Thoughts on his latest video and depression in general?
Depression BTFO by mainstream meteor
ignore jew puppet posts
What do you guys think of Based Owen Shroyer? is he /woke/?
>dae diffrnt brian wiring
>dae im retarded
depression is a meme, if you're too weak to combat you basic instintcual sadness, off yourself instantly.
That's called being depressed. Two different things. Clinical depression is more like being a zombie.
So if depression really is something like that, then why is it still a thing? as far as I know, something so foolish would've died out quickly.
>basic instintcual sadness
Yeah, fuck biochemistry, amrite? You fucking retard, I'd punch your shit broken if you said that to me.
That being said, yes, a lot of lazy whiny cunts have hijacked the condition and pretend to have it because it seems convenient.
>I'd punch your shit broken if you said that to me.
whoah watch out guys, internet tough guy here.
jeez its like you are a an animal letting your most basic instincts getting the better of you.
He's not wrong but is only talking about part of the problem.
Typical PJW really
Is it clinical depression that causes zombieness or the anti-depressants? I hear far more people complain about the anti-depressants causing that. Psychiatrists are far to quick to prescribe anti-depressants instead of seeing if only therapy is needed.
>I'd punch your shit broken if you said that to me
from personal experience SSRIs change you from a suicidal zombie to a no-emotions-at-all zombie
many mass shooters were on anti depressants at the time which makes sense because it kills empathy
every day paul?
>you don't need therapists
fuck off paul. He wants to be alpha and think people just can pull themselves out of depression like it is nothing. Depression isn't always dissatisfaction with life. He just boldly is bullshitting everyone without giving a rat's ass. I want to see how his beta subscribers are going to cope with that by themselves, when they realize that they are happy with their lives, yet depressed and can't do shit, cuz a twat on the net said you don't need therapists.
fuck off paul, fuck off
heh bet this faggot sees a shrink
typical costa rica nigger not contributing anything to the discussion other than making a non-statement. Save your money for something else than an internet connection.
Nice video have a upvote
He's so fucking right in all of it. All of it. At the beginning I was like "he's being a bit harsh" but then I realised NO. THAT'S THE PROBLEM. We used to fucking DEAL with these things, WE HAD STRENGTH OF CHARACTER. Now we're encouraged to be WHINY BITCHES.
Clinical depression is where you've let yourself get into a really bad state. What you should do is just not let yourself get into that state.
Here's the biochemistry of depression:
Being depressed results in low serotonin in your brain.
Just like being excited results in high adrenaline in your body.
Seriously. That's it. Your serotonin is low BECAUSE YOU'RE DEPRESSED. IT'S A PRODUCT OF YOUR DEPRESSION. Fuck nigga stop being a fuccboi.
>the culture glorifies depression
What the fuck is this retard even talking about?
Depression has nothing to do with victim mentality and being entitled
Since the industrial revolution people have exceptionally more and more free time sit down and think about everything bad that happen to them.
When you don't have to worry about a predictors, shelter and having to find food and water your brain is going to find something else worry about, that's how we are wired
he needs to get a tan
Untreated severe depression with no medication progresses to cognitive impairment, complete lack of drive to eat or drink, and psychosis.
Those that are in the worst stages can die from depression without even intending to commit suicide due to the onset of cognitive impairment and quickly progressing dehydration and malnourishment.
Don't sweat it mate it's not worth it. I can kinda understand why people think it's a meme if they've never dealt with mental illness. I have anxiety, people can call me a pussy or whatever they want but until you've suffered a panic attack or just breakdown because you've had enough of trying to do normal things when you find it hard to even leave your house then you'll never truly understand it. I hate these sjw types who have fetishised mental illness but it doesn't change the fact people deal with it in silence and don't bitch about it. Even with the anxiety I still work, go out and do stuff, I just don't mention it.
I think it's a great video and I'm glad he didn't let up and say "I'll make an excuse for REAL depression though..."
He's absolutely right that ALL depression is just low mood, caused by your life.
Should we have sympathy for people who have really bad things happen to them? Like losing loved ones, losing their business, stuff like that? Yes. But we shouldn't fetishise low moods. We should remember how important strength of character is.
Some people have really bad things happen to them, yes, like being molested, shit like that. They should seek help for those things.
