i hop taht one dey yerup delcar war on rusia and lose badly and i am ther to be instaled as military dictator of britain heres waht i wuld do
- rename to british comonwelth - exile monarchy - anex rusian ocupied ireland with permision from mum (she wil be president of rusia) - mak britain federal republic under MY military administration until i finish doign wat i want to do - nationalise BBC so it broadcast pro rusian news - alienat muslims and noc down mosques until most muslims leev - get FSB to asasinat my high schol bulies - import slavs and germanics in big sitys to reduse persentag of non whits - throw SA80 in trash and use kalashnikov as standard servise rifle for british army - mek al kids lern rusian insted of french - mek sekret death squads to kil chavs and nigers