Do you have any trouble watching movies now that you know 99.99% of actors are insufferable...

Do you have any trouble watching movies now that you know 99.99% of actors are insufferable, Hillary-supporting SJW garbage?

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I never pay for them so they can fuck off.
Most movies now adays are absolute dogshit so it doesnt really matter or change much. Especially this post cock addiction faggot downey junior should go and OD

They're mostly just useful idiots without an ounce of self-awareness in their bodies, and RDJ has only been in one good movie in the last 10 years

To be fair he said himself " can't go from a $2,000-a-night suite at La Mirage to a penitentiary and really understand it and come out a liberal"

Nope, if the movie itself isn't liberal propaganda. I enjoy movies even though most actors are jews waiting to be exterminated

>" can't go from a $2,000-a-night suite at La Mirage to a penitentiary and really understand it and come out a liberal"

I wonder what his anus thought about such a deep plunge.

yup, boycotted all de niro movies unironically.

It's been common knowledge for fucking decades, nothing about this should be a crazy unexpected revelation to anybody

It's getting really hard, desu. I go so that I know what's going on in the pop culture world, and so that I get the memes that normies are talking about, but I just feel empty and weak afterwards, like I just got drunk and had sex with someone that I shouldn't have, I feel gross and I need to take a shower, but the filth just doesn't wash off, because it is inside the mind, senpai. What do?

I don't care about their political stance, just their acting skills. Rdj is a one trick pony desu, just like brad pitt

Meh, if I gave up on every sort of entertainment that I enjoyed because someone that's part of it doesn't agree with me politically, I'd have to give up on around 95% of it all. Their jobs are to entertain, and if they're doing that then they earned it. I don't need to value my doctor because of his opinions but for his capability to do his job.

Granted, if they're being particularly cunty about the whole ordeal (ie De Niro), then sure, that's understandable. Bonus points if they stopped being good at their jobs too (again, De Niro).

It doesn't matter to me because I'm an edgelord who has always believed actors to be overpaid idiots

Actors personal lives aren't in films so who cares?

Give it up edgelords, normal people find your bullshit ridiculous, when will you grou up?

I haven't really watched a "movie" in years. Been watching a bunch of old stuff like It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World and 12 Angry Men, but everyone who was in any of those kinds of movies are long dead and it gives me feels.

Everything is so predictable and typical these days. You can pretty much figure out how the whole thing is going to play out and they're contrived as fuck. I barely use my TV, everything I'm interested in is on my computer.

No, I have trouble watching movies now that I know that 99.99% of MOVIES are insufferable, rehashed and remade garbage.

>now that you know 99.99% of actors are insufferable, Hillary-supporting SJW garbage
I knew that before, Who didn't already know that?

>can't live without suckling at the teat of pop culture
god you're a weak bitch. you HAVE to kill yourself.

>Do you have any trouble watching movies now that you know 99.99% of actors are insufferable, Hillary-supporting SJW garbage?

I will never watch another Jim Carrey movie ever again because he made fun of gun owners and was working to take away our guns and shit all over the 2nd Amendment, despite being a Leaf.

I will likely never watch a Robert Downey movie or anything by Sarah Silverman.

And I stopped listening to Glenn Beck's inane blabberings, of course.

>watching post 2000 movies

> normal, self-deluded idiots who willingly gobble up any shite that is provided to them, in ideas or movies or news, fake or otherwise, without an original thought in their heads?
You mean "normies"? NO thanks.

>only pop superstars can be raging liberal faggots

How many times have you sharted today?

I just don´t listen to them. I don´t pay attention to them when they are not acting.

The only words I want to hear from an actors mouth are written in down. In film scripts.

It's getting hard. I rarely go to the theaters or buy music now.

>ITT autists who think movies are made for them

I just steal everything. Avengers: Civil War's ridiculous AR-15 line was enough to convince me never to give this industry 8 dollars again. Told my family I would not see Rogue One with them over the holidays.

they don't support Shillary, they support whoever their PR people tell them to, and big fat paychecks.
Shoutout to Eastwood, man of principle

>get paid to support something you don't believe in
>lose everything you have since you are a racist bigots that doesn't support hilery

Actors are literally paid to lie. What makes you think some of them aren't lying about being liberal?

