Several questions:
Why hasn't there been more coverage of violence against supposed Trump supporters?
Why is Chicago one of the worst places in America?
Why do some black people hate Trump so much?
Several questions:
Other urls found in this thread:
When was this? Is that guy ok? Are these monkeys in jail yet?
24 hours ago apparently. Her facebook still has the full video up. Nothing on the news about it.
Just looked again, video is gone now
They're too busy cleaning up bodies and plugging holes in leaky niggers to deal with anything else
Post her fb in the comments on the YouTube video you fag
did the find the culprits? made arrests? why isn't this on the news? will trump nuke chicago?
>Why hasn't there been more coverage of violence against supposed Trump supporters?
>Why is Chicago one of the worst places in America?
>Why do some black people hate Trump so much?
If you have to ask "why do black people hate Trump so much?"
You also have to ask "Why do white-supremacists, the KKK, and all the openly-racist people of Sup Forums LOVE Trump so much?"
1) look at the picture that the thread was started with
2) search for the name yourself and match up the profile picture
3) ????
4) Profit
Chicago is in Illinois. Illinois is the most corrupt place for political people.
Killer was from Illinois. Anyone from Illinois is just born corrupt and evil. For the last 20 years we haven't had a politician not go to prison.
All because Chicago. The shit hole that needs to become it's own state.
bump spread this shit
Is the white guy a trump supporter?
All white people support trump
When the race war happens remember i was on your (Sup Forums) side
Think again.
Im only half white (half flip) and this makes my fucking blood boil. Jesus christ we need to hook up a generator to hook up to MLKs body and get some free energy from all the rolling he's doing.
To black people all whites support trump. Even the sjw's
Why won't you become a leader of your gang and convince them to fight on our side?
There are no "gangs" anymore. It's just 3 people on One Street shooting at 4 people on another. it's all just random people going around shooting each other at this point.
Why worry, to me it looks like you have already escaped to Australia.
At this point we need the National Guard or the Army to stop the crime. But Talcom x keeps saying we need less policing
Is it actually possible to solve problems from the inside of communities? I mean, it's unbelievable that people who live there can't see at least some sort of hypocrisy and blame everything on others.
No. I live in a suburb that is 81% black and we dont have much crime. Its not that they are black , its the fact they are poor. They don't have anything to look up to. They have no expectations or goals in life. The only way to fix this problem is to bring jobs to the ghetto.
Here are the stats on my town
White people can't be discrminated against, just like they can't be poor
is there any information at all on this?
what happened to the guy?
Make mirrors of the video.
Sold him to the chinks I assume.
>Why hasn't there been more coverage of violence against supposed Trump supporters?
Because Jews control your media, including Fox news.
1. Liberal media does not cover acts of violence against conservatives unless forced to do so.
2. Niggers and liberal corruption.
3. Plantation nig mindset, afraid to go against the shitty gibs for fear of finding out that actually working a job to build a real life instead of waiting for low-level handouts is actually superior living.
No, one of the people just posted a few minutes ago.
Nothing has happened.
>niggers kill each other in record setting numbers
Mad Thad is that u?
>niggers film themselves doing crimes
How retarded can you possibly be? They must have single digit IQs
nah it's still up
If this is real will the charges be worse because it was politically motivated hate crime?
You faggots better be downloading the video before they censor it.
The media isn't going to touch this story. We need to spread the news ourselves.
@Alex Jones see this
They covered the elderly man accused of being a Trump supporter who was carjacked by blacks.
I'm ripping the vid off her Facebook rn.
Contacting chicago pd shortly.
too bad nigga we're going to come for your black ass
you aksed for this bwoiy
first the jews then you
Chicago is one of the worst places in the world.
Does Trump know about it?
More proof that we are the good guys.
You can join my crusade any day friend
We need to pull /k/ into this. Time to arm up and link up. RACE WAR NAO
The nigger gene cannot be allowed to exist in modern society, if your brown ur going to the gas chamber sorry user.
Post it on the_donald
this let's rally the normies
Bidding my time until the time is right.
The day of rope is coming.
Already deleted off reddit repost to the_donald
>this hand lift up
that and ass clapping disgust me to no end. how can woman subject themselves to stupid trends like this.
>feral monkeys will work instead of steal, pimp and traffic drugs.
Sure they will.
Alert youtube took it down please tell me you have this shit on lockdown.
Time to redpill everyone in america about niggers.
We need to go back to the old days so we can linch these animals without recourse
This shit just keeps happening. Why? because we're white? and they call us the racists. I give in.. give me the red pill I cant take this anymore.
i have no reaction image that does this justice
America is officially worse than Sweden.
We're cool phampai
Your shit town was rated 22nd least safe city to live in you clown. It also has a crime rate statistic of "better then 15% of us cities" AKA worst than 85% of the US
Even when blacks are wealthy they cannot help but commit crimes because they have no impulse control.
(As an overall group of course)
>white people vote in a kike lover
>white people get their shit kicked in by blacks
Can't make this shit up.
Don't be a cuck and hit them back twice as hard
I just hope's okay... :(
Forgot pic
Have they been caught?
no it's because you're fuccbois who can't stand up for yourself
It's still on facebook.
Face book com /100010157447383/videos/382829418732303/
Lucky fuckers
what hashtag are we using to spread this shit?
How fucking stupid do you have to be to facebook livestream yourself committing one of the most horrible felonies imaginable?
I wonder if these dumb apes realize it's a guaranteed multi-decade prison sentence that they just signed up for.
good joke , Pekka
KEK sounds good
good to see (You)s are back
Can someone describe the video?
I don't feel like watching trash for 30 mins.
intelligent thought is something niggers aren't known for
Does someone know which police district this accord in? If so we need to call the authorities
I suggest you start hanging around /k/, and when race war comes, you innawoods.
I call the third from the left load out.
Ah, so that's where all the racist comments are coming from.
You will be brought before our leader richard spencer. He will decide if you live or die.
He dead. The toasties have no mercy on the krispy kremes.
fukkin pekas
can this go on the front page of reddit?
Was that real?!
Thats good for illinois. And its a black community
le monkey face
black people hate Trump because Trump wants people to work.
Trump is the anti-gibs-me-dat president, and that means black people are put at a disadvantage due to their inherent laziness.