yes. He's 100% correct
Yes. He's 100% correct
Other urls found in this thread:
I never owned slaves
when are you going to apologize for all the people you deport, all the people you deny visas, all the people you kill abroad, all the elections you have rigged
but the US are the good guys
He said the nation, not you
I am very very sorry we had slaves here. I wish, more than anything, that slavery had never happened. That no black slaves had every been brought here.
I'd give nearly anything to change the fact that it happened.
The headline is in quotation marks
He literally said "we"
I look at it like the drug trade, they should go after the supplier.
We stopped the slave trade. The Arabs and blacks carried on. Who is apologising to who?
Shall we apologize to Hitler also?
Bernie literally marched with MLK and niggers are still calling him a racist. He of all people should know by now that you cannot win; the only winning move is not only not to play, but to avoid all blacks entirely forever.
while were at it apologize for being born you waste of space of education and food. there are children who are smarter then you who are starving to death while you gorge yourself on food you fucking cuck. i bet your wifes son didn't even approve of you being on the internet.
Indeed. Niggers have apologize now.
Pretty bold of him to take on his own tribe like that.
Yes, the Jews should apologize for it.
He's right, the Democrats DO need to apologize for slavery.
I hate niggers and wish they were still slaves or we could send them all back to the fucking congo
Does anybody else hate niggers and wish they were still slaves or we could send them all back to the fucking congo?
this is a distraction/slander post. You are beimg manipulated into hating this person
This is why he lost, saying stupid shit like this. He's not strong enough to lead a country, too soft.
It's time for him to go back to being irrelevant.
The Democrats should apologize for slavery
The nation never owned slaves either.
The nation had a political system which let slaveholders keep slaves. If you judge history by its own standards that wasnt morally wrong, but I'd say slavery IS morally wrong by today's standards.
No. You fought and bled to end slavery. You reparations came in the form of dead soldiers.
The issue should have been closed long ago.
It's still not the fault of the government, but the slavers.
Why oh WHY didn't they go with Lincoln's plan to send all the slaves back to Africa? Could you imagine what America would look like today if they had gone through with it? It's too late now.
I agree.
It's time the jews apologize for slavery.
Jews and Liberals DO need to apologise I agree.
Whites need to apologize for ever being alive and then promptly kill themselves.
Why is this irrelevant, cucked twat still talking?
We can take back the country if we put our minds and muscle to it.
>Whites treated slaves better than any other race.
>The slaves were enslaved and sold by blacks.
>The white's slaves had it better than the average african today.
>White's were the first to outlaw slavery, so we should be punished ex post facto for having it in the first place, but no one else should.
Apologize for what exactly?
By we, he means Jews, right?
I'm sorry
sorry we ended slavery
you have a lot to apologize for burgers
Are the North Africans and Arabs going to apologize for white slavery? Maybe then I'll apologize to the blacks.
>white people, the only socities which fought to END slavery, should apologize for it!
>not the niggers in Africa who sold their fellow africans to slavers
>not the jewish slave merchants who operated the international slave trade
>not the muslims, who still use human slaves to this day
>not the asians who still use human slaves to this day
Hey, why hasn't Bernie apologized for taking millions of dollars from poorfags who hate the Establishment, only to crash his campaign and promptly endorse the idol of Establishment corruption, Hillary Clinton? And then bought himself a nice 6-figure summer house using funds from his campaign coffers before sending the rest of his ill-gotten loot to Hillary and the DNC? Oh yeah, and I seem to remember he gave his own wife a handsome pay/perks for working on his campaign. Why hasn't Bernie apologized to Bernouts and partially refunded their donations?
It is the fault of the government for letting it so long. Mind that by 1850s most people already thought slavery was wrong EXCEPT a small group of slaveholders. Others thought its necessary evil because of the economy and they simply feared of black retribution, probably for good reason.
So even if its not the governments fault entirely they are still partly to blame.
>Muslims being held accountable for anything
thats not true, the north was racist as fuck too, slaves were just expensive and the north had no reason for them. Read a fucking book and stop talking out of your ass.
Agreed. The over-representation of semitic individuals in the NA slave trade has left unhealed scars between the black and jewish communities.
Slavery only stopped because superior farming equipment was invented. Morality only surfaces when it's easy to commit to it.
The same will happen with factory farming once cultured meat becomes mainstream. We'll be calling people who ate regular factory farmed chickens barbarians, but only because our lives are comfy enough to do so smugly. People only do the right thing when it doesn't cost them anything.
No living person owned a slave, so no living person is responsible for it and no living person can apologize for it.
Being racist and being okay with slavery arent the same thing, dumbass.
>July 8 2015
>implying Amerifats haven't been doing that for decades
an attempt was made
This. Slavery is what got us 45 million niggers in the first place.
