Blacks Scalp Trump Supporter

Last thread hit post limit or was closed.

Blacks in Chicago apparently kidnapped and scalped a Trump supporter:

Has anyone tweeted this to Trump? I'm sure he'd have them deported or something.

Other urls found in this thread:

Shit I was just about to move back to a place with black people...

This is why I hate niggers.

inform the God Emperor

Next time post the link so people don't ask all the same questions over again:


Can someone tell me if the blacks are in custody?! Is the white guy still hostage

Not in custody. White guy is martyred, peace be upon him.

we all can't know because no fucking liberal trash media will report on this shit

Better not be a fake...we would be as bad as the SJWs

Scalped? When does that part happen?

I only saw them cut a bit of hair but I didn't watch the whole thing?


don't think it's fake, the people on facebook streaming it were clearly being ridiculous for a long while

So they will propably get sentenced as political terrorists?

Why aren't we having rallies calling to deport niggers?

Race war soon

watch whites stop buying jewy nigger hip hop music now. should be funny watching rappers go bankrupt.

They surely won't make it a race thing, in contrary to if the tables were turned here. Better spread this, and spread it hard. Because CNN won't.

Did they say he was a Trump supporter?

I bet the were funded by George Soros.

we need to get this out to twitter. post this to cernovich, tomi lahren, hannity, trump, alex jones,

fucking do it now

Honestly, whites are too fucking weak at this point. Whitey puts more effort into his fantasy football picks than saving his fucking country from niggers and Jews

not that I condone this but you have to at least understand their pain

shut up above

What happened to him?

Bump for Justice


help me spam social media with it

These people will be getting life in jail it's 20 for kidnaping but it's the fact there committing a hate crime That's really gonna fuck there shit up

They're setting up for a false flag. Wait for some "trump supporter" to go shoot up a black school in retaliation now.

It shows all their faces too, anyone know how to report to the FBI?

Niggers are so stupid they film their own crimes, jesus fuck there is no hope for these """people"""

Why did you not post the kikebook link? slash 100010157447383/videos/382829418732303/

Fuck niggers. We need a new holocaust

I can't understand a single sentence of their cryptic language
news story just broke

It's hilarious how you guys think you can make a non-story go viral

Im aight with blacks, but these double digits IQ liberals, no matter which race should get burned to death


MFW that post yesterday from that dude saying gangbangers were threatening to kill him because he wore a trump hat was real



Does it count as hate crime if it's done to straight white males


fuck off leaf

Neogaf which is quick to post any police shoots black guy story within seconds. Did not pick up on this yet. I wonder why ?

Love all the triggered brainlet rural and suburban retards smashing their keyboards over this yet celebrating when Roof lights up a church of innocents. Fucking hypocrite pussies.

ayyy custody boys, keep them there till January 20th and send em all back

just wait you fucking spic

This will continue because white people are pacified cuck pussies.

We here on Sup Forums probably have the most extreme racial views out of any other group of whites. How many black people have you killed?

You're all waiting for the Day of the Rope and it will never come. You use that as a way to justify your passivity, don't lie to yourself. You say that "this is a war of ideas" or that "the real fight is online" while niggers kill white men and rape white women actively every day. Do they not know about the war of ideas or the online battlefield? They're the suckers, not us! We place ourselves above the degenerate hillbilly skinheads that "Hitler would have totally hated," but at least they're out in the real world taking actions.

You're all champagne white nationalists. You say what you say online and then actively try to conceal your "power level" in the actual world. What is your power? "People don't know how racist I can be online!" So much power.

What is your body count? The winning team deserves to win and the losing team deserves to lose. We deserve to lose. Sup Forums is a shining example of why white people deserve this white genocide. If whites didn't deserve it, then it wouldn't be happening. The Jews and the Muslims and the niggers all deserve their victories and we deserve this white genocide.

Whites will not fight back until their comfort and their justifications are taken away. Things have to become brutally and severely worse before they can get better. Discussing political theory while bullets are flying is a pathetic waste of time.