I am so past watching movies or tv. The only people I know who care about that shit are clueless women.

podcasts, video games & reading is my preferred lazy pass time.

Watching movies?

'90s were just as garbage as the '00s 2bh but both were better than this shit show of a decade.

>Valuing the opinions of the court jester

Don't autists like you love Nolan's movies

>podcasts, video games & reading is my preferred lazy pass time.
You forgot to mention getting cucked

90s had some stallone and arnold movies

I separate art from the artist

In the case of tony stark....the actor playing him is just getting into character

It doesn't help me enjoy them more, that's for sure.

At least Mark Wah(((berg))) is based.

I like Italian westerns from the 60s n 70s, anime, Japanese film in general then just weird euro and Russian shit. The rest of the world made better shit, it's all mono-cucked now

>I never pay for them so they can fuck off.
This. I felt this way before it became a principle, which it now firmly is.

I ran out of Mel Gibson movies to watch so I just started re watching them

Boycott Jewllywood.


And it's not just the actors, but the writers, directors and producers. The whole industry has become so brazen in its values pimping over the past decade.

What country is making movies worth watching? Korea? Iran?

Do they have movie theaters in the favela, caralho?

Why would you care?

They're monkeys dancing to organ grinder music for your amusement.


Passengers seemed interesting because space shit... but Jenniferry Lawrence is in it and I hate that cunt...

So her, and now her and that black science guy from Hunger Games have ruined that series. I haven't watched any of the films in over a year, but they were really good. The last 3 anywag. Watching them again is going to feel like shit

Because politics is downstream from culture, and unfortunately we live in a democracy.

It's just a youtube video, it's not like they're shoving their misguided political beliefs down my throat.

but they are in the movies

Not really. I just enjoy the movie.

do you have any trouble doing chemistry now that you know Werner Heisenberg was trying to build nukes for Hitler? You have to separate art/accomplishments from identity. Darwin married his cousin ffs.


not at all, i have problems paying them for it though

>not watching 4 Lions, a movie about incompetent suicide bombers, with insight into the humanity, and inhumanity that goes into a terrorist attack.

I completely get this. Its exhausting isnt it...

Holly Jew has been utter, utter garbage for AT LEAST five years now. Haven't watched TV for 4 years, haven't watched any movies since 3 - with a few exceptions.

Fun fact: the producer of the SJW drama Avatar is Steve Mnuchin, now appointed by Trumpenstein as Secretary of Treasury, and whose father was 30 years part of GM and who also worked for George Soros. Fells good getting Goldman Sachsed, doesn't it?

Most of hollywood has herpes, and most of them have caught it from Derek Jetter either directly or indirectly.

Look at Scarlet Johansson in the next avengers film, and realise she has herpes.

Joke's on them, I pirate all the things I watch.

I hardly watch any movies or tv series from the hollywood any more, no big deal for me.

>ITT: people too pussy to give up supporting globalist propaganda they themselves finance



take a stand in your miserable lives, you dolts


>falling for the Hollywood Jew

Come on lads, it's 2017 now

Whenever I watch a movie, I always find myself looking for hidden messages and propaganda and unfortunately, 9 times out of 10, finding it.
Even action movies have an agenda these days.

I've slowly switched to reading. Mostly history, nonfiction, politics.

I just can't get enjoyment from watching Hollyjew movies anymore.

Honestly? Yes

Like they even screen movies wherever the fuck you live.

that's a start, at least

He played his character fine. Finn is supposed to be innocent, honest, and wears his moral compass right on his face. He's a nigger, its sad that token niggers are a thing, but the token nigger is not what ruined TFA. In fact, I would go as far as to say that Boyega was the best part. Standing up to Kylo without the force was the most Star Wars thing to come out of Star Wars since Star Wars: Tie Fighter in 94. Everyone shits on Baboonyega, but he was a god damned fucking Oscar nominee next to that bitch who played Rey

>american education

I love how most of them are multiple divorcees who have been to rehab like 8 times and they think they can tell me how to live my damn life

No. Just separate them as people vs them as actors. It isn't hard.

