How is this islamophibia allowed onto tax funded television?!?
This is fucking great
The UK insiders secretly wanna revolt against Islam and don't want to see our precious nation be devoured by it
It's shite just now but it'll get better, you'll see
Do you think the mudslimes will chimp out over this?
It's just painting the views of all moderate muslims who hate the west
>Your girlfriend will never be this radical
Just behead me now.
Is BBC2 /ourguy/?
We all know that BBC3 is leftist trash.
wat wuld u do if i told u werk acros the road from wher op pic hapened
i saw it in real
It's the most palatable tv channel we've got over here but that's not saying much at all.
my sides
Where's that then?
I can hardly understand you. I'd walk away from it. Stay clear of any crowd that will form. If I work someplace, I know where the exits are should shit hit the fan.
not telign u
no fire was ded wen i got to werk
Oh you're a Kingston faggot.
tahts were i werk yes
My sides are gone.
Does your work know that you type like a retard?
probably shit post on pol
What exactly am I looking at?
does it take effort to misspell shit like this? and what kind of persona are you trying to convey by doing so?
you come across as a learning disabled 10 year old mud.
teknicaly u culd find me in real if u had al infomation abut myself taht i posted on here
i shuld b mor carful
Yeh this is from my snapchat I'm posting from my phone senpai ygm
It's 90% kebab now it went like that overnight. I'm a Hampton court fag tho
Yeh on kikebok they are chimping out on twitter too
Yeh on kikebok and twitter they are
thers a posibility u hav sen me in real and not known
i am stelthy lik taht
Say no more I go to the college with no white people except me
i hat walking past taht plase its ful of nigers and chav scum
wayt if u go to taht colege den u probably chav fuck to
u dont scar me i wil be biger den u one dey
checked and not sure desu
its hard to find what will trigger them
some armed paki drug dealer was killed by our cops the other day there were 100ish protestors out i think happened inn bradistan
i hop taht one dey yerup delcar war on rusia and lose badly and i am ther to be instaled as military dictator of britain heres waht i wuld do
- rename to british comonwelth
- exile monarchy
- anex rusian ocupied ireland with permision from mum (she wil be president of rusia)
- mak britain federal republic under MY military administration until i finish doign wat i want to do
- nationalise BBC so it broadcast pro rusian news
- alienat muslims and noc down mosques until most muslims leev
- get FSB to asasinat my high schol bulies
- import slavs and germanics in big sitys to reduse persentag of non whits
- throw SA80 in trash and use kalashnikov as standard servise rifle for british army
- mek al kids lern rusian insted of french
and most impertantly
- mek sekret death squads to kil chavs and nigers
Why can't they just go away?
kek agrees with your dreams