I hop taht one dey yerup delcar war on rusia and lose badly and i am ther to be instaled as military dictator of...

i hop taht one dey yerup delcar war on rusia and lose badly and i am ther to be instaled as military dictator of britain heres waht i wuld do

- rename to british comonwelth
- exile monarchy
- anex rusian ocupied ireland with permision from mum (she wil be president of rusia)
- mak britain federal republic under MY military administration until i finish doign wat i want to do
- nationalise BBC so it broadcast pro rusian news
- alienat muslims and noc down mosques until most muslims leev
- get FSB to asasinat my high schol bulies
- import slavs and germanics in big sitys to reduse persentag of non whits
- throw SA80 in trash and use kalashnikov as standard servise rifle for british army
- mek al kids lern rusian insted of french
- mek sekret death squads to kil chavs and nigers

any other ideas

Other urls found in this thread:



slav not white

um no

cut cock not white



I'm just here to look at mummy.

u lik mummy?

Slavs are the only whites left

>inb4 Germanistan
>inb4 United Kaliphate
>inb4 Sweden YES!
>inb4 United 60% of America

Nice try KGB.

OP confirmed Scottish due to poor basic literacy

я живy югe oт лoндoнa

Mummer-poster is back for another thread.


hi fren :)

Hard not to.

me to

You and most anons if they look deep enough into their shallow souls.

mummy something something

Where's the best place to find new Natalias(Mummers to you)?

You seem to be an expert on these matters.

if u want the fresh mummies u shuld go to vk comunity

vk com/natalya_poklonskaya

mums oficial vk

vk com/natalya_poklonskaya

also subscrib to mums oficial youtube chanel


mums oficial vk


>i fukd up link

Means a lot to me. Thanks.

How was watching the fireworks over London from way out? How were the British holidays in general?

it wos nise to watch from distanse ther wer lots of peopl on the hill also

holideys wos shet cos i hav no frens in real at moment

my ex gf who was 44 wasnt taht good but i mis beign able to slep next to lovly warm ledy

i want new ledy now but hard to find :/