After seeing the Cracked article now this, I seriously think they're working to normalize pedophilia.
After seeing the Cracked article now this, I seriously think they're working to normalize pedophilia
Yeah, I read also. Someone needs to find that pedo pdf and analyze, but I aint clickin' that shit.
>They're using clovers
Fuckers are blowing up our spot.
OP says they are normalizing pedophilia and he should say that, but I say where are the proofs? Sad.
What's wrong with that?
This is just how it works. It's not some conspiracy, its just that certain groups see the success of others, and exploit the opportunities. Leftists said "that's silly, nobody will ever support these," but this is how it starts. Bit by bit, like a frog in boiling water. Transgenderism, is the new thing, but in the forefront, is "pedophilia-acceptance" and bestiality, and incest. I don't think we will ever reach a stage where a pedophile can pursue pederasty, but I think we will see a time when they are a protected minority class, and it will be against the law to discriminate against them. Same for beastiality. I think incest will be legalized if both are of age of consent.
I think this is a realistic frame of where we will head by 2030. And remember the demographic shifts as well. What happens after, I can't even guess.
using 4 clovers as a symbol of pedophilia?
just like Sup Forums
the fuck is a clover?
That's what this shit was all about, making society accept the most fucked up shit. There is a reason why pedofaggots were in from the beginning until feminists threw a shit.
Isn't this a joke? I heard it was. Idk, I hope this sort of thing shows the left how ridiculous their ideology is.
lmao. They're going into MAXIMUM PEDODRIVE now.
This is just funny.
Was this us
Yes you are baby fucker. I can't even open this site without seeing two threads about kiddy diddling.
Pedophiles, incest, and bestality advocates, were a significant part of the early gay movement. They were expelled for being to extremist, now they are beginning to be welcomed back. At least, in the "pity" sense.
t.increasingly nervous hag.
I refuse to believe that a man, in his right male mind would fight against his own best interests, as a man.
Fully grown men are going to be wedding young virgin girls in the future and feminists are shutting themselves and so they should be.
Watch them try to pin us as pedos now
turning pizzagate on itself. fucking kikes
go away mike
Lynch all the pedos! Who agrees?
There's literally a thread on Sup Forums right now about this. Other sites say Sup Forums had a hand in it, but I haven't seen a thread about it on Sup Forums until now.
best timeline
Yes, let's lynch most of the planet's men.
Am I right ladies?
Literally everyone.
the Sup Forums thread about it
We must protect the clover
Two ideas:
>Connect Clovergender to Sup Forums
Pretty straightforward. The logo is a clover. And no one really likes us.
>Make Clovergender a host to the most radical, sensationalist, crazy (((alt-right))) wastes of air.
Set up Clovergender groups that casually push general right-wing politics, segregation, the enforcement of a gender binary, etc in order to make it impossible for lefties to support it
Normalization is in the works.
Bestiality and incest are more acceptable then pedoshit though. They are speed the pace because pizzagate.
Thread like these help prove that 2016 was the year of the normalfag
Why does Sup Forums immediately turn into screeching autists when this topic comes up? Literally all the logic you pride yourselves over gets thrown out the window and immediately turn into screeching autistic cry babies.
Watching FF debate you over the years has been like watching you debate reddit on race.
>Yes you are a baby fucker.
This was retweeted by someone in my twitter feed
>not me
A wide spread criminal activity that no one likes to discuss.
>this is what pedos actually think
Sup Forums does have a hand in it. For the last week I have been seeing numerous threads almost daily, threads how paedophiles should be accepted in society.
it drives a man sick
This "pizza" reference has been around a lot longer than the PizzaGate investigation.
This, theyll use the clover then run it to ground, we gotta change it.
Holy fuck, trust the burgerfaggot to not know what a clover is XD
If anything it means it'll be 100x harder to find the chon by Googling "clover logo"
>Having calm rational debate with pedophiles instead of just killing them.
But why
They are. It's obvious
>Having calm rational debate with racists instead of just killing them
But why
>having calm rational debate with racists instead of just killing them
Just like reddit.
Well that fucking answered his question.
If it's pedo related then it's sure as shit something britbongs know much more about than burgers.
