Would Sup Forums throw canelo alvarez over the wall or are white Hispanics okay in Drumpfland

would Sup Forums throw canelo alvarez over the wall or are white Hispanics okay in Drumpfland

real talk...drumpf is racist

GGG will throw this ginger over the wall himself

no gingers

if he is working legally and paying taxes there shouldnt be an issue with him living in any country.

then you take him

>that ID


>holy shit I didn't even notice

somebody cap that

>drumpf thinks this redpilled nigger killer Aryan man is a mestizo rape monkey

is drumpf anti-white?

>that ID

>americuck wants to get cucked by a Mongolian slavshit half breed

typical drumper




FPBP. Kek Confirms.



At least GGG kinda speaks the language.

>Max... look at my belts. . I am... big drama show... Max... my fans.. everyone... I like... big drama show...


C'mon then user, what have you done today that deserves that I.D? spill the beans.

not sure
I just woke up

maybe I should check and make sure my wife is at work right now

Who cares about Cowardnelo Alfearez?

>nigger killer