No, did you not know this?

ive never liked robert downie faggots acting as ironman. i cant stand the overly arrogant judgmental fag persona which im convinced is his real personality channeled to be 'funny' because he's so cocky. kill me kill me kill me holy shit holy fuck get rid of these people i didnt ask for them they provided some shtity service to the public and retards paid for it but i want no part of it kill me kill me

Ha! My friends thought inwas a freak when i told them i wasnt going to pay for it at the cinema because its PC shit

Screw that. He could have been written as batman-lite, and it would have been extremely boring. The first Iron Man was great, because it intergrated it origin story well, and it didn't span the entire fucking film. Other than that, though, you are right. Its played a bit to strongly, especially in the next films, where I'm sure he was given freer reign.

Robert downey Jr almost certainly has herpes. He will have a crippling brain plaque neurological disorder in ~15 years, like alzheimers or lewy body disease (what robin williams had and killed himself over).

That shit is now being linked to herpes.

>posting arteezy twitch emotes
XD !!!!

I always wonder what it's like going through life and assuming everybody has an agenda antithesis to yours, so you can't enjoy anything. Once someone or something is labeled "liberal," you have to hate it no matter what. And definitely don't have a sense of humor about anything, whatever you do. The constant stress and anxiety has got to be crippling.

It seems like that's what Sup Forums does.

I think Willy had the parkinsons?

I think he had the perfect balance of cockiness, and pragmatism in Civil War.

>Eat it because it's in front of you. Just fucking eat it. Don't think about what's in it, just eat it. Just fucking eat it, Sup Forums.

No one's going to eat your nigger dicks anymore. You'll have to learn to autofelate. If you're jewish, I guess you're just fucked.

It was lewes body dementia, which is in the same rough ballpark I think. Its basically caused by protein plaques building up in brain cells which fucks them up.

Herpes is now being identified as a risk factor for these types of disease, because surprise surprise having a virus that pops up for the rest of your life to infect you is not completely benign and harmless.

If you have a herp outbreak you aren't allowed to scratch yourself because if you get it through an open wound on your finger you get finger herpes, or if you transfer it to your eye the virus gets in your retina and leads to blindness.

It also kills the shit out of babies.

Going to let Rob Downey Jr shake your hands or touch your baby if you pass him in the street?

They're acting in movies and they're acting there.
Most of you fuckers would be Hillary supporters if you got paid for it too.

I didn't even watch civil war. I was so sick of avengers by 2. Avengers 1 was enough, and it was very clear they had burned through all their great ideas already.

Movies have sucked dick for the past 15 years anyways. That's one of the things I hope changes now that Trump is in office, people need to stop making politically motivated movies with agendas. We need more gems like se7en and fight club.

Just download them and watch them at home.Feels damn good to steal Hollyweed's money

Fuck the electric Jew threw out my tv in 2009 haven't seen a movie since about sam time.
Last one I saw in theaters was The Road enjoyed that.

Favela is too urbain for me. I live in a farm.

Nope. Are you sure it was Lewes body dementia? Did Robin have herpes, or is it just a risk factor?

What he said. Most movies these days are utter crap.

Kindve actually, glad I'm not alone. The campaign season really ruined my imagination really. It's hard to submit to fantasy when reality has been so surreal and up in my face for the last 6-12 months

the content itself is all very jewish t b h m8

thats worse than the actors

No, because I don't watch 99% of that garbage anyway, regardless. And if there is something that I am actually interested in, there are ways of viewing it for free without supporting these people.

this is hot


I stopped watching movies a few years ago...that, and televsion.

No, see you faggots got it wrong, no one in their right mind cares what actors think. We all know they're drug addicted alcoholic degenerate sodomites for whom it's a challenge staying in a marriage for at least a week. Boycotting them for their opinions is like boycotting a circus because the clown said he likes communism.

I don't have any worries about polictical alligment of actors, singers, poets and any artsy person at all.
They only talk bullshit even when i agree, i mean, it's not like an actor have to be an enlightened human bean, they don't need to understand econômical and social contexto to make their living. so i just don't give a fuck about their polictical opnion

i just download the stuff illegally making me jew the jew while they try to jew me with their hollywood propaganda. makes it feel pretty good

it's not the actors, it's the jewy, subversive messages in most movies that get me. it's hard to sit through a movie without rolling my eyes.


