Daily reminder that 95 % of this board will get married to 6/10s, have kids, work in boring jobs, tell yourself that your family makes you happy, see your lives go by in a flash, and then you die.
Daily reminder that 95 % of this board will get married to 6/10s, have kids, work in boring jobs...
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Not if I kill myself first you goddamned limey.
nah, I'll probably die alone. not much better I suppose.
what happens after you die?
Jokes on you, shes a 9/10 ex-slut
Trick marry 10 years young woman.
I'm going to try travel to Europe and try to find a more traditional qt, if that fails there is always suicide
But they already are. Then they complain about jews ruining their lives
>95% of people will be married to above average chicks
Literally impossible homo
c u c k w a v e
>not being hot and marrying an average girl so she never cheats
how can you call yourself redpilled
Mid-30's fag here, all of my friends that are married with kids are now getting no sex from their wives. They even joke about it like it's something that should be expected.
Im 30, and have wizard powers. I earn about £300,000 a year from a business. Pretty much all I do is work, work out, and shit post on pol.
Could be worse.
>Be me
>32 years old
>Married beautiful woman six years ago
>Incredible sex life after nine years together total
>Great job that I love
>Above average salary
>Wife "works" from home doing marketing research for websites
>Wife makes about $150K/year, which is $50K more than I make
>Three sons, fourth on the way
Life is pretty perfect.
you better be fucking her
cause someones fucking her
I'll get married to a boy desu~
Fuck off they're ours.
kek, you die but you do things along the way.
Fucking this
If you aren't fucking them, somebody is
Ooo someones got pms
Try and stop me.
fuck you toothpaste
That is a good life you fucking loser.
I'd imagine that the majority of the people on this board will never get married nor reproduce.
Feels comfy. Can you tell me about it some more so I can imagine what its like to be happy?
Also this
Marrying a decent woman and having a healthy family and decent job is the best anyone can realistically hope for
What do you think you'll be famous op? The your name will echo through the eons for your great deeds? Kek grow up
And the other 5% will be forever alone neet pussies. I get to spend a wonderful evening with my family, fedora.
lol wtf is this clip from
>I'd imagine that the majority of the people on this board will never get married nor reproduce.
I didn't, its too much effort really.
>Bartender ignoring service and the obscene tips they rake in to fuck some whore in the ass
Sometimes these comics try to make a decent point but I get the feeling the author rarely steps outside and has a stunted and rudimentary understanding of social interactions. And they always end up as hyperbolic as horsey.
Yeah being emasculated to the point where years of frustration kill you with cancer or a stroke in your late 50's sure is living the dream.
I'm married and I don't care for sex much anymore, it's too much work
these comics are the fucking best
jokes on you fucker my wife is easily 8.5/10 on any given day
>engineers AND family men!
gets me every tiem
>average life expectancy is 74
>die in 50's
Shit genetics you got m8
>LITERALLY impossible
Not everyone gets married you dumb fuck.
>let the bull do the job amirite
>t.cuck whos wife isnt satisfied
Daily reminder that 5% of this board will never get married and spent their whole life traveling the world, fucking hot chicks, and generally trying to find happiness in all the wrong places and then die alone, bitter, and miserable.
happy already by deluding myself into how great everything around me is at any moment in time. i know that money/treadmill carrot on stick goals are retarded and won't make me happy.
im going to law school next year and pretty much comfortable with never marrying anyone. all the stories i've heard from friends/relationship problems/not actually caring about bf or gf outside of fucking/divorce/prenup has really made me lose any faith in my idealistic interpretation of a relationship.
I can somewhat understand people who marry childhood friends because there's a deep friendship already, but how the fuck can anyone just find someone in their 20s who is equal to or better than any childhood friend that they have and in addition be sexually attractive to them? fuck that i'll focus on making myself happy than wasting my time searching for that
>implying they're gonna find traditional girls here
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The gypsys are goong to get me in the next like 10 years(and that is being optimistic),well the brightside is that i am not goong to live long enough to live what you describe :/.