>having calm rational debate with anyone I don't like instead of killing them
Average nigger/Muslim
>Believing in racial differences is the same as diddling little kids
God will punish us for this faggotry.
Yeah, that British cunt priding himself on 'logic' is demented, probably a paedophile. The only people arguing like that, in those terms, pro paedophilia, are almost always paedophiles themselves. If not that, then he is a sympathiser and has some kind of personal stake in it.
Having said that, even going by logic, paedophilia will always be wrong. Acting on your carnal desires is abuse; you are forcing yourself onto a child that lacks the ability to consent. Only a retard or paedophile would argue for acceptance of paedophilia and claim but muh logic!
Because some people's definition of pedophile is different than others. A lot of people would consider being attracted to a 14-17 year old girl with full breasts, wide hips, and the ability to bear children a pedophile. Should we lynch red blooded men on sight for being attracted to the characteristics of a sexually mature female because of an arbitrarily defined age of consent?
lmao oh my god
were you trying to make some kind of point? I fucking hate racism but the two of those are barely comparable. Hating races is not the same as physically and mentally raping a child, you fucking imbecile.
That's not my belief. I'm pointing out the glaringly shit argument you purport that is just as easily used by leftists and Marxists.
Part of what makes white people white in nature is the ability to reason and debate through discourse. This of course applies only to ideas, not actions. Actions are met with a different response obviously
they're using the Sup Forums favicon?
i don't think pedos will ever be accepted, nor should they. 99% of leftists hate pedos as well it's not a partisan thing
On principle, I'm perfectly prepared to have a debate on anything, even pedophilia. I have no problem in a long scholarly conversation on it, anymore then I do discussing any other esoteric topic.
In practice however, we all know that if "society" has an open debate on pedophilia, the degenerate identity-politic fueled left would simply use their propaganda engines to force it through, not on any kind of rational argument, but on the backs of accusations of bigotry.
British paedos have to hide, but it's out in the open in america
Shit, cheese pizza has been a thing on Sup Forums for nearly a decade, maybe more. And it probably had a start somewhere else before it came here.
We're gonna need many ropes here lads.
>Someone needs to find that pedo pdf and analyze
Which one do you mean? I've heard of a few.
This is a massive problem.
Consent is feminist bullshit though. Age of consent is also feminism.I combat feminism every step of the way, even if it makes me a pedo. Idc.
They have to push this shit now. I'm sure they wanted to ease into it more slowly but now the Don is taking office soon they have to hurry. It's their last chance.
Please stop. Please, just stop it. You just went full goddamn retard. You could have claimed you were trolling a troll comment, but instead you went full ape-shit on it.
Pederasts do deserve to be killed. Why? because being a pederast implies you have abused a human being during one of their most formative years. Have you ever been abused as a child? do you have children? can you imagine what it would be like to be forced into something evil without having a choice?
you're not pointing out anything here except your own idiocy. A racist by definition is someone that holds a particular set of views, whether he acts on them is something entirely else. And if he does act on them, he should be punished. Just like when a paedophile becomes an actual pederast.
However, having said that, would you trust a paedophile hanging around your children? even if so far said paedophile hasn't acted on his sick urges?
>This is just how it works. It's not some conspiracy, its just that certain groups see the success of others, and exploit the opportunities. Leftists said "that's silly, nobody will ever support these," but this is how it starts. Bit by bit, like a frog in boiling water. Transgenderism, is the new thing, but in the forefront, is "pedophilia-acceptance" and bestiality, and incest. I don't think we will ever reach a stage where a pedophile can pursue pederasty, but I think we will see a time when they are a protected minority class, and it will be against the law to discriminate against them. Same for beastiality. I think incest will be legalized if both are of age of consent.
Weird, I'm in two minds. Some days this pisses me off, other days I'm totally fine with it. Can I have more red pills? I think it's moral nihilism that's killing whatever part of my brain should be getting angered by this.
>using a clover
Aww how cute the kikes want revenge.
We must have done something pretty meddlesome to enact revenge
yeah but some morons here think pediatricians are paedos.
I fucking called this shit last year.
Do lolis count as pedo? Asking for a friend.
