Banned for responding to Feminist

First off, I know I have no personal army. I do, however; hope that even 5% of you will sympathize and write this horrible human being. I was banned from a site that hosts projects for my hobby, I'm currently on the front page of the site for making a game they called a "gem" and I'm also of course banned by the extreme feminist moderation.

This wouldn't be a big deal if my ban wasn't for responding to a feminist and then her white knight mod she summoned for me daring to respond. I'd just found out that my front page project wasn't up for an award for the yearly voting, in spite of privately knowing I had plenty of nominations. I wrote an on site status saying something to the effect of "I never expected to win a Misao Award, but I certainly expected to place. While I'm unsure how a project deved in two weeks in RM2k3, with no custom anything is there and a completely custom project isn't, I'm not going to dwell on it. I'm also not going to vote. Congrats to everyone that did make it."

So, I have like 9 comments, even from the head admin. Everythings cool then the troll Sooz comes. Sooz Is triggered that I won't vote and needs to inform me how pointless my status is. I tell her (Didn't know her gender until after the issue) it's about as pointless as her responding. She of course dislikes this and needs to let me know how pathetic I am and makes some weird joke that her friend is "giving her shit." I respond with "at least someone is, but I won't be. Not worth it. Sooz is undeterred and begins to compare me to a "pretty princess that's crying because I'm not on the homecoming voter ballot." At this point, I see I have someone attacking me as a straight white male trying to belittle me, and I asked the big bomb shell. "Are you a cucked beta or female feminist?" Sooz is done, it's over. The question was too much and crushed her somehow but it was okay to say what she said to me first.

Other urls found in this thread:

Feminists never get any dick so they're justcrabby and pmsing 24/7

The white knite mod showed up in unprecedented time for the site, as if summoned. He warned me publicly and privately shamed me for my "extreme comment." I found this odd and did 5 minutes of cross referencing terms online, to discover that the mod was Sooz's irl friend in Huntington, Al. I discovered Sooz was an intense lesibian SJW, anti male, diversity driven extremist who also runs a blog and cartoon about young (young) lesbians fighting monsters. Shocking. I let the admin know back privately that his bias wasn't okay, and I was warning him to follow the sites actual terms in the future in a dispute. (I have 0 power beyond pointing out that I know.)

I was banned within a minute, exiled with my project still on the front page serving the liberal machine. I knew the main admin was a big sjw but we've been okay for a years time since she threw a tantrum back in the day but was civilized enough to eventually be peaceful. This new situation though, I'm mind blown.

Sooz can repeatedly prod whoever she wants but if someone says something back in kind, they're a target of her IRL mod white knight.

Going to post Sooz's dox. I don't expect much, but god would some emails to her or letters go a long way in making me smile.

Feminist ban any people damage her feels.

Obviously say was troll,racist,MIsogyny,nerd,homophobe,violent,uneducated,trump supporter,alt right...

Hope you had that textwall saved in a word document, cause its gonna take a couple tries before anyone actually contacts those people. Might want to try b and r9k as well

No matter how I format her dox, the system thinks it's Spam. LMFAO. The system thinks the dox is spam. LMFAO. GOnna piece it out.

Sooz is Susan Knowles and between 30-34 years of age.. She lives at 801 Chambers Dr NE Huntsville AL 35801-1537.

You can't be privately shamed. Shame is by nature, a public event.

You fucking idiot, you can't argue with mods.

You will be banned from here for posting doxx, it's pretty clear in the rules.

So you fucked up, ran your mouth, and you want us to SJW for you? I think you are lost kiddo.

Her Facebook.

Got it!

Shaming is not indefinitely public by nature. Many people have been shamed behind closed doors thru out history. Take your lecture and move along in silence. It's clear this post is no place for you. Period. Go on, back into the cucked fold for you.

It does no good to argue with a hateful person like her. They will not respond to logic or reason. They lie, and they know they are lying. They do not care, they want you gone and will do anything and say anything to achieve it.

You want to read how to survive an SJW attack by Vox Day. He has several publications and his basic guide is indispensable.

Also, does she have a twitter?

You will probably get banned from /pol since doxxing or raiding is against the rules, but posting tweets relevant to /pol interests, is fine.

See if you can find a mod to get on your side, or contact the website admins directly. You're going to have to go higher. And start screenshotting and documenting.

So many people you can't name one?

I'm trying to help you, kid. Sup Forums won't. Your thread would of slid off the board without me bumping it.

When you argued with the mods, you lost. It's like thinking fist fighting cops will get you out of a speeding ticket.

