium wars 2.0 already being waged with American big pharma being the replacement for opium?
It's killing a bunch of people here.
I went to Dharamshala, and every second stall was just pipes, bongs and grinders. Shit looks like an 18th century China tbqh, all clean and no poo. The dogs were fat and chill af too.
Based umpaa loompa
Because it's degenerate you fucking degenerate.
It's true man. The only people that can drink a lot are people with a primarily wheat and meat diet. When I went to India South and East Indians barely drank and when they did they would get absolutely shitfaced from a single beer. Punjabis on the other hand drink more than me and nothing but hard liquor.
it's happening again lol
>pic related
it would be funny as hell if China once again fails horribly and reverts to shit-tier conditions because they all get addicted to opium for the second time
all this talk about being a "rising superpower" will disappear as soon as they're all a bunch of strung out opiate junkies
you are talking about opium, not marijuana
Westernization and the opium epidemics.
Not productive. Can be fucking disruptive as well, if potheads start getting in everyone's way. Asians don't like it when things get disrupted or when 1 faggot screws shit up for everyone else working with him.
>implying it's better to work than smoke opium and hashish and lay back comfortably in your den discussing buddha with friends
I never said they weren't addicting but there's no addicting substance in them. Just like weed.
There's an easy explanation for this. Asian countries are face saving cultures- predominantly. This means courtesy and customs are especially important- particularly the bow. Bowing is not just a sign of respect, but also a paralinquistic way to demonstrate the intensity of your convictions (how sorry you are, how embarrassed you are, how thankful you are- in the west we use intensifiers). Being high on cannabis interferes with one's ability to bow appropriately. This makes important parts of paralinguistic communication and social hierarchy impossible to manage when high- showing teeth is rude, laughing with your mouth wide open is rude... etc.
Not addictive. Smoked for almost everyday on college. Went to Russia for work, literally smoked up on the way to the airport. Didnt have any detrimental physical or mental effects. Didn't even think about my lack of smoking
Can you imagine what would a weed addiction would be in china?
They'd all graduate to hash before the week was over.
>pic related
>and we also sneak into america and peepee in their coke! China 2.0 soon hehe!