Men = women but with a biological mistake

The male is a biological accident: the Y (male) gene is an incomplete X (female) gene, that is, it has an incomplete set of chromosomes. In other words, the male is an incomplete female, a walking abortion, aborted at the gene stage. To be male is to be deficient, emotionally limited; maleness is a deficiency disease and males are emotional cripples.

Thoughts? This explains why females are superior (eg, can give birth) and men can't

Here is your you.

Why? Just let the obvious trolls die. Sage.

Wouldn't women be as strong as men if this was true?

The user had to type it out. They deserve a mocking you.

Why do men run the world? Wouldn't the clearly superior women would have taken it from men millenia ago? What went wrong OP?

men are the most evolved, all living things are by default female. Lower forms of life do not have males. The invention of the male came later, male homo sapiens are the pinnacle of all earthly evolution, females are just primitive baby-sacks.

I thought about the very same topic before.
the sad truth is, however, that females live a bit longer, thanks to the effects of estrogen and that their brains produce oxytocin easier and they can acquire it easier because they're women or something along these lines.

this is all really bad because that means that females are more likely to be happy than males a priori. shit sucks, my dudes.

on top of that, society only really gives a shit about females and they get ahead in life easier because of much more positive social influx targeted more towards females.

bottom line: if you're male, you're basically fucked for life unless you're rich and famous.

That isn't the case in reality though. Through a women's life, she is trained to chase happiness, and rarely attains it. Women are generally far greater slaves to the system than we are.

The sooner men realize this, the easier it will be for them.