Should pic related be legal?
Should pic related be legal?
As long as she is not mentally disabled it's fine. And even if she is, it'd be fine if they charged the couple some sort of tax to them so that if they pass away they already paid for the caretakers of their son.
You mean breeding when you're "that" ?
Or "That" existing at all ?
I just got a report from the top scientists:
>The man is blind.
she is cute for a british woman
You can always get laid. You just have to be willing to fuck a broad uglier than you are.
I wonder what it feels like to get head from that
Nope, but (((they))) stopped eugenics because Nazis are bad goy.
When did beeing British become a rare condition?
no. it's a drain on social services raising useless mongloids. it sounds harsh but it's the truth. the money should go to kids who can eat without drooling all over themselves.
This is definitely taking place in America.
That man settled way to hard jesus christ...
Just kill yourself if you're that lonely damn nigga..
Only for Whites.
I fucking love the goonies.
No. Mandatory sterilization.
Here, have a (you)kraine
No. Neither should gay's be able to get a kid. Getting a kid should be harder than a driving license.
Came here to post this
All people want to be loved and to be included, a measure of a society is how well they treat their weakest and most vulnerable citizens. The Lord cares for all of his children no matter what disease they have, what illness or disorder fucks them up to the point of no return, Jesus and God loves them and accepts them for who they are.
We should do the same as well.
Sup Forums claims it's a Christian board, but it has never proven it and lately, seems to be akin to worshipping false gods rather than the Truth and the Lord Who Created All.
Call me a leaf, I don't care, I love God and his Word and if I will be demonised then demonise me, but know that the Lord loves you and wishes for you to return to HIM.
She should adopt
This is actually for the Muslims. They will put a white spaz in the article (on the tv it was a nice British lady who needed science to help her have nice white babies) but it is for the inbred muzzies so they don't shit the country up with more brown angry retards.
We even love communists here. You sound hungry. Come into my house and I will share my meal with you leftypol
She says she got bullied and no one wanted to play with her, and she wants her child to experience the same? What a SELFISH DUMB CUNT.
How could you get a boner to that? It's like fucking a monster.
I'm no communist, just someone who uses his own resources to help others, I don't need government to act as a proxy for my own kindness and charity.
It would be nice to share a meal with you, my brother, but I'm afraid I'd have to decline but feel free to feed someone who needs the food.
It should be legal but it shouldn't be encouraged. People with depression, physical disabilities, autism etc. are responsible if their children grow up to have the same symptoms. Life's difficult enough without being a freak.
To be fair to jaws in the op we are a few generations from engineering all of these issues away.
One or two generations of suffering and her bloodline can still continue into normality.
If pic related should be legal, then so should incest.
Should incest be legal Sup Forums?
What's her condition? British smile?
Selfish. Very selfish and irresponsible
Just like island ownership, you were too slow on the draw.
Read the thread Muembe.
No, anyone with major deformities shouldnt be allowed to have children especially if theres a chance that said kids could get it.
The Nelwyn people are a noble race you filthy Daikini.
You know you've spent too much time here when that starts sounding really hot....
get in here faggots!
>As long as she is not mentally disabled it's fine. And even if she is, it'd be fine if they charged the couple some sort of tax to them so that if they pass away they already paid for the caretakers of their son.
Just because you're a country full of sub 95 IQ potatoes does't meant they should be encouraged to breed
>All people want to be loved and to be included, a measure of a society is how well they treat their weakest and most vulnerable citizens.
That's also how you measure how a society is in decline, when it treats the "weakest and most vulnerable" the same way or better than it does it's strongest and it's best.
fuck this timeline
how desperate do you have to be to fuck sloth
That's a 10/10 in Bongland though.
It´s ok if your parents want another child, user
Yeah, a great society is one that kills anybody that doesn't reach the standard set by the state or ideologues whose values are ultimately their own and not for others. Sounds rather Godless if you ask me and I want no part of such barbarity.
Someone who thinks the state paying these folks to live a great life is the same as citizens being taught to respect and care for the weaker and more vulnerable, alongside donating to charities and citizens incentives. Maybe there also could be government-sponsored programs to help these people but I really don't believe in government proxy of human charity.
Would you approve of the death of the meek, mild and lame for the purposes of creating your perfect society? Do you not know they will inherit the world upon the coming of the Lord and you will be made to bow before them and tell them you love them?
