Any of you cucks willing to fill this position??
Any of you cucks willing to fill this position??
i'd fill her position if you know what i mean
>putting stickers on your vehicle
>putting THOSE stickers on your video
rather date a nigger
Some poor man living in a hotel because of this. Bitch stole his life
>3 kids
Lol at one kid I'd give her a polite refusal,at 3 I'd just laugh and tell her she's a whore who made her own bed
This is my specialty.
I find wounded MILFS and fuck like crazy.
I don't marry them or give them money though.
Just good sex in return for good food and money. They buy me shit.
She even managed to make her sticker kids look like niggers, it's amazing.
I would creampie in her asshole and send pics to her ex-husband or significant other.
Literally a cuck.
Google image "Are you man enough to date a single mom?" and post your favorites.
That's how pedos work.
no but 3 whores could fill my seats
Fuck and dump
And then offering his life to any old guy who wants it.
Desperate single mom with underage daughter = Jackpot
Now I'm bummed out. Thanks dude.
As if she would give it up, she just wants someone to raise the kids.
Those need to be banned.
>hanging around her and her kids without sex as payment
Doesn't work like that. single moms only get men that are so desperate for sex they will play house with a used up ho with kids,
What position might this be, exactly? Her prolapsed vagina?
Hi Humbert Humbert
I'd rather just be alone.
>boy wearing trousers
Not progressive enough, fucking dropped.
Bro, when women hit 35 or so a lot of them have super high libidos. Literally know multiple women who just want dick multiple times a day. Not a lot of different dicks but one they can depend on...
They fuck like wildwomen for a few weeks to try and get you hooked.
unless the husband died you really shouldn't date a single mom
Shouldn't have burned that coal.
Now she wants a real man to tote her niggers and her job?
Get fucked
I just raged hard at that image.
fuck. I need to get off this for a while before I get a goddamn stroke.
Can I take the dogs position?
>tfw red rocket from playing fetch with dad
Your calling yourself a whore.
Women legit think they are valuable creatures. I have many female cousins on my kikebook and there isn't a date that goes by where they post some meme about how a man needs to do this and that to keep a good woman.
It's never about shit they need to do. 5/7 have unfriended me due to my shit talking.
Hope whoever made this necks herself stupid cow.
Lol second to the woman?
Kek no.
>single moms think they are anything other than pump and dumps
This is how I feel everytime I accdentally read news, especially if something happens in my cucked home country.
>tfw almost daily inner rage on the subway that will turn into a ulcer some day
I love the positioning of the arrow.
See how she is at the head of the line and the arrow points to a space just below her? This implies that as her man, you'd be taking a position under her authority. That she would be the head of the family and you would be her support.
A real woman should no to place herself in the second spot and leave the head position open, with the arrow pointing there, if she wants to attract a real man.
I've roasted a few roasties over that sort of thing. Laughed at women who believed they deserved the good life because they were born with a vagina.
wat? That's an /o/ slap. You may have found a fellow autist if that's your picture.
4 doors != 4 whores, but 3 whores + driver
Most probably robbed the poor man and after he cheaed on him with some scum.
men leave wives and families as much as women steal them away.
gender doesn't make you innocent.
being a father to a child that doesnt have one makes you more of a man in gods eyes than the one who abandoned his seed.
i would have rather had a step father than no father (died) growing up.
Pretty much. It's even worse if they are decent looking.
I rather be a man for sure but I am slightly envious about a cunts ability to just lull through life on their mediocre looks and snag a man with a decent paying job.
If you are a woman you could literally hit the gym 3-4 times a week to keep your physique and potentially make six figures or high 5 figures through your husbands income just by opening your vagina occasionally.
Ahahah I came to this thread thinking no one would've picked up on the nigger kids. Never change guys.
that's pretty fucking desperate tbqh lads
Higher six figures if you do that and whore/escort yourself out professionally. This way you can easily retire before 40 and don't need to worry about the wall.
What did he mean by this?
secretarial work is a competitive field, and her position is in a highly competitive market is open for faggots like this poster
Single mothers are damaged goods.
Is that a niglet she's holding? Can't tell. If so this image is even more hilarious.
Truth be told I would not mind, it's not optimal conditions but if the lady has sufficient human quality and the kids are not complete shits then at least I get the benefit of not having to deal whit them as babies, babies are annoying as fuck.
>bitch in front, cuck's place behind her in the hierarchy
it's funny how they're not even trying to hide it
>three kids
>three dogs
I enjoy being able to hear myself think.
>three small kids
>three dogs
The smell must be horrible.
I wish more single moms would do this
It would make life so much easier to know who to avoid at first glance
>No father figure
>Says dumb cuck shit
Checks out. That said I do feel for the kids. Not their fault. But you might be singing a different tune if an alcoholic was rocking your mom's world so hard it kept you up and beat or molested you afterwards. That, or he'd be a cuck and not really a useful father figure anyways.
The sad part is, they usually get it even if they don't deserve it.
I don't even like dating women who have lived another guy, let alone one that has kids with one.
