there goes that Utah 'publican again... puttin' dat pussy on the pedestal.
There goes that Utah 'publican again... puttin' dat pussy on the pedestal
Porn is the kike's greatest weapon
We are being spammed heavily because of the Chicago Torture Livestream, and the Brazilian flag is overrepresented among the spammers.
huh? I just got here, someone posted this thread on Sup Forums but got deleted by the mods, I decided to repost it here.
He is right
Except about Tobacco. That was bullshit, actually.
Tobacco shouldn't be forbidden in a free country.
Everyone knew tobacco was a health risk before they even did statistically analysis on it. Children were never allowed to smoke. Furthermore, the health risks of tobacco use are greatly exaggerated.
That will never work because tobacco related illness is a much more tangible thing than social illness from too much porn.
Smoking cancer has been proven to cause cancer, while jacking off has been proven to reduce cancer risk.
I can agree with this post.
Here in Brazil they want to pass a legislation on porn too, saying it causes people to become auto sexual.
Especially in a country that increasingly promotes smoking marijuana
>That will never work because tobacco related illness is a much more tangible thing than social illness from too much porn.
I completely disagree. It is the oppsite. It is easy for people to see tangible evidence that porn is destructive. If not in their own lives, in the lives of people they know. With tobacco people have to extrapolate based on math very few understand. Someone gets a heart attack and smoking was blamed when smoking is only associated with a statistical increase in the rate heart disease. It is a fallacious and tenuous relationship.
Anyone who denies this is either a shill or an infantile subhuman who can't give up watching another man plug whores.
But what about Amauter videos, some of them aren't made by jews...
On one hand I don't think the government should ban pornography because I think adults should be allowed to make their own decisions.
On the other hand it's pretty clear that a lot of pornography users become "addicted" to it and that it has damaging effects on their life sexually and mentally. Realistically, if I'm being honest, society as a whole would probably be healthier with pornography gone. The heavy Jewish involvement is notable as well and it is undeniable that much of pornography's detrimental effects seem intentionally targeted towards whites.
I feel like I'm constantly teetering between the extremes of libertarianism and full blown fascism on so many of these societal issues. I guess I'm coming around to the realization that libertarianism would be great in a moral white society but fails when there are so many parasites and filth mongers willing to profit off the fall of the society sustaining them.
oh no they're trying to fight degeneracy which is proven to be bad for you
Sup Forums is so goddamn stupid sometimes.
they're not banning masturbation they're trying to kill porn which is extremely bad for people.
we love to talk about duh evil jews but porn (which is owned and controlled by jews) is suddenly off limits? is it not extremely degenerate?
Those are worse. They give the idea that porn is not only okay, but a legit thing you can/should do. It moves the porn stage from jews pushing it to normies pushing it.
name one positive impact porn has had on society
>Needs mommy and daddy government to know what he's allowed to do
Well it created jobs for people, lots of people enjoy watching porn.
Good post. A lot of people went through this.
You're on the right track.
i HATE asparagus
Offset by the unrestrained sexual energy we lose.
home video market.
internet video streaming.
I don't really have a problem with this. Too much easy money is made by porn producers. At the very least, parents should be give have access tools to keep the under 18 from accessing porn. It's too easy for young to get access to it right now and making studios and cell phone providers financially responsible for this is fine by me.
Who's in the wrong here?
True, but it can all be avoided if parents actually had more control over their children than schools do and actually spent time teaching them morals and ethics instead of being busy at work or trying to be their friends.