This idea that depression just happens, and isn't caused by your life, is FALSE. Yes there is a degree of heritability, but it is only for a propensity to get depressed - depression is still caused by shit going on in your fucking life. No scientist has EVER found a physical defection of the brain which causes certain people to be depressed - otherwise people would get diagnosed on that basis wouldn't they? Rather than just checking a few boxes saying "yeah I'm depressed and shit"
There is an exception here, which is things like encephalitis (brain swelling) and repeated concussions. They can cause depression - although my guess is that this is indirect, as a result of the main symptoms of those two things: massive headaches, and perhaps some loss of function in doing certain things, which causes you to be irritable, and then get unhappy because you can't do the things you did before.
>What the fuck is this retard even talking about?
>Depression has nothing to do with victim mentality and being entitled
He says it has to do with your life, which it absolutely does, yet people today pretend it's an "illness", something that you catch, which it isn't.
>Since the industrial revolution people have exceptionally more and more free time sit down and think about everything bad that happen to them.
That's true but it doesn't undermine what he said.
>When you don't have to worry about a predictors, shelter and having to find food and water your brain is going to find something else worry about, that's how we are wired
That's also true but what he's saying is that you should get on and do something.
Read this, from a professor of clinical psychology:
>For a few of us, our experiences of abuse or failure lead us to feel that life is not worth living. We need to recognise these human truths and we need to offer help. But we should not regard these human experiences as symptoms of a mental illness.
>Psychiatric diagnoses are not only scientifically invalid, they are harmful too. The language of illness implies that the roots of such emotional distress lie in abnormalities in our brain and biology, usually known as "chemical imbalances".
>This leads us to be blind to the social and psychological causes of distress.
Clinical depression is very real. I've suffered from it for years and I can confirm it's existence. I work hard to combat this condition and try to improve myself every day and don't use it as an excuse but it is sort of infuriating when people who have never suffered from it say it doesn't exist.
Thanks OP and PJW! I was feeling a little depressed and now I know why. Time to unfuck my life. MAGA!
Yup SSRIs are fucking shit
t. former user of Citalopram and Prozac
>Untreated severe depression with no medication progresses to cognitive impairment, complete lack of drive to eat or drink, and psychosis.
>Those that are in the worst stages can die from depression without even intending to commit suicide due to the onset of cognitive impairment and quickly progressing dehydration and malnourishment.
That's all true, but let's be clear: depression is not a medical pathology.
It is an emotional state. It is caused by factors in your life.
If somebody gets as low as you describe, they probably had really bad shit happen to them. Dysfunctional family, or abusive family. Molestation. Bullying. Lack of confidence. No mentors or support structure. History of being abused / being exposed to violence.
You need to treat the HUMAN EMOTIONAL CAUSES. Treating depression as a pathology is wrong.
I'll quote what I just quoted to someone else. A professor of clinical psychology:
>For a few of us, our experiences of abuse or failure lead us to feel that life is not worth living. We need to recognise these human truths and we need to offer help. But we should not regard these human experiences as symptoms of a mental illness.
>Psychiatric diagnoses are not only scientifically invalid, they are harmful too. The language of illness implies that the roots of such emotional distress lie in abnormalities in our brain and biology, usually known as "chemical imbalances".
>This leads us to be blind to the social and psychological causes of distress.
It isn't a medical pathology. It is just extreme low moods, caused by things that have happened in your life.
Debate me if you want because I'm ready to defend my position.
Attempted bump.
>Dysfunctional family, or abusive family. Molestation. Bullying. Lack of confidence. No mentors or support structure. History of being abused / being exposed to violence
Many of these factors are more associated with development of personality disorders particularly EUPD/BPD rather than depression alone, and the associated mood fluctuations/suicidality which may resemble depression should very much be handled with minimal medication.
The chemical imbalances thing isn't really hugely supported anymore, but it is an easy way of talking about antidepressants which people fall back on. What we should really be saying is that the medications help to relieve symptoms and reduce risk of relapse, they do increase these neurotransmitters which may help with this but we aren't entirely sure.
Working in psychiatry social/psychological causes of distress are hugely taken into account, but there is not a lot we can do about them...