You Fucked up even harder by breaking rules here. It's just going to get you banned other places.

Use a proxy, and use the site you complain about, but don't be so overt. Drop red pills and create a resistance.

Women are equal to men. Women and omega males are pretty much cut from the same cloth.

What is your game? At least maybe we can shill it up and shill hers down.

I think people would apreciate links to her rpgmaker profile

This. give us links buddy. to yours too, and hers and the mod if possible. I'm bored.

I'll include it next time!

You aren't trying to help me. If I pulled you aside at your grandfathers funeral and told you "wearing that here is so disrespectful to your grandfather" then walked off, I would have privately shamed you.

Moving on, a ban here can be dodged in about 20 seconds... not particularly concerned.

If you want to help me, give me ideas of the right places to take this and better ways to present it.

dude post her rpgmaker profile , it's not hard

I'm in the misao thread trying to figure out what to do and who's doing what to who but new accts are now locked.

seems a shitstorm is going on.

Tryin to help you buddy. is my game. I make old school fan stuff in my spare time because it's nostalgic. As a kid I couldn't walk right, stand long or run for a few years and they said I never would, so I played old school RPGs a lot... until I over came thru years of treatment at Shriners Children Hospital. I just create free stuff that reminds me of things I enjoyed back then in a time that sucked... and it's crazy to me that my choice to not vote triggered her so hard and I found myself exiled. A part of me imagines my own game may get trolled as well, and it's whatever. I'm a decent man and can shrug at it.

Her profile is

The mod is Red_Nova.

are you SnowOwl?


It's probably easier to give one of her projects a terrible 1 star review but write it intelligently and In a credible fashion.

There's nothing that can be done in the awards thing. I honestly believe taking a shot at her projects or her, but not both is ideal.

So what was your game any good? I can't find it on the front page anymore.

LOL, no. I linked my game a few posts up.

Good is definitely subjective. If you played NES classic games like Dragon Quest or Destiny of an Emperor, you'd enjoy it. If not, it's not worth bothering with honestly.

So kind of you to still feel the need to respond. :) I'm aware this isn't typically what would be posted here, but I wanted intelligent men to respond... not angsty teens.

Calm down faggot, nobody asked you to enlist.

Well shit, I actually played that in a pack of rpgmaker games from some torrent recently.

It seemed pretty good man. I like the battle system.

I hope it works out for you. It sucks being dicked around with because some shitheads are showing vag pics to someone w/ "authority" to get a leg (or two) up.

Fuckin bullshit.

Thanks. For what it's worth, there's an open source copy of the game where anyone can use the files for free. (Even if they weren't all free for me.)

No, because I give no care about your opinion, you can't shame me. Giving other people permission to so easily manipulate your feelings makes you a child, not shamed.
If bans are so easy to dodge, why are you complaining about one?

You've got a few people here willing to help, but Sup Forums is dead. Try Sup Forums, and reformat your story. It comes across as whiny. You want the internet to attack someone because you freaked out, is how it reads now. If you'd kept your mouth shut, you'd never have had a problem. You don't have free speech on the internet. Facebook, Twitter, this place all have rules. Every time you argue with the "gatekeepers" you will lose.
Learn to be more disciplined, and quit giving people permission to manipulate your feelings, are the best things I could tell you.

Gtfo Sup Forums with this shit, you knew the consequences of hanging out with degenerates now pay the toll

Would adding the words "tried to" infront of shame appease you? It's not like he actually made me feel shame... but his goal was to shame me. He didn't sjw rant at me about my minor retort and ignore her repeated proddings to do anything less than attempt to shame me.

That aside, I could try Sup Forums but I'm unsure what would come of that. Honestly, a few people is enough I guess. You're right, if I ignored the white knight summoning for the biased, one sided bashing and sjw lecture... Id of avoided the ban in silence, head down like a cucks bitch.

How often do you bite the strap and bend over for that type of person? Better yet, why do you feel so compelled to bicker with me?

Non anonymous forums are dogshit for this reason. I got banned from giant bomb for asking the author a question that they didnt want to answer.

Faggot mod didnt even use that as a reason to ban me, claimed i made an account 5 years ago and having an alt account is a bannable offense. SJW's love to take over a site, silence all dissenting opinions and then tell you "if you dont like it go somewhere else :^)"

That last part nailed the issue with this situation. Over the past few years from what I've been digging up, SJWs slowly took over this site. It didn't start that way, but one got into admining, then brought In another, then elevated like 6 SJWS to prominent community status. While the site itself has nothing to do with their ideals, they're heavily pushing them and moderating based on offended whims.