There is no floor to human degeneracy. It just keeps going down.
This was started on Sup Forums. Fucking retards.
Theyre trolling sjw's.
I can see you're already blinded by your own emotion and rage from all the shit you're just making up and putting in my mouth.
I would like to point out a particular line in my post here, just in case you didn't read it.
>This of course applies only to ideas, not actions. Actions are met with a different response obviously
The discussion of pedophilia, which is an idea, NOT an act, is to discussed and analyzed through reason and discourse. Once we move into the realm of ACTION (as in actual rape), however, the response is met differently.
Please try to use your God given brain a little harder.
Feminism is literally that women deserve the same rights men get. There is absolutely nothing inherently wrong with this. However, the term has been stolen this last decade to mean something entirely else, and women have been brainwashed and lied to that they deserve even more rights than men. Media thrives on division. Giving people equal rights = no profit. Don't believe the hype.
yeah, but at least nobody was hurt drawing that shit
For what end i wonder? Surely there must be a goal, something to achieve
>sex is an act of evil
Says the Christcuck virgin.
>the slippery slope is just a fallacy goyim
>gay marriage won't lead to anything more damaging
pls jews stop this
Pardon, I didn't catch that last part of your post. I was, however, commenting on the fact that the comparison you have used lacks logic and should therefore not be used. I can see what point you're trying to make, but I don't think it's a good comparison.
Would you do me a favour and answer the last question I asked you?
Its a Sup Forums troll. I mean ffs theyre using a clover as their logo.
I saw it coming too user
Learn how to read. Raping a child is an act of evil, not sex itself. I love sex.
Na. Articles like the one Cracked posted have been being published for over a decade. The rest of it is just autistic right LARPers hoping for one last culture war as they begin to slide into irrelevance as Trump sets to begin a Rockefeller Republican-on-steroids administration.
>implying this isn't a jew ploy to make plebs link a clover with Sup Forums logo and put it to rest and all of our info will be spread around worldwide as pedophile
>Feminism is literally that women deserve the same rights men get.
Yeah, but they don't desrve the same rights as men because they don't build and maintain society like men. Their soul purpose is to serve men. Nothing more, nothing less.
Wow the one time I'm not browsing Sup Forums
if you think leftists support pedos any more than right-wingers you need to go outside and tell a liberal you're a paedophile.
didn't you just call me a christcuck virgin and now you're saying the most 12 year old virgin shit of all time?
are you fat as well
there is a Sup Forums app called clover with similar logo
I take it you've never been around a horny 12 is old girl?
>implying Sup Forums isn't already infamously full of pedo
99.9% of the people feigning hysteria over Pizzagate purely found this site looking for illegal content involving minors. That's why they are so fluent in the language of online pedophiles.
What's his name again?
My comparison wasn't meant to be used logically. It was to point out implicitly that leftists/Marxists can just as easily use the same shitty argument due to a difference of simple belief.
Also in regards to your last question, it's difficult to give a definitive answer as there can be potentially many different factors and perspectives involved, such as how long have I known this person and do I actually trust him or would he betray my trust, or why would I leave my children alone without supervision, etc.
But I suppose the general answer would be no. But then again, this is not an answer exclusive to this exact and specific scenario. Why would you leave your child with somebody you don't know at all alone in any scenario? Discounting the pedophile angle, a stranger could easily kidnap them and sell them for organs, or murder them for no reason, or whatever else. It's not always limited the pedo stuff.
Is this some sort of Sup Forums false flag?
>mental rape
Women are not the same as men, bruh.
These guys don't go outside, though. That's how they can actually convince themselves that SJWs are taking over the world and that Pizzagate is a thing.
>Chicken Lover
That's why.
Now let's go gas these degenerate fucks before the (((MSM))) picks this up and starts promoting it.
Sup Forums is notorious for pedophilia though
Anybody can start threads on Sup Forums you retard.
Is this from the Vesti? I posted there for years until they banned me for being a pedophile. Good times.
Yeah, when I was 12
I agree. Kids should never be left alone unsupervised with complete strangers.
Personally, I could not be friends with a paedophile. Nor would I ever leave my children with a paedophile.