Whites won't realize that we need to physically and literally organize and fight until we're majority Muslim. How far has the West fallen that we need to import the will to survive itself from yet another Semitic desert religion?

If this video offends you, then comfort yourself with the fact that everything in the video was deserved, and that everything you saw happened in pure accordance with reality.

So who is this Brittany Herring and her crew? Yes, White Men are dehumanized

Sup Forums is a white board

thats because roof did the right thing

So is today the beginning of the race war...or???

wat de fug

i'd expect as much


Capital Punishment Exists because of psychopaths like these

Here is her zuckerbook profile:

Report her to all fucking authorities, this is clearly a hatecrime and fucking animalistic way of behaving! Do something burgers! Cage these wretched apes!

They're is custody

this post is painfully true.

You wish. #notallnigggers

>Implying there ever was a Holocaust to begin with.

Other than that I agree. Hail Victory, brother.

Satire or not that comment was enraging af

I used to have a cat
You could flick it's tail over and over, for ages
And finally, he'd go fucking apeshit, biting, kicking and clawing at my arm
Flick, flick, flick...

Oh fuck yeah you are totally right. He also posted a picture of him. This might actually be him.

>People of different races can integrate

Why can´t niggers speak proper eglish?
Why do they behave like monkeys after all this time in civilisation?

I can´t be genetics because racism is stupid my liberal prof told me.

What happened i really hope he is okay.

It's not the same guys. The guy yesterday gt threatened by Latinos, not blacks.


It's even better when you imagine him as a shitposting poltard, which he probably is

kys faggot you are retarded

If you are black, you have to go back.

**whispers in your ear**
>the fire rises

Checkd fucking thank God they're in custody. Death penalty now. Hate crime.

Fuck Donald Trump and fuck white people

Brittany Herring in Chicago facebook live.


Wait no he did not post any picture but I remember the thread.

So they got them. Great

What's the odds on CNN reporting on this?

That guy was in California

A nice poem from one of their profiles on fb:

im 2 much for dese niggas and 3 much for dese hoes. da world is in my hands and i keep my hands closed. dese hoes swear they fly but dont know where dey wwings at. dese niggas is like school, and i cut em like seniors. im da bestest.

for all da haters. keep hatin. im a young ballin rude cool chick. BEST THING SINCE SHOE STRINGS

shit like this is why I smile every time I hear about the nigger population declining.

None whatsoever

CNN doesn't report on anything that makes blacks look less than model upstanding citizens

They're White. Most of the recent mass shootings were not committed by Whites. This is a hate crime and if the courts deny it being such a case, then White Pride is going to surge, and even liberal Whites will no longer view these attacks as isolated incidents, but rather as attacks against their own people.

Ok so I found it:

Gangbanger wants to kill me because of my Trump Hat.

Video deleted

When will Shaun King report this?

>Violence erupts in Chicago over Trump's divisive policymaking

It's time for a new breed of law enforcer

The zuckbook one, that is.

Ah ok it was Mexican niggers.


toast link or gtfo


Fuck off inflitrator shill, we can see through your pathetic attempts a mile away

This shit HAS to go viral!

poor little white boy

That's in Santa Ana, CA

Got my report back from Facebook, apparently it doesn't violate their community guidelines

hahahaha white people are so fucking PATHETIC!

black people are out there scalping and fucking up white people, and how does white people respond? little cuckbois crying on the internet, sitting on 4chin planning an epic dox posting her facebook profile.

ooooo scary whitebois please don't dox me hahahaha

Such an obvious scam and you idiots are falling for it.

Then a black guy will, and round and round we go...

If putting white victims on the news to trigger a race war is their plan they're doing a horrible job.

I think niggers should be bred out.
>inb4 white genocide
No - black genocide.

Most liberals don't have low IQs, they are just dirty commies. Niggers are different, they just want free gibs.