>freely choose to interact with feminists
>it turns out they are massively dishonest and vindictive
Are you Condoliza Rice?

Fucking neets making hobby games and getting in arguments with nerd dykes online. Get white women pregnant and raise kids, you have one job in life.

>New account registration is temporarily disabled.
Oh, Sup Forums.

Even this site has a ton of sjw mods, Sup Forums in particular, its just something you have to live with, all the alternative boards (4+4) are just as shit from what i've seen. Its become a popular site filled with normies who dont like mean words or jokes. Moot went out of his way to make the site more friendly for new users before he left.

Why are feminists making Rocket Propelled Grenades? This is troubling.

This is how I know you are young. Given you've shared your story, and part of me feels for you, I'll forgive your petty attempts at insults.
You don't belong here, and it's obvious by your word choices that you're probably not old enough to be here. Your skin is too thin and you lack real world experience. If you had any, you would of just put your game somewhere like steam and gave up on a platform that's modded by sjw's.

Let me give you a life lesson. Your boss will shit on you, just like that mod, many times in life. When you throw a little fit, like you did, you will be unemployed. When you rack up a few of those, no one will hire you, ever again.
That's just life, sometimes you suck it up and do things you don't want to do TO HAVE THE CAPACITY TO SUCCEEDED.
You do what you did, and basically get blocked from the platform promoting your game because you let a fat dyke play you like a tambourine.

You will learn. Good luck kid, but you're too butt hurt to take good advice.

Confirmed mega faget forever

OP I am on the case

What game is yours?

Nice try. I'm a 30 year old man who is financially secure, could suffer a full career ruining attack from SJWs and endure 2 years without working. I regularly date and enjoy a variety of social activities. I regularly go to the gym and read.

The game making hobby is just a nostalgic thing for me. Like I said, as a young kid I had it rough... and played the types of games I now make in my spare time.

Your life lesson and entire speech is aimed at belittling me in the guise of being helpful. You really a petty fucking person... and this is coming from someone that's irked and wants to get back at a SJW primarily because her bull shit philosophy and life style managed to impact him.

Mine is

The feminist trolls profile is and her other info is in a picture near the top of the thread.

For better or worse, do as you will.

There are alot of covert SJW's here that like to just throw shit around at everything, most likely you are talking to a hair died dike right now

most likely I am a degenerate myself

That cunt in the picture needs to be spitroasted, what an ugly object she is.

Kek will be proud.

Not your personal army, buuuut.....

I know theres an RPG maker general thats usually running over at /vg/. They might be able to help better.

Secondly. Try making another account and pass along info to the people on there who seem to sympathize with you. If you get enough support you might be able to cause an exodus within the community

Show us your project

He already did

OP what do you want?

DO you want to make her life miserable, or do you want to win?

Those are the options if you want to ruin her life then copypaste this on Sup Forums but dont post the DOX until the thread has some attention, also make the story easier to read for 5th graders

If you want to win then find people in that community and get her fired, talk to the site administrators

He just explained that the site administrators whiteknighted for the SJW troll because they're in it's pocket.

That's a great question Here's the issue

The sites owner/admin stepped down a few months ago from day to day operations. The main admin now is a liberal sjw and likely to back the decision. Past that, the troll is a dev that used her admin irl friend to have me banned, so there's really no firing for her on the table. Even if I can get the ban reversed, do I want to be part of a community so infested with SJWs now? The answer is probably not.

Ruining her life sure sounds interesting. I could really crop this down I guess... but I'm still not quite ready to hit that Sup Forums button.

Your am man child then.
You got butt hurt overt being banned, and started posting on a website you know nothing about, to try and get them to attack someone, because you ran your mouth.

Your feelings are so easy to manipulate, you've been sheltered from the world for 20 years if your truthfully 30ish.

I have nothing to belittle you over. Again, this is a non issue to me. I really don't your age, because you have no plan of action. The whole thread all you've done is whine about being a victim, no plan of action and no idea where you're going with this.
It's how I know your a child, you might be thirty, but emotionally you demonstrate the understanding of a fifteen year old.
Just look at your last sentence.
I'll translate
>I didn't like it when they picked on me, so I'm going to do the same to them, if someone will tell me what to do.

Pure childish reaction. Not the cold revenge of an experienced adult. Not the solid idea of "fuck these people, I can do better" and actually working at it.

Just juvenile revenge, that you have no idea how to carry out.

Pretty clear you're a baby in man's clothing, and a hypocrite.

Admin whiteknighter lives 10 minutes away from sjw troll and they have a long irl history.