Psychiatric diagnosis.. Many don't imply abnormality of brain/biology as they are just lists of symptoms, which is where the whole functional / organic split came from. Once a psychiatric diagnosis has very clear organic underlying causes and treatments it ceases to be a psychiatric diagnosis and instead becomes an organic condition e.g. autoimmune limbic encephalitis.
There are lots of people age 65+ in older age MH who get new onset depression without many factors and no major problems, they are usually the ones who quickly become most severe and end up requiring ECT.
Many of them stem from 1 seemingly harmless thing, which they somehow end up ruminating over/it takes control of their life. It can be as simple as trying to plan the date they are going to use an gift (e.g. driving a sports car experience), but they keep putting it off, or they made a mistake but it was corrected but the worry never went away.
Lots of it may stem from social isolation in the elderly but the resources are not there to do anything about it in society.
Daily reminder Paul Joseph Watson is a huge flaming degenerate faggot like his fellow Sup Forumse rider Milo. He tours the European queer scene sucking and taking cock nonstop and has aids
No offense to homosexuals
I haven't looked at the video yet but I 100% guess that he's gonna say all depressed people are lazy welfare leechers?
Am I right?
nah, he actually makes good points about todays fetishisation of depression, but hes not entirely dead on. watch first my dude, PJW isnt that bad, he just is a little too cucked to be Sup Forums worthy.
He's clueless.
Foucault was anti-psychology and anti-psychiatrists.
Yet PJW says this is all his fault?
Foucault had this exact argument in the 60s and 70s: that mental illness was a made up thing that the elites used to control the masses and isolate undesirables in asylums.
Looked at it a bit now, ok I get that there are a bunch of attention whoring faggots talking about that they are "depressed". But PJW seems to think that we in the west have no right to be depressed because we are so privileges when there is starving children I'm Africa " not giving a fuck" (really?).
Why do right wing people always have the most disgusting thought about mental health?
This is a great video. There is one thing I would add as another cause of increase in depression: the horrible diet advice that Americans have been give since the 1970s. The low fat advice was wrong! Americans are sicker & fatter & more depressed than ever before because of this horrible advice.
He is certainly losing touch with his target audience.
>What you should do is just not let yourself get into that state.
My god you 'just be happy' faggots are the worst
He has no clue what he is talking about.
Retarded clinical depression is real. A head injury can fuck your prefrontal cortex and disrupt serotonin. Dudes talking out his arse.
Quite literally not an argument
Shit, I think I may have actually felt a change while watching that video.
I'm not the type to post about my depression at all, but I have been too lazy to do anything about it myself since it's been labelled natural. I tried antidepressants, all it did was take away some anxiety (like feeling like my feet are going to be grabbed while walking from the light switch to my bed).
I wish this was the dominant narrative.
>don't let your brain do things
Pardon me sir but I have been unable to locate any argument in the first place
Most people who have never had major depression don't understand what it's like. But yeah there's over-diagnosis of depression, that doesn't mean it's not a widespread thing or that anti-depressants don't work correctly on people who need them.
-person who's been saved by Prozac
>Working in psychiatry social/psychological causes of distress are hugely taken into account, but there is not a lot we can do about them...
True, I guess, apart from help people come to some sense of closure about them, but I guess you're right - somebody who was abused as a child will probably always have trust issues and things like that, which is understandable in a way
>There are lots of people age 65+ in older age MH who get new onset depression without many factors and no major problems
Surely loneliness? Loss of partner, or loss of purpose from no longer working? How are they not factors? People don't get depressed for no reason. They simply don't.
>Many of them stem from 1 seemingly harmless thing, which they somehow end up ruminating over/it takes control of their life.
If somebody is inactive and doesn't have anything to give them a sense of purpose then OF COURSE they are going to get into a low mood and ruminate, aren't they?
>Lots of it may stem from social isolation in the elderly but the resources are not there to do anything about it in society.
Nursing homes. Or keeping in touch with friends (my grandma has for over 20 years of retirement). As PJW said in the video, you've got to earn happiness. That's how it is.
This. One thing I've learned from having clinical depression and dealing with friends and family with "depression" is that you dont know thw people who are truly depressed and suicidal. It's an internal battle that by nature you actively hide from people. Those are the kind of peiple that you never they are depressed until commit suicide. Everything else is simply attention speaking behavior.