What do you guys think of dating a 12/10 girl if she's burned coal in her past? I'm in this situation rn and the thought of it makes me sick. She's super hot tho. Should I just pump n dump lads?
I don't believe she as attractive as you think if she burned coal.
The needs of some half niglet does not override my needs.
Single mothers MUST suffer. While it's unfortunate that the child is caught in the cross-hairs, this sort of degeneracy cannot be allowed to continue. Women must understand that if you abandon your husband you will receive no resources- neither economic nor social.
have you ever met a single mother that doesn't mention it in one minute?
>You mean I get to work all day in the salt mine to feed her kids and be ignored all night, because she is too tired for them, and I get to spend every weekend driving them to the mall and soccer practice so they can al spend my money together, when will I find time to walk her dogs?
Where do I sign up?
What if the husband abandoned the roastie?
I'm sick of the "she looked at a nigger once, she's forever tainted" bs.
Be a fucking man! Taker her, show her how it is to be with a real white man! Make her forget all about Jamal and Tyrone!
>being a father to a child that doesnt have one makes you more of a man in gods eyes
t. schlomocuck
This is how you get HIV or tortured and burned alive by Muhammad and his 15 brothers, who still consider the woman their property.
>They fuck like wildwomen for a few weeks to try and get you hooked.
Yeah. Not really proud of it looking back, but I fucked girls out of my looks league because they were single moms. It's a fun thing to try out in life.
Then the woman should have chosen a more devoted man. She should have recognized the signs of disloyalty, which is obvious to everyone. Still her fault.
It's the woman that accepts the proposal after all- her being the more choosy sex.
typical Euro response.
You can get a girl tested for VD. As for the rest of what you said, maybe if you didn't live in an islamic infested shithole, or a country that let you own a gun, you'd understand.
If it will spoonfeed me and pay my leisures, and wouldn't be too trashy, I would probably take it to consideration.
>jobs white americans just aren't willing to do
turns out it wasn't fake after all
roastie detected!
First of all Austria is a gun country. What if your coal burning girlfriend relapses, to you want to test her every time before sex?
It's not just an Islamic problem, Tyrese Hernandez may as well ferally beat you to death because you are using his property.
Then frankly the roastie should've picked her husband better.
I am of the mind that women need to start dealing with the responsibility of their role as sexual selectors. If men aren't good enough, they die virgins and their family tree dies with them. If women aren't good enough, they should deal with slightly more hardship than none at all.
lmaoing @ ur life senpai.
You're a fucking cuck. People's actions are reflective of their character.
Not only are non-virgins not fit for relationships, but a woman who has fucked a black before is even worse off.
Jesus Christ, kill yourself.
Men have enough responsibility in relationships. It's time that women start taking responsibility beyond nothing at all.
> disturbing lack of cats
>being a father to a child that doesnt have one makes you more of a man in gods eyes than the one who abandoned his seed.
Are you saying God is a cuck? Because if I remember my bible lore correctly God is the one that cucked Joseph.
Tons. I'm a med student and its either they tell you first thing (one literally opened our coffee date with "I think you'd be a good father to my son"), many keep it quiet as they know it scares off high value men.
Dated one for 3 weeks and didn't find out she had a kid until her mom called wondering when she would pick them up. That one also tried to get me to use "special non-latex condoms" that clearly had pinholes in the wrapper.
I feel bad for the kids, but they're not my problem
So you're a scared little beta white boy who's afraid of all the big bad minorities??
White men need to step up and take white women back.
this is what it's actually like
I see so many single moms on dating apps, they all want a serious relationship. I think to myself, why should I waste my time with you if you were of such poor judgment that you ended up a single mom?
If they were a widow I'd be OK with it.
At least you can take one or two of them to hell with you
Would it really be obvious if the space was pointing between her and the window? Maybe it would have to have a dotted outline?
Ha! Found the black guy.
This. Literally the only reason to ever consider dating a single mother.
She's single for a reason, m8s.
As long as this one was hot enough
She's gorgeous lad.
Believe it or not, I've actually thought of doing this. Why should I let a perfect woman go to waste because of some nigger?
>fucks niggers
> every black person is bad
Sup Forums is litrally retarded on this front, yet every other thread. "OMFG #BASED BLACK MAN XD, DUDE BEN CARSON! OMG U TELL EM BASED SHERIFF XD"
ill give you that yeah most black males are probably shit tier, but it's the same as when SJWS say "ALL TRUMP SUPPORTERS ARE EBIL NAZIS" you are generalizing all the same
>spot the civic nationalist
There are black people that are legitimately decent people.
I don't date non-virgins, but I'm absolutely repulsed by women who have slept with/dated blacks.
Go back to posting Sargon videos on lebbit, you cuck.
Sup Forums says 5% of the population cause 50% of violent crime
That does not translate to "every black person is bad" but a them being disproportionally bad is enough reason to reject them (the whole poisoned M&M thing).
Lurk more.
No, but I'd bet a lot of Internets that that woman has a husband and keeps him happy.