Shut the fuck up and get out of the thread. The only kid here is you, ya goddamn autistic faggot kys REEEEEEEEEEE

So like I said dude, jump off that circlejerk and find a diff RPG maker community. They have one here on /vg/

Pointing out that my plan of action is non existent is the best and only real point you've made in my eyes. Thanks.

So, back to considering some of those plans of action recently suggested by actually helpful posters.

I have archieved, since this post will probably disappear shortly.

Not your personal army

Demand your projects be removed from the site and host it on a rival forum.

Also drop the Sup Forums bomb

lol. did hiro swap Sup Forums out and put some gay fucking board in its place?

do this, get your shit off the site and see if you can get others to do the same

its time to strike out on your own. god has given you the opportunity. take it.

it appears that after the election, Sup Forums is full of dorkmasters.

they came from reddit, I suppose.

this whole thread is so anti-Sup Forums it's beyond belief.

Got me thinking... maybe I should make a rival website/forum. I've seen quite a few unhappy users that stay there but dislike the sjw inner circle that's formed.

Let the hate flow throught you OP !

I'm too lazy to help you, but bump

fuck off with this autism

Alright Mac I'll help you out. I love sending fan mail.

? You should of known that your plan was nothing when your started this thread. I feel l for you, so here's a Sup Forums list.
Request a visit from the Mormons/Jehovah's
Send it hundreds of ups boxes
Sign it up for every user program you can find, bed wetters user, narc user, over eaters user. Ask for an intervention.
Sign it up for the hair club for men.
Send it bow flex ads. Have it sent every catalogue it won't like, men's clothes, John Deere tractors. Register it for NAMBLA, move, Donald trumps email letter. Send it samples of Viagra.
You don't seem to want to do things like shut off its power or redirect its mail, so that's all vanilla annoyance.

Go forth and do it then, now you have a starting point to vent your childish anger.


So it is run by SJ.W now? I played a very good game from there long ago that was about befriending random strangers and torturing and raping them in your dungeon :P

Shit in an envelope and mail it to her.

I'm with you OP, disgusting worms like her should have no saying. Power abuse is the label of these animals. Fucking whore. Just a tip - post it on b and r9k also, you have nothing to lose.

You should just make a bunch of shitty games, false advertise them to the top and flood the site with shovelware

DO EET! Seriously, SJWs only care about a platform if it gets people to read their insanity while whiteknight are just looking for someone to virtue signal for to the community at large. Taking away even a few members from that shit-site will hurt them. It will get better if by creating an alternative to them winds up killing their platform...

TLDR: SJWs need validation and Whiteknights need someone to suck up to. Creating an alternitive site might just tank that cesspool and make the internet a bit better.

That's actually a felony. It's called assault with body fluids/waste.
You can, however mail it animal feces and several companies exist on the net that will do it for $

wow just imagine how bad your life would be if you ever left mom's basement!

you seem very very very sensitive are you sure youre not projecting?

She's got some huge tits, sexy in a nerd way. Leave her alone, OP.

I'm going to look into the laws for what can and cannot be mailed to them. A good horse log sounds like a great idea. There's a lot of great ideas here honestly.


You know where she lives just kill her LMAO XD

Good luck OP, I hate how hobbyist forums and such have become governed by SJWs and cucks

I graduated from Sup Forums years ago. I've got way worse, but you'd have to drop some $ to go father.
Vanilla harassment is harmless, and plenty of sites exist with ideas.

you dont see how you are a much much bigger sjw for obsessing about words?

Here's a fun trick: mail her a letter every week at random days with a polite note on how much you dislike her, do this without giving a return address and place the letter in different packaging forms, it could eventually drive her insane.

>using any labels at all makes you a SJW

first of all, yes, but secondly you dont see how going berzerk the nanosecond someone doesnt pander to your snowflake sensibilities is SJW tier dumb fuckery?

phish 2 mod accounts, set them both to autorespond and then use one account to message the other.

Post cards are cheaper. Everything I recommended is free.
user said he wanted annoyance, I'm just suggesting what he asked for.
Sup Forums tier thread with doxx in the first five posts, I'm surprised we're not all banned yet.

fuck off, Sooz...

>you don't belong here
>let me give you a life lesson
>good luck kid

you're missing the point here, user...

no one gives two fucks about your shit opinion anyways. We got her info, OP.

Damage will be done.


SJW by definition advocate for social justice. That's a pretty far cry from your personal definition that anyone that uses a label is a SJW. You can make a comparison about how someone is on their level by their actions/reactions, but just saying someone is something doesn't thrust you into their realm by default.