Nice strawman you autistic christcuck
How else am I to interpret what you have said? Equality is a pipe dream because not all people are equal, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't care for these individuals. But that care should not come from a central authority who claims it is the arbiter of equality and acts as the great father figure when that role belong to God, Would you abandon your fellow and let them die because you think caring for them is somehow 'weak'? How is that different from sanctioning murder?
Both are cold and without love, it makes no difference to me.
And If I have insulted you then I apologise, but I see a lot of national socialist supporters who openly call for such things and your argument is common among National Socialists, particularly those of the Nazi variety, so I cannot help but be cynical when I come here, if it wasn't one of the last bastions of free speech then I would've left a long time ago.
No, and if the condition affects mental faculties the child should be killed at birth/aborted.
A society that let's it's weakest live and pretend like they're normal human beings, letting them suffer and letting those weakest that are only weak by circumstance suffer along with them instead of creating a society that is meritocratic and creates opportunities for people. Civilization will not survive without Eugenics or a society that has eugenic effects. We have too low a birth rates and too low an infant mortality to let every single life that we can save suffer on. You should see the parents of these people, sure they may seem happy but if you're not an autist you'd realize they suffer as much if not more than the parents of healthy and happy children who don't have these conditions. It's disgusting that you'd sit on your egalitarian moral universalist high horse and dictate that people who would otherwise die without modern medicine and unnatural intervention due to genetic diseases and birth defects should be kept alive and even allowed to breed.
Kek'd and chek'd
We should encourage blacks and muslims to breed with them.
Your Lord created niggers, downies, blind people, deaf people, tards, microcephaly, abbos, malaria, flesh-eating disease, MS, polio....
Ruth Ruth Baby Ruth
Genetic disease really disgusts me, some girl was on about how she had Celiac's disease the other day. You can't eat gluten, you are fucking shit at life. Are you allergic to water as well? Jesus christ.
Celiac's isn't even strictly genetic, but there are obviously some potato genes going on there.
Fuckin' lol'd
You read but you do not understand, is your heart so hardened that you believe your civilisation of sin is solvable through birth-rates and eugenics? How am I an egalitarian when I say equality does not exist in this world? I will agree, however, that I am a moral universalist because I love my Lord and his example, therefore I shall follow Him and his Word, even if I am not perfect.
You speak of about providing opportunities for people yet you clearly don't view these people as worth any opportunity except the opportunity to die because genetics and natural deemed it to be so? Are these people not entitled to the opportunity to love others and be loved back? To feel accepted by their peers and to interact with them? Are they not entitled to the opportunity to find work if they desire to contribute? Everyone has a place in society, and even the smallest person can make a difference in it.
They're human beings nonetheless, they're related to you and like you in so many ways yet you deny this fact because you cannot face the reality that they are you no matter how much dehumanising rhetoric you see here.
And as humans, it's expected you treat them as you wish to be treated yourself, therefore, it shall be done on my end. My position is that we should care for all people ourselves regardless of what sort of illnesses they have through our own means and care. I'm not advocating letting them take jobs over people who are more qualified, nor am I saying that the state should use them as an excuse to syphon money from the public. I'm simply advocating that you love your neighbour regardless of what disease or mental illness they have.
You speak for people you do not understand, I don't disagree that these families you speak of having moments of self-doubt, that they feel cursed and burdened with the responsibility they have and you are right that there are people who are deeply sad and bitter about it, but they still love them nonetheless and I'm willing to say that a lot of parents have had joyous moments in their life with their child, but would they not feel the what you describe if their child was killed by natural causes or by vicious people who love their own genes more than their own kin?
You speak of naturalism and the way this world is, therefore, you use that to justify elimination. My Lord is not of this world and neither are His ways so I will defy the natural if it means making someone happy even if they aren't "normal." You might be sickened by my preaching on my high horse, but I say to you that I love you but your ways are not my ways, nor are they the ways of the Lord.
Indeed he did, but who am I to question Him and his plans for us? Perhaps those who leave in such ways will find eternal bliss and those who don't will not? That's not for me to decide, but I see something in it.
Besides, the imperfect world we live in shows how we are separate from God because we choose our rulers long ago, and they care not what happens to dirt. God would cure these people if He was king of this world.
Your current king has the same views as you do, except he holds this view of you as well. Don't be like your king.
Fucking Gollum is never right