Macy's posts disappointing holiday sales, likely to cut 10,000 workers and move forward with store closures
Lesson of the day: Don't fuck with Donald Trump
Macy's posts disappointing holiday sales, likely to cut 10,000 workers and move forward with store closures
Lesson of the day: Don't fuck with Donald Trump
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What the fuck is Macy?
Macy's is a department store
On Thanksgiving since at least the 1930s they've done a big parade through New York City
People watch the parade in the morning, then they watch football while waiting for the dinner to finish and then everyone who isn't a faggot says grace and then eats
I meant what does any of this have to do with Trump?
Macy's bit off more than they could chew.
They used to sell trumps line of products, trump ran for president and they stopped selling his stuff, so he called them out on their shit and their sales/stocks started going into freefall
Another one for the collage. What did Macy's say/do exactly?
iirc they said theyd stop selling his merch because he is a meany poopoo head
They disavowed of Trump and dumped his clothing brands
>losing jobs is a good thing
Wew lad
I guess that's the risk you pay for becoming political.
You alienate half the population that way.
Back in 2015 they said he was rayciss so Trump told everyone to stop buying their garbage
Since 2015 they've lost a ton of money and are sure to suffer even more now that Trump is president
All department stores and malls are going to shit. This isn't new
yeah, many dumb decisions have 3 been made like that. i think their pr/hr lives in that liberal bubble and could not fathom they werent tge majority opinion on matters. if hildawg had won im not sure theyd be doing good either, what is the point of department stores or malls now?
i mean the only people i see at malls are dumb white boomers that dont do the internet, and then a flood of nogs or spics depending on the state. even teenagers dont bother with that shit anymore.
Went to the mall today cause my aunt got me a giftcard and I could only spend it at a store in the mall.
Place is filled with browns and boomers.
Chicks kept eyeing me down, felt good to me honest. I was one of 3 straight white males in the entire place.
um yeah. Democrats forgot that. They pandered to LGBT (less than 3% of the population.) They pandered to blacks (12% of our population). They pandered to mexicans (17% including illegals) and feminists (18%).
AND they purposefully alienated Christians, (83% of the population), whites (62%), moderates (37%) and conservatives (34%).
Its like their reliance on 'common core' caused them to fail basic math.
What they also did, was forget that presidential elections are not really bi-partisan..everyone in our country has to choose to register as one or the other party to vote in the primaries only. But half of each registered 'party' group is actually moderate. Moderates make or break our presidential elections. And Democrats went so far left this election, that they shocked and alienated moderates.
Another one added to the pic of Tump'd
too bad they don't buy their shit
>listen to hordes of poor retards who don't shop at your establishment
>listen to the people who give you money
Another one for the TRUMP CURSE picture
Whatever you say, buddy.
It's THE CURSE! Will they ever learn?
>local mall is full of asians
>county is full of asians
>first crush was an asian
The pendulum is shifting.
Wasn't too long ago it was popular for businesses to speak up for anything that aligned with liberal democratic progressive agendas.
Now you don't hear fuck all from these corporations. They're scared. We won.
I love being white man.
All the latinas stare me down, I can see in their eyes they are just itching to get COLONIZED.
The black chicks are kind of scared of me, I may give off a bit of a nazi vibe, who knows.
And since there are so little white men out in the public sphere, all the white chicks stare too.
I think I see what the jews were doing here. The propaganda gets rid of the weakest of our gene pool and eventually the whites will be a small upper class ruling America through technology, living in underground bases, and going out to fight wars for our Greatest Ally.
look at the shit those spics are wearing. they're not macy's customers. they're just starting shit and macy's fell for it.
Where do you live? If I ever want to go to US it'd be Texas. I went to san Francisco, too many gays. They were kissing and doing shit on the street along side the drug users being stoned in public and trying to cross roads at night. How does sanfran even continue being a city
Social justice fucks and progressives don't understand voting with their wallets.
When they feel they've won over whatever imaginary evil of the day they just move on to find the next victim.
That kid in glasses looks like chubby Ahmed the clock boy
There can never be too many asians
You have an overinflated opinion of Asians, or are Asian yourself
Koreans everywhere speaking Korean is not the mall of my youth
Northern Virginia
Also you'd have to be more specific about Texas, since there are parts of Texas which are fagtopias. I'm told even Salt Lake City in the heart of Mormondom has a ton of faggots.
No, that's a terrible interpretation of Jews being Jews.
>NC bans trannies in bathrooms
>a billion companies say they will boycott NC despite trannies only becoming an issue in the past 5 years
this is what baffles me. They are pandering to people who don't even shop there. retard social studies major has to be at the head of this decision.
Faggot doesn't understand how stocks work
Dems went for the trend people instead of the core population.
aaaadd them to the waaalllll, my childrennnn
>Faggot doesn't see a growing trend for years, and a huge drop after they get Trump'd
Really nigger?
Just pretending to be retarded, orrrrr . . . ?
Maybe you'd like to give everyone here a better explanation?
To be fair if they did sell his products then they'd alienate the other half.
>large non-discount department chain losing business
>online business with companies such as Amazon only increasing
People don't want to leave their house anymore. Amazon free 2 day ship with returns for whatever reason. Amazon is outplaying everyone and no one is stopping it.
You really just need to stay out of big cities. I'm a Utahfag, and the only parts of the state I don't love are SLC and Utah County (Provo: The County)
If you guys paid any attention to economics you'd realize there are shit ton of "zombie companies" out there.
Zombie companies have massive dept and no growth. They are only alive because at ZIRP (zero interest rate policy) they can finance their debt FOREVER. Now that Trump is president (((they))) will jack up the interest rates and cause MILLIONS of businesses to go bankrupt ALL AT ONCE.
These businesses SHOULD have all gone bankrupt over the last 8 years but that would make Obummer look bad, because 'muh recovery'.
Sears, Kmart, and JCPenny are next.
and then everyone who isn't a faggot says grace and then eats