Just found out that my last name is a Sephardic Jewish name, should I kill myself now Sup Forums?

Just found out that my last name is a Sephardic Jewish name, should I kill myself now Sup Forums?

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Into the trash it goes

Absolutely not.

You should dedicate yourself to degeneracy and encourage all of your ((( friends))) to join you. Marry and procreate with a nigger and be sure your mongrels claim Jewish whenever the subject comes up.

You're only Jewish if your mother's mother's mother was Jewish.

I don't have any Jewish friends , I just randomly found out I might have Jewish blood

You are from the shitty clan so no.


I'm in the same boat kind of. My maternal grandpas last name was used by Sephardic Jews who went to Mexico to escape (((persecution))). Same with my maternal grandmother's last name. Other than the last names, I can't find any other traces that I'm a jew.

I'm Puerto Rican and Cuban, and apparently those are the two carribean countries with the most Jews. I don't look Jewy though

what is it?


Glorious Norse surname reporting in

Same, most people think I'm Italian, I'm only a quarter Italian though.

Here's a helpful guide. If you're Jewish - kill yourself. If not - make sure to breed out the filth in your bloodline.

No, instead you should use your Jew powers against the (((others))) of your kind. Take them down with you, out-Jew the Jews.

Fulfill your destiny, become the anti-Jew you were born to be.

Sleeper agent, activate!

Rather be Italian then Jew tho. People just think I'm white because I act white , i.e Christian and conservative

You mean from Spain? There was a list that spread around supposedly with sephardic surnames, but they were false. The spanish media even denounced it and the goverment too

20minutos.com/noticia/11970/0/listado-apellidos/judios-sefardies/ciudadania-espanola/ las noticias de Espana ya denunciaron como falso una lista extensa de apellidos supuestamente sefardi

I didn't hear it from a list, I heard it from a friend who knows a Jew with the same last name as me. That Jew told him that his name is a Sephardic Jewish last name and that Sephardic Jews got kicked out of Spain and went to Puerto Rico and Cuba. Idk if bullshit which is kind of why I'm here

What is your surname?

Remember if you were really something jew, you would have been told, jews are very traditional and keep the tradition from generations.


Never heard of that surname

A lot of jews adopted spaniard surnames, just as slaves adopted surnames when they were fred (mostly from their masters) if a jew has a surname like yours, it doesn't necesssarily mean you are one. I think you aren't, unless you have an obvious goldberg, goldstein surname which is very jew related

Shit I should just take a DNA test.

What's the fucking difference you shitskin Canaanite mongrel, not that I could fucking tell the difference between the swarthy serpent seed and what ever the fuck you Southern Europeans are suppose to fucking be.

Nope. You know how destructive and degenerate the Judaic path is, use your name to promote good moral values and a healthy society, and then call anyone who calls you racist an antisemite.
You got the jew name, you can win the identity politics superbowl.

Yes goy, give your DNA to the gubmin.

Name does not necessarily mean genetics. Get yourself tested, or trace your family tree. Maybe your name just got appropriated by the Jews as they hid from the Inquisition.