Has social media made society worse?
Has social media made society worse?
Fuckin rekt
Mark zuckerberg stole and 'created' facebook to destroy western society.
No, people have always sucked.
Half of Italian theater is based on cuckolding, the other half on murder. People have always been terrible.
>Has social media made society worse?
Does a chicken have a pecker?
No, pornography has.
That's obviously not a real picture girl's don't do shit like that thy just ignore you
Secondly yes it has, people are way to interconnected and they have completely lost the concepts of modesty and privacy.
People have always been degenerate plebs but now we must see it constantly in our hands all day every day
Get off social media
Someone redpill me on this
Why do women date/fuck such ugly guys
he's probably a "bad boy" and she mistakes that for a powerful man
Yes user, because it made women believe they actually matter.
The internet made society worse
see: me
I would at least try to socialize if not for the technology that fills in the gaps
We're a shitty species in general
The rug will be pulled out from under the degenerates soon enough. Social media allows them to out themselves. I would say no
>That's obviously not a real picture girl's don't do shit like that
user i hate to tell you the ugly truth
Depends on what specialized person browses on that social media,cause they might use it to follow their favourite artists or to talk to their friends easier which is a good thing but there are also people who browse some shit-tier meme pages and show their friends on a public wall what crazy stuff, drugs they do which is a bad thing
>People have always been terrible
Pretty much this
hilarious if true
"girl of my dreams" who says this shit, this beta deserves this
Action pacced shit for your whole fucking clique Happas ain't the niggas to be fucced with
It democratized the world.
And democracy is bad.
Big dick
>hit on a girl
>she sends you porn
>implying he didnt jerk off to his dream girl that very night
I didn't say girls don't cheat they don't take pics mid sex to send to somebody
That isn't female behavior, that's something a guy would do to mortify another guy which is why the cuck who made that did it
This. Some guys can't take a hint. He also goes after for cheap sluts.
No. People have always been awful, social media just tore away the curtains and revealed it to the world.
Social media is simply video games for women.
Once I came to the above conclusion I stopped caring that my wife spends hours mindlessly scrolling through Facebook and instagram. Just as she doesn't care I spend hours mindlessly farming safe lane on anti-mage for my battlefury.
Because the guy with the IQ of a cement trowel said "Hey, wanna go to dinner with the implication of sex afterwards?" and the betamax didn't.
Confidence > looks
>Whats your major?
Does this shit really sticks? Burguers?
>The Internet used to be a niche for hobbyists, nerds and academics
>It's now a giant corporate/government tool for datamining/surveillance/social engineering
Social media has made women worse because now they have an outlet for their narcissism.
Before the internet it was you and your book club gal pals gossiping over tea and cake.
>implying social media is worse than the crap that gets posted on an anonymous anime image board.
Because the guy displays "alpha" qualities like leadership, risk taking, dominance, not acting like he desperately needs to get laid.
Getting sex is like getting a loan: You have to prove you don't need it and can get it anywhere. Women want social proof (other people think you're cool, badass, interesting, important) and preselection (other women think you're worthy of fucking). It's how they decide who to fuck.
Nobody forced Millennials to use social media 12+ hours a day.
It's like blaming guns for mass shootings.
I would always ask this on dance floors as a joke to myself
>go up behind grill
>grab hips and nigger-grind
>"hey....hey... what's your major"
>grill " what???"
>"I said what's your major"
>grill : "I have no idea what your saying"
>"lets go do a shot"
>grill: "okay"
Good times, now I'm 26 and haven't gotten laid in 6 months :(
We can thank "smartphones" for that. Since everyone can get a $99 pre-paid and sign up for a twitter/facebook/etc, the amount of idiots on the internet is vastly increasing at an exponetial rate, since it takes zero ability to connect nowadays.
You use to have to configure shit, now it's all plug and play and catered toward the retarded masses
Oh well, it makes propagating the memes easier, that's a silver lining
Let me preface this by saying that I'm not an MGTOW autist, but this is something I wholeheartedly believe:
Phones were the beginning though.
By giving women hedonism-boxes that they could use to get instant validation from nearly anyone, we introduced something that effectively changed the incentives of interaction forever. It's not uncommon to see girls spend more time on phones than with people because the phone literally makes face-to-face interaction much less gratifying and thus obsolete. It's just too much, it's sensory overload. The long-term implications of giving social media to (recently) sexually-liberated pack animals can't be overstated (in short- we're fucked).
of course it doesn't
People used to verbally shitpost in an agora 2k years ago, it's just in our blood
to piss someone else off. Girls are fucked and have no principles or morals. They will literally use themselves to get what they want.
Their love is purest.
>girls don't act like whores, specially mid sexing
...user stop
Consciousness was a mistake.
>Retarded Tom Hardy
I remember in my last year of high school (2012), I saw somebody wearing a Y U MAD BRO? shirt and kids spouting memes left and right.