>he thinks 95% of this board is straight
>he thinks 95% of this board will get married to anyone
>he thinks 95% of this board will ever have a job
>he thinks 95% of this board will have kids
You have very high and unrealistic expectations.
Daily reminder that 1% of this board will go around fucking hot chicks left and right before your career sets off, meet a hot 8/10 girl to settle down and have children with, but never marry her - just a loving partnership, saving all of your money on an expensive house, shiny sports cars, living your life with your family then dying full of many people who care and loved for you and thanking you for the fruits you'd given to this world.
Are you from London mate? We can meet up, I'll arrange you nice women
>missing the point like an American retard
You know it best fag
>have good life
>on Sup Forums
How did it happen?
>married to an 8-9/10
>don't even work, just rent out stuff
>spend all my days shitposting, restoring old cars, and playing with my dogs.
>will get married to 6/10s, have kids, work in boring jobs
1 out of 3 aint that bad right ;_;
>traditional girls
>in our toothpaste country
Yup and yup. I own a very successful small business though so happiness is possible. Anyone that tells you money doesn't buy happiness is poor and lying to themselves. Period.
I was miserably poor while in College. There is nothing fun or entertaining about struggling to make ends meet.
I know from experience when the guy lowers his standards he's the one who starts playing "I'm just not really a sexual person, okay? Shit."
>Be fat kid
>always get made fun of for being fat (was fat when not every kid was fat in the US)
>grow up into awkward teenager, skinny and weird and socially inept
>same people who make fun of me for being fat are now making fun of me for being weird
>hit 20, realize I'm a neckbeard shut in, start lifting, working on social skills, grow into face/body, invest in myself, excel in university, obtain career by late 20s, start saving money, read up on PUA/masculine self improvement
>10 years later, greatest shape of my life, fucking chicks and even fucked a hot chick within minutes of meeting her IRL, tinder slut it up, travel all across Europe slaying pussy, have an awesome life
>all my childhood/teenage friends are fat and out of shape, they're 30 but look 45, have fat/and/or ugly wives, boring ass jobs, one of them is already divorced and paying child support before the age of 35
>all the chicks that rejected me when I was a teenager are all fat or single moms, some of them literal junkies that are gonna OD at any moment
>realize I have a good 5 more years of pussy slaying before I'll settle down with a 18-22 year old
I'm self employed and don't care if I die so I guess that puts me in that happy 5%.
>one year later she divorces you for trophy husband
You win.
No, I live about an hour away on the train, on the main line.
My social life sucks, I only get introduced to 32+ year old women who are utter train wrecks.
>even fucked a hot chick within minutes of meeting her IRL
>will get married
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
I will be alone and depressed my whole life, even if I work a good job and make good money and live an otherwise comfortable life.
if it was completely sober and in a normal environment it's impressive. but he prob was either at a party or drugs were at play to help him accomplish that
At a festival. We were both drunk. Told me she needed a lighter. Brought her back to my tent to get a lighter, make out, bang her in the tent. Woke up the next morning and she was like "Thank God you're good looking!". Ending up banging her the rest of the weekend.
Never marry
You both win.
I was horribly abused as a child, I get nervous and uncomfortable just from people touching me, hugging etc.
Feels badmen.
It's really sad that a lot of young men are starting to believe this.
This entire generation is lost.
>she is fucking black guy on the side
>tfw 26 year old kissless, handholdless, hugless, talkless, hand shakeless virgin
God help me
>fucking a black guy on the side
This is a stupid Sup Forums meme. It's usually a neighbor or a coworker or someone she's close to. Probably white, maybe not even better looking.
blacks have bigger dicks, women naturaly go for them
Wow, hope you're proud of that.
That's pretty gross tbqh
My dude. In a similar boat, don't make as much money but cost if living is low in Texas. 130k combined hh income. Two rental properties purchased, buying one more by summer. Feelsgoodman.
Who in the fuck said anything about emasculation? All that was said was marriage and a boring job. That's the average life and a hell of a lot better than many, perhaps even most, can do today.
You are a teenager, right? You'll understand in time, after your dreams die.
>95 % of this board
It's not possible when nobody here has ever gotten their dick wet, is unemployed, and loves anime.