Sort of related, but I was put on adderall for ADHD and find that it's also alleviated my depression.
Amphetamines > SSRIs
If you've had bad shit happen to you, like molestation or abuse or severe bullying, then that sucks. Seek help for those things. Counselling. Or get into boxing if the catharsis helps you.
The "brain pathology" model of depression is bullshit.
There is a small factor of heritability of a PROPENSITY to depression, but this doesn't bring about depressive episodes themselves. They are brought about by things in your life.
As PJW says, you should stop being a whiny little bitch and start DOING SHIT. Develop STRENGTH OF CHARACTER.
>Depression = Sadness meme
this is an SJW tier argument
Just make yourself not sound like a turbosperg, then come back
>If somebody is inactive and doesn't have anything to give them a sense of purpose then OF COURSE they are going to get into a low mood and ruminate, aren't they?
Mine was triggered by a girlfriend who cheated on me with my best friend in our last year of high school, I just completely gave up. 7 years later I've still never picked it back up and still wallow in my self-pity.
Just recently registered at Athabasca University. Going for a Business major in Accounting. Hopefully you're right and my mood will rise as I start having a purpose again.
Forcing depressed people onto a bunch of pills is in no way a solution to anything. People don't actually care about each other anymore. They'd rather just give people magic pills than actually confront the problems that broke them in the first place
You are both faggots
Sure I've thought about suicide, I've been on SSRIs, and all of my family members have been on SSRIs. My dad was put in a mental hospital.
Don't say "you don't know, man!" like a fucking faggot.
There are many people who know. Many, many people. Stop pretending you're fucking special because you're not.
For actual depression that'd just lead straight into drug abuse and create more problems.
>12 posts
you projecting bro?
Okay Achmed
Things like anxiety and depression are very real. They are symptoms of a depersonalized and inhuman society. The people that like to pretend they aren't real are only doing so because Tumblr retards like to pretend to have problems like those for attention. Even the ones that don't pretend make damn sure to tell everyone about their condition for maximum pity points.
Was diagnosed as depressed in college. Unsure about that, never did have a lean towards drug abuse.
I take adderall just fine and don't abuse my script but yeah, it's speed, so you have to be cautious.
The fact that he compared depression rates between africa and people in first world countries makes a good part of his argument stupid. Are lives are a lot more complitcated and theres more standard of beauty to abide by (makeup,fitness,etc), possibility of not making the right career choices, just more places in your life to fail and succeed. This creates a tremendous amount of stress on the mind, people used to be ok with living on the farm and having 3 kids but now life is a lot more complex.
>Mine was triggered by a girlfriend who cheated on me with my best friend in our last year of high school, I just completely gave up.
That sounds fucking shit. And anybody would get severely pissed off / depressed over that. You would be a weirdo if you DIDN'T.
>7 years later I've still never picked it back up and still wallow in my self-pity.
Obviously you shouldn't blame yourself for it happening, and shouldn't blame yourself for getting unhappy about it, but you should think to yourself "I'm not going to let this bitch make me depressed forever"
>Just recently registered at Athabasca University. Going for a Business major in Accounting. Hopefully you're right and my mood will rise as I start having a purpose again.
That's good to hear man. Also I would advise keeping in touch with family and everything. I think I took family for granted in my teens, and as a twenty-something I now realise that staying in touch with them is important. For me it is anyway.
Also friends, of course. Apart from the cunt who fucked you over.
Depression is not sadness. It's your brain chemistry being fucked up probably because of a combination of a bad diet, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, and stress. I've had it before, you don't feel sad you just have zero motivation to do anything. You have to force yourself to eat. The way to fix it is to fix your lifestyle.
Men used to overcome their depression by achieving great victories.
Nowadays are great victory is overcoming boredom.
Men now a days are struggling to find their purpose. Which I believe leads to their great depression.
This is why having fruitful hobbies and an active social life (outside of social media) is so much more crucial.
I also believe the MSM vilification of "masculinity" has aided in the rise of depression.
Swedish posts always make me lol hard, much better than the autistic Australian "shitposters" who aren't even funny.