I like 2 fug with my stomach full of poo
I lower my IQ by some 20-30 points every time i want to fuck and keep the conversation on "you girl. me man. we fuck" caveman style and it's always a score
Fuck you, homosex is purest love
>He think's women can't be vindictive reasons for any purpose other than enjoyment.
This. If selfies were harder to take there would be less of them. It's all idiot-proofed now. And millennials then brag that they are "really good with technology." NO, we dumbed it down for you.
"Get Twitter! Get Facebook! Get anything they communicate with" Honestly this social media demonization by the liberal press is just petty.
> It's petty
Toronto is a problem desu
>tfw i graduated 2011
Sup kouhai
It'd just be penny wise pound foolish to send a pic of yourself getting fucked - it could be saved and posted for the entire world to see and she'd be outed as a whore
>am player
Yeah, I don't think most girls appreciate that they can post whatever the fuck they want (even something stupid like "have a nice day!") and get 999,999,999 likes and comments. I have to post something really clever or interesting to even scrape 10 amongst my social circle.
? Idk when I get rejected it's just outright or an ignore (which is annoying)
Usually it's because I don't want to commit so maybe I'm just too "alpha" to have this happen to me
yes that picture clearly doesn't exist
Either jock or drug dealer
most likely neither, probably just an asshole who women mistake for being a real man or powerful.
No that these guys will get laid more, but loved less. They will never know what its liked to be on the same level you can. They will never get girls with good personalities who are deep or interesting. They are the ones who end up with single moms, or ugly women. Even the betas at least get the dried up sluts who are decent looking.
The only people lower than these on the societal ladder are the ugly and stupid betas. Smart beta males and attractive beta males get better women selection in the long run than ugly "bad boys"
>implying getting caught wasn't her master plan. She wanted the advertising.
Because women seek value in a man
Sometimes that value is purely physical attraction, but there are other factors
Men seek value in women all the same, we just prioritize phyical appearance.
The phone concersation doesn't exsist
Somebody put a second pucture to a fake conversation for cuck porn you retard
Yes, much worse.
Every one has massively inflated self-worth.
Narcissism is destroying our society
I used to fuck this chick who liked to call her BF and chat while blowing me.
Also had a Paki girl who liked to ride me in her driver's seat because her Paki muslim husband insisted on driving and she liked thinking of him sitting in the same seat she'd gotten strange cock in.
No, not really, it's just made the worst elements of society more apparent to you.
Even in the eras of history that Sup Forums would use as a model of the ideal, the lowest rungs would have still existed (in what numbers is entirely moot).
I realized this when I was in Domincan Republic on vacation in 2009 and even all of them had the latest iPhones, I laughed and realized how fucking dumb the internet will get
And it is proven constantly, just look at youtube. A video lecture from MIT explaining light diffusion and how to utilize this for technical applications, would say have maybe 100k views at most - Versus a cut cat video of a small kitten meeting a baby porcupine or some guy getting hit in the nuts will get 50million views
The world is following the movie Idiocracy, sadly.
>tfw to alpha too get girls
The ugly truth is OP image is staged theater made by jews to subvert people like you.
Based Don Ramon
Why would she do that though? It's just mean. ;-;
(((modern art)))
>claims to be alpha
>mixes up "to" and "too"
what the fuck?
>posting for attention
>not just chatting them up
>or backnforthing a chat if your not on at same time
>Has social media made society worse?
No it's just put the worst of society on display for everyone to see. What is socially accepted changes all the time but human nature has always been a constant.
>1945 was 6 million years ago
R u me
Except for the paki part, it was the daughter paki who lile getting fuked all around the house when her parents werent home because her parents push the religion sht so hard on her
Its not as bad as Sup Forums and robots picture it actually.
The whole dating phenomen (mind people actually have LESS sex past couple of years) is a kind of bias we experience.
Lemme explain, lets say stupid people have very simplified "courting" process. You know, getting ficky-ficky is easy for them. For men and for women. For more mature and smart people its more hard. To connect with people on more levels you need to put far more trust and resources but the benefits are also much greater.
The point is that there is a lot of stupid people around so from perspective of average people the whole sex culture appears on steroids. This is also why (((they))) push the agenda so successfully. Because we feel like shit and shut in and idiots eat degeneracy like its cinnamon bun.
at least its what i think
>And millennials then brag that they are "really good with technology." NO, we dumbed it down for you.
i love that. They think because they use snapchat and instagram they're smarter than previous generations. No, you fucks, we're simply not as relentlessly narcissistic as you.
>doesn't know the meme
not gonna lie thats gay as hell but also really impressive
Wait a minutes, if she's holding her phone in the picture.....
gonna need the sauce for this
I do agree. Gotta give it to xir, got some fabulous moves
Anyone who thinks degeneracy didn't exist back in the 50s is a fucking retard
>Dota 3
>Playing AM
There are many things that need to be erased.