
>be you
>walk into your service job
>realize the work has been automated and you are part of the 50% unemployed by technology

What do?

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wait for oswald spenglers predictions to come true then rebuild from scratch

Seeing as how I graduated as a CS major lol as I continue to take more jobs

Go and use nearest automated suicide booth

>get replaced by pajeet for $2/hour

lmaoing @ ur life

>outsourcing code meme

unless you're a generic code monkey who just hacks any old thing together for your merchant overlords this isn't an issue

this x 1000
I work for state government. We have our share of Pajeets.
They're copypasta experts, and could not get any traction whatsoever without us Daves.

Before cars were mass produced, everyone had a horse. Or to drive and one to work. Farms had multiple. The horse industry was huge, not just in the buying and selling, but horses have to be shod every few WEEKS. millions of blacksmiths to serve millions of horses. And stable boys, veterinarians, groomsmen, coachmen, harness makers, breeders, trainers.

We have dealers, mechanics and tires as support our cars now but it was nothing like the network of support required for a world that relied on horses. This was an extremely pivotal moment in our society; we turned overnight from horse culture into car culture in the US.

And then And it WAS sudden. Within a decade, millions and millions of horses had been turned into dog food (the birth of the canned pet food industry in the US and Canada), and blacksmiths, farriers, breeders, trainers, coachmen, groomsmen, stable boys, harness makers, saddle makers, tack makers, farmers who grew feed, veterinarians...were out of work because of cars and tractors. Transportation and farm labor had been suddenly 'automated'. MILLIONS of people saw their livelihoods completely vanish in 5 years.

You must do what they did. We are already being automated, this is not new. Assembly lines have existed since forever. Factories are already automated as much as possible with existing technology. We're already deep in it, so no automation that is yet coming could be as suddenly impactive as the change from horses to cars when we made that, so you will be alright, user. Typists are no longer needed. Neither are typesetters. Nor photographers. So you must reinvent yourself. Blacksmiths who suddenly had no horses to work on, went to work on railroads.

There is always advance in technology, you must keep up. Become a robotic systems engineer. You'll make bank. oh, you're too dumb? Then dig ditches to run fiber optics line to the automated factories.

I just watched that ep of How It's Made two days ago!

Go home and patiently wait for the government to hand me £25,000 a year under the new "Unconditional Basic Income" communist utopia.

Realise that capitalism was only ever a vehicle to get us to a communist endpoint.

Using my yearly allowance I will then call the local robo-doctor to my smart-house who will proceed to inject me with nano-machines keeping me at the permanent age of 25 years old.

I will sit back, put on my oculus rift v4.0 nano-mask and kill dragons in the elder scrolls 10.

56,000 years later I will kill myself as immortality begins to grate.

no thats why they have WW3 planned so that useless cretin like you get taken care of

You're saying WW3 is to kill people who's jobs are going to be taken by automation?

That's all of us m8.

Its going to be hilarious when the automated trucks come. I 100% gurantee you they will be constantly targeted for sabotage by out of work truck drivers.

That will destroy the human workforce. In almost every US State, the most common job is truck driver.

They already replaced a lot of their traders with algorithms.

Automation will take a while, but when it starts rolling, the brakes will not stop.


The s-curve will be brutal.

We are seriously not prepared for this shit.

What about the below-average whites that are eating scraps because they can't work those copypasta jobs?

This is what I imagine will likely happen. Not a bunch of bleeding hearts begging for basic income, but a bunch of angry, out of work common minded folks sabotaging automated systems. It will likely get more and more chaotic. (And I hope it does.)

Average whites that can fix cars and do plumbing / building work will be fine.

Any computer based job goes first.

Making dexterous robots is really hard, so manual labor jobs will be safe initially.

This will cause a huge inversion where the middle-class and lower-class flip around. It will be rapid (

I start my own business that sells vegan hand-made artisanal hbtq ice cream sandwiches and scam asshole hipsters out of their money.

whew least I made $15 an hour for a few weeks.

Holy kek ice cream sandwiches are good.

sheesh threads like these make glad i've studied sociology

. . . oh wait, it does not

I got you făm

Get a new job.

What a retarded question, my god.

;___; why you hating, i love teaching sociology

Surely not all computer-based jobs are going to disappear. Most of those still require a great deal of creativity. If you think a strong AI is going to pop up in the next 10 years, surely it would be just as easy for her to run dexterous robots as it would be to defend people court and make medical diagnoses.

elect a billionaire globalist who doesn't give a shit about me

Git gud at engineering.

Seriously be the one who builds the machines that replace the workers.

>trying to argue with economic illiterates
Don't even bother.

May as well try to convince a libcuck to abolish minimum wage. Ain't gonna happen.

>machines repairing machines

Also let's not pretend that that's going to be a feasable job for anyone who doesn't already have an in.

Still better than wallowing on the Internet about unemployment.

Go to shitting street.

Michelle Obama has a degree in Sociology. You should read her riveting thesis, titled Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community.

>that feel when I'm a government bureaucrat
You'll never be free of us.

learn how to use PLC you niggers

Currently 65% of all jobs can be automated

Praise my robot overlords and feel better about myself for not getting canned when the others did.

In the past new jobs were created for the technology that killed jobs. Like you said, the equestrian industry's collapse gave rise to jobs like car mechanics, driver, gas station attendant, factory worker, etc. What we face this time is completely new and unprecendented: independent machines running on electricity and requiring very little human overseeing. Only a fraction of the jobs lost by automation will be sublimated into robotics jobs.... I mean how many robot technicians do you need? Certainly not the same number as the number of workers that will lose their jobs. Automation is a unique challenge and people like you bury their heads in the sand by erroneously thinking it's the same like what happened during the industrial revolution.