Religion: politicized /x/-tier shit

Pic related. Hoax?

I've recently read about the sounds of trumpets across parts of the world, and seen plenty of YT/LL vids with them.

I find it interesting that the post was deleted on Facebook, perhaps because the party involved didn't expect the attention the photo received. Or was it taken down deliberately by FB to silence true information?

Are we going to live through the exposition of the plot of Revelations soon?

Other urls found in this thread:

Being to Phoenix once

Feels like Hell, maybe the demon got lost on his way home


the bible is make believe kiddo

You're a complete retard. Find God or suffer eternally.


The trumpets thing is the biggest hoax OP come awn.

>Spends his days calling people retard on anonymous bhutanese macaroni art forum
>Thinks God wants him in paradise

He's a big guy

I dont believe in things like this but honestly I wish it was true, the world currently is boring af

I wish this was true aussiebro but I have heard them and this is not a hoax

>another thread of some delusional murrican thinking the world revolves around his shitty country

Get a job, fucker. Why the hell some fucking bible allegory would show up in some burger city? You aren't even major christians.


Nope. The Bible foretold that the Devil would stand in the middle of suburb at 3 am.

Get off Sup Forums or suffer eternally

I'm pretty open to a suggestion either way. If you look up the videos of them, they're pretty widespread and from multiple countries across the world.

Hoaxes generally seem to follow a pattern of being repeated or echoed by trendies to boost their views. A lot of the videos are just completely random people who don't seem to be making a channel/brand of it, or fishing for subs.

Typical Christian

>believe in my anti-white, non-european middle eastern shitskin fairy tale that preaches decadence and tolerance and treating your neighbours and friends good

On the day of the rope, atheists, christians, kikes, hindus, and mudslimes will hang.

Palm tree? Fake cardboard cutout? Serra Ascendant?

You're implying the hoax is perpetrated by the people recording

>get footage of people talking about noises outside, a very common local area news story topic
>dub over it with a trumpet noise
>"guys god is comin"

That's why in some of those videos the people are like "It's a loud banging sound" or "It sounded like a car crash" but for some reason nobody ever mentions how weird it is to characterize the trumpet hum as a bang

Also the one in Israel with the circle of clouds is obviously freshman year After Effects tier CGI

And leafs.

Why are paranormal related pics always so blurry? I can take way better pics on my phone.

>ask about the picture in relation to trumpets

>sounds of trumpets across parts of the world
>parts of the world



Kikebook shut it down because fake news
I doubt Gabriel will comedown anytime soon

If it's the later I want to know who's at 30 life right now

cui bono

That's a tree, dog

mothman confirmed

It's been cold and rainy here since Christmas
It's a fucking palm trees on a rainy evening

>treating your neighbors and friends good
Just further continuation of the Satanic agenda to invert all things, mirroring the transgender movement, fat positivity, sexual liberation, and modern art.

De-Jew your mind before it's too late user.


We are here, fool.

That picture probably was taken with a phone.
>low resolution phone camera
>cheap tiny lens
>from a distance
>in low light conditions
Literally a recipe for a shit photo.

Nice palm tree, Negrodamus

>the bible is make believe kiddo
wad about da torah?

It's just a fucking palm tree jesus

Goldar has returned

its a tree or some shitty statue

keep /x/ shit in /x/ please

>unironically believing a fairytale invented by goatfuckers 2000 years ago
user, please.

trips don't lie do they? who the fuck is goldar?

I found Him here

Power Rangers super villain my dude. The Earth will crumble under his feet! Hurricanes will rage across the planet with the flap of his wings!

I wanna fight one of those.
I'll probably die but people will be all like "user tried to fight a fucking demon?!?!?"

sheeet. well hopefully the power rangers are returning as well to fight alongside jesus then.

I don't know what's going on and doubt that this video or the reported sounds are legitimate but I wish y'all would believe me when I tell you that we're living in Satan's domain. Everything in the material, mortal, physical plain of reality is under his control and that of course absolutely means that society is 100% under his control as well. Archons, in the form of kikes, Freemasons, globalists, etc, rule our country. Everything that we think is real is a show that they stage and perform for us, constantly. Everything on TV, everything online- pol, even, it's all controlled and fake. Trump was never a real thing, he's one of them and the entire election was literally like a game to them, it was just a fake show.

You need to pray for God to open your eyes, to give you discernment and to protect you from evil. The end times could be far away but it could also be coming any day now. Be careful because the entire MO for the antichrist is to send out false prophets, create fake miracles and all around try to trick you into believing that he is the Messiah. Many people will be fooled. The idea is that they will artificially create the trouble and the hell on Earth, in order to "save us". Really, they'll be condemning us.

Demons and angels are the same thing.

You just give them different names depending on your perspective.

fucking shit haha.

theists are as ignorant and delusional as liberals.

deal with it Sup Forums.

why are these always some blurred photos with low resolution?

realy makes you thin...

>implying its not just a weather balloon.

>Here comes the religious fag, worshiper of the holy ghost!

you got nothing to worry about come revelations

Hey guys, Jesus Christ's younger brother Chad here.
Ask me anything.

But what is here, brother?

it is a fucking tree


bullshit ur jesus just pretending to be chad!



Nah bro, it's me Chad. Don't mistake me for my nerdy brother, bro.
Pic related.

Is that so ey. How old were jesus when you were born? Also what did you do with your life, and why are you never mentioned in scripture? Or are you mentioned in scripture? (haven't read the ol' book in a while.)

We live in a world where you can download a high-quality photograph of Jennifer Lawrence's naked butthole.

And yet, whenever something like this 'happens' the only cameras that are around to see it are potatoes.

fake news has good coverage my friend.

((they)) dont want real news leaking out.