>I dont understand how laws work
The US is the same state it was. The US as an entity is responsible for it. Literally the basis of fucking international law you are clearly not familiar with.
A state is not just a group of people, its literally a subject of law.
God damn.
Bernie Sanders is so fucking whipped that it would even make a slave wince.
>not religion
Get in the oven, kike.
>we must apologize for slavery
>for the 30th time this month
He's right!
The Jews have to apologise for profiting from the slavetrade.
I never owned a slave. My ancestors didn't own slaves. Two of my great great great grandfathers died in the civil war fighting for the North. Fuck off, Jew.
They were okay with slavery, it was a non issue to them
Jews trade slaves. Not whites. The first synagogue was paid for entirely on slave money, and Aaron Lopez boasted about how they had flipped such a profit doing nothing but sailing back and forth on the atlantic.
Whites from Germany and England were poor as fuck, and had no money for slaves.
Don't let anyone tell you he payed for it with a fucking candle making business either. That's fucking ridiculous. Aaron Lopez was a businessman with fingers in many different pies, but the biggest was always slavery.
People who died in WW2 should apologize to Oprah Winfrey for slavery
Liberals are sad
The US is most certainly not the same country it was two hundred years ago
We did in 2008
Are liberals so dumb that they can't remember less than a decade ago?
They literally went to war over it. Many people helped escaped slaves. And while nobody in the US thought blacks should have the same rights as whites, slavery (and not just black slavery) was considered immoral arisen from the ideas of the Enlightment. This did not happen fast but it happened.
... No.
like 2 % of people owned slaves in the US. get raped
Legally it is. In fact by most standards it is, after all it has the same Constitution.
In case of Hungary for example, we were the same country legally from 1000 to 1945. Then it was a new commie constitution, now we have another.
>that's our job
to divide people by using those? wtf did he mean by this?
I'm sorry we didn't catapult every loose nigger across the ocean immediately after opening the cages at the zoo
I agree but first we must apologise for the Boston Tea Party.
> You won't divide us up by race, nationality, gender or sexual orientation... For me all the goys are the same.
Haven't beta, numale, cucks been apologizing for decades now already?
I'm sorry my ancestors bought slaves from the Africans who enslaved them. The right thing to do is send them back home and make sure Africans don't try to enslave each other again.
>The nation had a political system which let slaveholders keep slaves
No it didn't. America didn't start until 1776. Those were the Jew's slaves brought by the Crown, and slavery was made irrelevant by the document, thought it took an amendment and war to enforce it.
You are not simply ignorant. You are so wrong, it's dangerous to allow you to even speak. You should shut the fuck up until you learn to be less disruptive to intellectual discussion
Haha nope. fuck you bernie!
I'm Hispanic and Hispanics are not white unless we kill someone. Which I haven't.
You go ahead and apologize
If you are white today
I'm sure you mean the other whites though don't you.
I know your game.
And more than one group can play it.
America, the same America aka the United States had slaves between 1776 and 1860. Your argument makes zero sense.
Jews have to apologize for slavery?
When will southern europeans and east africans get the same from the muslim world? Some reparations would be nice too.
Yes (((they))) should apologize for slavery instead of blaming real Whites constantly... The group that ended slavery.
Only the most spineless, pathetic individual would apologize for something they had nothing to do with.
No shit. What a spineless faggot. I can't believe people would have voted for that retard. He's such a fucking kiss ass and people only gave a shit about him because of his promises of welfare.
No one currently alive owned slaves nor was anyone currently alive ever a slave.
What are we supposed to be apologizing for and who are we supposed to be apologizing to?
This white guilt shit needs to fucking end.
No, he isn't. That bill was paid for at places like Gettysburg. Besides, he's happy to sell your freedom down the river so you ALL can stay modern day slaves to the corporatocracy.
There are still descendants of slaves that were never returned to their homeland. I think we own them a forced ride home
Well, when you put it that way...
Did it just become self-aware?
We need national monuments in DC to slavery and Native American genocide. We can't move past it until we recognize these terrible events as the fabric of where we are now.
I think you'll find the average black/native is completely capable of 'moving past it' AKA by not giving a shit about what happened centuries ago to some one else
Hopefully a memorial of such scale would put to rest the idea that the events are ignored by the state. After that we could try and move on.
Nope the "I'm sorry" was when they fought an entire war to free you nignogs.
You better watch your mouth there Equador - the way Trump is bringing back jobs, we'll be able to manufacture our own bananas.
Slave owners should apologize to us for bringing in niggers.
We should also shame the Africans that enslaved their brothers and sold them to Europeans.
What's worse, buying a slave or enslaving a free person?