>Forcing depressed people onto a bunch of pills is in no way a solution to anything. People don't actually care about each other anymore. They'd rather just give people magic pills than actually confront the problems that broke them in the first place
If someone wants to take pills then by all means they should be able to take them.
And sometimes if someone is out of control then I see why doctors would use pills to sedate them.
But they are a temporary solution, they only RELIEVE depressed feelings, but they don't solve your emotional problems, and they don't fix your life.
I'm providing arguments, and you, I see, aren't.
So you're not going to respond to my argument? Presumably because you lack the intellectual capacity to do so?
>Things like anxiety and depression are very real. They are symptoms of a depersonalized and inhuman society.
They're real emotional states but they're not medical pathologies. They are natural reactions to, as you say, our shitty world.
Seems like attention seeking behavior to me.
>So you're not going to respond to my argument? Presumably because you lack the intellectual capacity to do so?
Goodness no, your argument was nonexistent. Unless you really think "lol stop being sad" is an argument, then my response of "lol stop being sad is stupid" is an equally suitable counterargument.
Now tell me about Islam and it's many benefits
I should mention this as well, when I had depression I could not get an erection under any circumstances. Depression is a physical condition, not a mental one. Most people who say they've had depression haven't actually had it.
I think the tranny dick is going to his head
Still in my parent's basement, so I don't have much of a choice but to be in touch with them. My brother just recently moved out, found a girl on World of Warcraft and moved to Florida for her.
The only person I'm still in touch with from high school is him, haven't made any new friends since. He's been pretty repentant, I lived with him rent-free for a few months. He buys me the new vidya when I don't have any money.
I'll keep working on it.
This video was fucking great, probably his only GOAT one besides the modern art video.
One thing he didn't mention was that the people who create each version of the DSM (the primary diagnostic manual for mental disorders in the US) have been becoming more and more influenced by the private sector. Of the DSM-5 task force members, 69% report having ties to the pharmaceutical industry, an increase from the 57% of DSM-IV task force members.
Furthermore, not only is it diagnosed more than any other mental disorder, but psychiatrists never agree on the diagnosis (having a very low kappa score, look it up). At the very least, even the most scientifically-minded liberals MUST agree that it is extremely overdiagnosed, and something must be done about the pathologization of normal life behaviors.
SSRIs don't reduce the rate of suicide.
Our culture certainly glorifies depression. If you admit in a video that you're depressed and that's why you've been acting strangely, everyone pats you on the back and calls you brave. It gives them a chance to feel special and it gives them an excuse for their behavior since they "can't help it."
How can depression be real if schizophrenia isn't real
There's this thing, called the subconscious. You do not control it, but it does control you.
I dunno, I do agree that society has a hard on for depression, but the increase of "mental illness" I.e. Narcissism, transvestites, androgyny and self-centeredness has sprung up because of the stark disconnect between the old (natural) hunter-gatherer days and our modern convenience way of living
depression is a fake disease designed to get you to buy pills.
if you really want to help yourself - get off social media, go outside, read about the world, and learn to meditate.
guarantee your depression will go away
still watching (((Paul Joseph Watson)))
Exactly. The medications offered do very little to help cure that state of being. But magic pills are easier than admitting that humans are not yet evolved enough to be so constantly exposed to the stresses of modern civilization
>The fact that he compared depression rates between africa and people in first world countries makes a good part of his argument stupid.
>Are lives are a lot more complitcated and theres more standard of beauty to abide by (makeup,fitness,etc), possibility of not making the right career choices, just more places in your life to fail and succeed. This creates a tremendous amount of stress on the mind, people used to be ok with living on the farm and having 3 kids but now life is a lot more complex.
You're very right, they are. I don't think this undermines his argument though.
I mean, how do you propose we solve those problems? You can either a) do the best that you can in the country that you're given, b) move to another country, or c) try and change conditions in your country (which I guess us on Sup Forums would like to do)
I don't see how any of this undermines his argument though. Sure maybe he didn't talk enough about the reasons people in Western societies are getting depressed these days. And maybe he didn't say enough about the b) and c) options I just gave - he only talked about a). But a) is a good option.
And I think he is absolutely right that people used to have strength of character, but now they don't. I definitely think that is a quality that we have lost in our societies in the last 50/60 years.
