Post them

Post them

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Why is the Med a manlet?







So you are addmiting to be a cuck kraut?

genetics, I suppose

That German one is inaccurate. The guy should be raping the girl while she thanks him.

Feels bad for poor Poland.

Kek, they won't capitulate yet though.

I'm... into it.


B-but I'm almost 1,80 user.

These threads get me rock hard. Post moar.

Netorare is great.

wallons are Germans as well.

What an artistic masterpiece

fuarrrrrk thats harsh



wtf I hope your country dies now

Glorious :DDDDDDDD

Just like Portugese are white, right?

You wish.


Digits say Argies get akbar'd

everything west and south of normandy is france, everything south and east of normandy is German culturally ethnically in mannerisms and characteristics.

>tfw you realize you will never take the Falklands



KEK this one is accurate.

Kek its a Brit now or what

What even is this meme though goys?

This is great

N-nothing m-merchant...

Not sure, gringo.

But I wanna know, you don't want to be an antisemite do you?

So funny user!!!

B-but I don't know the meme m-merchant...

2 easy

Kek Krautbro

Let's bully more Meds

Am 1,85m

t. Alberto Barbosa

implying albania has any power

nice try argies

but not today


who is that young man? Is he the average dutch?

Grandpa.. Is that you?

>Mediterranean gets fucked by Nordic valkyrie
>we are the cucked ones
Yeah, sure pablo

>Not posting the original

This guy is algerian not portuguese




>leaving out Ireland and the UK

Pretty acurate meme. Your women love our cocks.



>and island off the coast of Europe

Looks like the hot kraut lady is going to wank mr arsitotile if you ask me.

>butthurt Medshit
Even our women are physically stronger than you bunch of manlets, that's why they are raping you during summer




Top kek.

Consider suicide, Arab



>Ectophorm with tiny frame lanklet

I've never been raped though.


Delete this


Freedom pls.

Spotted the jew

>no one has the Canada one
hah faggots, we escape unscathed once more

Could you inform me of its location please. It's for... research... yeah research



you wish, paddy.









WTF! I love Sweden now

Looking for someone to start a Sarah Andersen thread so I can post my rule34 OC, I don't have any of the edited comic strips saved and starting a rule34 thread on Sup Forums isn't really something I'd like to do

Can someone post the template or the name of the meme?

International Tit Grab.



Eat shit, monkey

That's an odd hairstyle for a swedish girl.

It just plays into the steretype.


Delet this

>tfw 1.85 m