This is America in 2050
all those darkish traits..... s-so diverse
Discuss what? That you're a racist fucking asshole? OK. Hey! You're a racist fucking asshole!
If that's the case I'll move somewhere else
Go back to eating BBC varg
>This is America in 2050
Had Hillary won yes, but since Trump did we bought more time.
All ugly
>implying that anyone who looked like these freaks would have anything besides shit brown eyes
Calm down Mehmet, we don't want you to blow yourself up, actually, if I think about it do it, but be sure it's in one of those no-go zones.
and with a government to match the browning
it'll be a third world socialist police state by then as well
Shouldn't you be guzzling down Arab seamen?
>All those nigger noses
Ok, i get it, USA will get totally BLACKED, according to kikes cientists.
diversity means everyone looking the same
>implying any sane white man would date some shitskin monkey
All we have to do is just borth more whites with white/white couples and end homosexualality.
All the lightest skin tones will still be called white people, and will still be blamed for all the issues the rest won't work to improve for themselves.
This so so ugly.
Forget everything single argument about IQ, crime, culture, etc. these people are just ugly. Please create more beautiful white children, so the human race doesn't end up like this.
why are all the white people gone?
hideously ugly
fuck this country, I am not sticking around once it starts to really fall
No, THIS is America in 2050.
So much better than having blue eyed blondes everywhere! Boy, am I glad for that diverse array of black eyed black hairs with close-set eyes and ape-noses. White people will be EXTINCT by 2050! Take THAT, racists!
dude white genocide is a crazy right-wing conspiracy theory lol
>this is New York City in 2050
I would originally have said California, but...
Why is it whiter than now?
There will be no America in 2050. I don't know what country these people will live in, but it won't be the USA. Empires only last so long; we got a boost from defeating our Soviet enemies (economically and politically), but the rules haven't changed since Xerxes or Caesar.
>land of the goatee, home of the soul patch
I get that they're trying to imply a diverse future, but these straight up look like alien sex dolls.
>mfw the year the avg American looks like this is the year americans become economic migrants to Canada and China
Enjoy the decline.
The liberals will never get their happy, diverse """utopia""" because we'll be a third world country.
>white genocide
Not very diverse, eh?
The worst part is they think white women will exist if white men don't exist
this type of propaganda is made by white women. Bored privileged white girls who think they will somehow wipe out white males and not get wiped out themselves.
They all look the same!
They look like they're in pain.
God I hate leftist, I'm a mestizo and I have no knowledge of my heritage as a result other than I have injun ancestors.
These progressive psychos don't know what they're subjecting the future generations to
Looks like America today.
Did they factor in mass deportation of illegal immigrants? KEK
Discuss what? I don't give a fuck.
I hope when you get raped and murdered it's done with halal goatskin condoms.
wtf, we all become reptilian?
when china takes over
Please tell me she's adopted
All that I see are variants of blacks, asians and mestizos.
Predictable. Slowly they'll become a new homogeneous race, the Americans.
This is spam in a brazenly forbidden format (random, contextless picture, minimal writing prompt text, no source or subject or anything that an actual pol post would have). We are being spammed because of the Chicago Torture Livestream. The Chicago Torture Livesteam is black gangbangers torturing a white captive live on Faceberg.
No we won't, actually.
Most states are >80% white, my state being 96% (Maine)
I have never seen an African, Hispanic, or any race that's not white except for one occasion and that's when I went to Atlanta for a wedding.
Honestly, think before you post.
i looked into new england but ultimately the whitest states are small and might not be the best decision financially. with maine state is 1.3mil or something - that's a single mid size city.
like it or not, cali mutts are outbreeding you
Washington, Minnesota, West Virginia, Kentucky, Nevada, Oklahoma, SOME places in Texas have large populations and they're still white.
California has some big white places left, like Poway and Fresno (Both have small amount of Asians, but they're respectable.)