ITT: Non-psychologists and psychiatrists talk about how depression isn't real.
I have depression and it's awful. It's pretty much a complete absence of any emotional feeling and I feel like I'm wearing a shirt made of lead. If I don't take SSRIs I can't even drive myself to read a book or watch television.
All the more reason to hold people accountable for their actions. If their subconscious believes they are doing nothing wrong, it won't do anything to correct itself.
>Most people who say they've had depression haven't actually had it.
Fuck off you whinging cunt
>Depression is not sadness.
Yes it is
>It's your brain chemistry being fucked up
No it's not, you whinging cunt
>probably because of a combination of a bad diet, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, and stress.
Yes that stuff definitely does affect your mood, you are right. And you have control over all of those things.
>I've had it before, you don't feel sad you just have zero motivation to do anything. You have to force yourself to eat. The way to fix it is to fix your lifestyle.
I agree with you there.
I don't agree with you saying "it's brain chemistry" - sure your diet and stuff will affect your mood, but your actions and the way you live your life does as well, as you rightly say.
Most people who say "it's brain chemistry" think it's a pathology of their brain, despite having no evidence for anything physically wrong with their brain whatsoever.
And please never, ever, ever, ever say "most people who say they've had depression haven't actually had it", because many people have (sure the whinging Tumblrites haven't, but there are still lots of people, particularly young adult men I would say, who have gotten pretty depressed at some point). You are not special.
Truly inspiring video towards the end now for depression. He hit everything right by 90%. The only thing he didn't talk about was TRUE CLINICAL DEPRESSION. There is a huge difference as a medfag many people come to me with their depressed whatever expecting me to give them the chill pill. But I see that these people don't need them they just want to distract themselves from their problems like shitty marriage, inability to raise your own child right, being unemployed and alcoholism. The other 5% are TRULY DEPRESSED PEOPLE those who have this irrational kind of sadness true insanity that arises from nowhere those are in need of help but they are a very small portion others are just unconsciously faking it.
>still playing WoW
I have a mood disorder caused by temporal lobe epilepsy. So I guess Im weak and need to "get over" a seizure disorder.
>daily exercise has been shown in multiple studies to be as effective as SSRIs
>people still whine about "muh brain chemistry" rather than "muh shitty life choices"
Really makes you think.
id be depressed too if i were gay and married to some fugly asian and my entire life was a lie which i try to reconcile by being an edgy shithead on the internet
Citation needed.
it's more like "go fucking work out and get some endorphines running in your body like 100% of men did before 1990"
I think he just forgot to point out about those who are truly depressed. Other than that everything fits well in the video only this one point wasn't elaborated.
Depression is definitely real but honestly the mental health industry is just making it worse. SSRIs are the biggest scam, it's modern day bloodletting. The same pill to fix anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, etc.? Fucking snake oil desu
Wow you are so alpha xD
That's good that you've got your brother. When you say repentant, do you mean repentant that he let you live rent-free? Rather than repentant about his situation in Florida?
Anyway I hope your shit goes better man, it's good that you've got your parents too, and obviously when you move out then your relationship with your parents will probably be much better, because they will be glad that you are doing something. You can ask them for favours like money and they'll probably be much more obliging than when you're doing nothing. Although really you shouldn't just mooch off your parents financially, I guess I mean more that they will provide moral support when you are living independently. I think that alone is such an important thing in life, having parents that you can turn to if things are going shit. I've got mates without parents and that's pretty shit.
Anyway I hope your uni experience goes well man, and my advice would be try and throw yourself into social situations. Social opportunities at uni are so valuable. I wish I had taken more advantage of mine when I was at uni.
>Another study, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine in 1999, divided 156 men and women with depression into three groups. One group took part in an aerobic exercise program, another took the SSRI sertraline (Zoloft), and a third did both. At the 16-week mark, depression had eased in all three groups. About 60%–70% of the people in all three groups could no longer be classed as having major depression. In fact, group scores on two rating scales of depression were essentially the same. This suggests that for those who need or wish to avoid drugs, exercise might be an acceptable substitute for antidepressants.
The link covers other studies corroborating those findings as well.
I cured my lifelong depression by megadosing niacin and vitamin c . sri do nothing . psychiajewz need to be shot