Hey bros, I'm in D.C. but my gf keeps bitching about me wanting to go to Comet Ping Pong. Should I sneak away while she's getting her nails done? Is it worth it?
Hey bros, I'm in D.C. but my gf keeps bitching about me wanting to go to Comet Ping Pong...
>Rhythmically slapped University
Just sneak out and tell her you went to get some fresh air in a nearby park or something.
i wud penn her state anyday
Bring your AR-15
make sure you come back before she gets BLACKED
They already buried all of the evidence as soon as it became mainstream news.
You won't find anything by going there.
She just said she promised not to get BLACKED. Do I believe her?
Kill all there OP i want Pizzagate revival
you should, the pizza is great there!
>showing belly button
Is this how women identify themselves as sluts?
Tell them Seth sez Hi!
Surely they couldn't keep their hands of the cookie jar since then and must've created new evidence right?
It's just fucking pizza, and pretty damn good pizza if you know what I mean. You should take her there for dinner.
>It's just fucking pizza, and pretty damn good pizza
Of course it's good. It's made of fresh children.
She won't go because she's liberal.
That's crazy, as a liberal she should be supporting businesses that have been under attack by Alt-Right fake news campaigns.
Get down to that basement and set those children freee
Too much logic for a female in this post.
She said she doesn't want pizza. How do I convince her?
Should I get her a prepped bull?
Tell her to try their yummy salads. They're low cal and will keep her from getting more fat and disgusting.
She's 105 lbs
I mean I don't know why a DC user hasn't debunked this shit yet. It should just be a matter of staking it out, but lets be real. If there was any kiddies getting trafficked there, they sure as fuck aren't anymore.
Do you guys honestly think that a child trafficking ring would have some dude run in and indite them and wave a gun around, and then keep funneling kids through there? Seems like you'd have to be pretty stupid to do that.
No, if you wanted to REALLY see if there were kids being trafficked you'd spear fish yourself some passwords, and monitor these actors until you found a lead that gave you physical evidence.
She's never once said that she's fat?
"Hey baby, I want a slice. There's this place that gets great reviews on Yelp."
She's been looking over my shoulder while I browse Sup Forums for the better part of three years so she knows about Podesta the Molesta.
She always complains that she's too skinny then claims she can eat a lot and eats two bites of a Brie panini.
Then call her an anorexic bitch and drag her to kid prison pizza shop.
wasup fellow dc user. let's link up
because we all have jobs and it costs a lot to live in DC/near the metro
Is she a pedophile?
Fuck those trips mean I have to now
What's up friend :^) OP here on mobile so that's why my ID changed
My girlfriend is liberal and believes they are pedos
The pizza's not that good, your girlfriend's in on it
where you based outta?
We're in Foggy Bottom
orange line always gets fucked up on your shitty stop.
lololol double date with my gf & i