Why are you not speaking anglish?

Why are you not speaking anglish?

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Because Romans were more advanced.

This guy is great. He defends the Anglish language, against it being racist, in the comments.
I'm glad he keeps politics seperated from a language that is about linguistics.

cause it sounds retarted

>Not wanting word-hoard same as wordlaw

why not speak german instead if he want to stick to germanic roots anyway?

why not speak dutch instead if he want to stick to germanic roots anyway?

There are other germanic languages outhere like swedish, dutch,etc

There was already a language like that and it was called Middle English



>Middle English
>Product of the mixing of English and French
>Somehow more Germanic than Anglish
Fuck off you illiterate mong.

Is it true that this guy is autistic? Like full on autistic?

middle english reminds me of the fucking old german language that even i cant read or understand xept some words ofc. sounds cool tho

Middle English just sounds like a really heavy 'country' accent to me, but with more 'uhs'.

I know people that very nearly sound like that.

i cant even understand some brits sometimes. all the missing T's and B's makes it hard to understand if you're not used to it

cat > ca
water > waer
bed > be

It's time stressed as well, so some things sound like gibberish to some non-native speakers.

"I'm going to get some water" can come out as "M'gonagetsum'wa'ah."

Because the French had a positive impact on the language and English already dominates entertainment, science, mathematics and history

waer or war-ah is only really prevalent in estuary english, basically southern working class lazy pronunciation.

that's exactly how you sound to north americans

wa'ah yewdewn yeh cheekee buggah

Methinks the otherkin can keep Anglish

anlec not french protip: the accent is a dead giveaway

Not quite true. I live in Norfolk and there's older men here with a thick accent who pronounce the T in 'water' like a heavy 'huh!' Not sure how to describe it but it sure ain't a T.

yea i noticed too. dunno if mr. bean movies are a good reference but i understand every single word.

is it, because it's old or were they forced to speak "school" english?

Reminds me a lot of Icelandic, which also has purism in it taken up to eleven.
Too bad Anglish seems too advanced for top-tier workmaking insanity like "skriðdreki" or "tölva", that would've been neat.