Being openly racist helps nobody...

Being openly racist helps nobody. All it does is antagonize whites in the eyes of blacks thus causing them to continue blaming white people instead of looking at themselves. People should realize this.

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All it does is antagonize whites in the eyes of blacks thus causing them to chimp out on ever increasing levels until all white people get fed up and throw them into gas chambers.

It is a sacrifice we must take to redpill the masses

This too. Why does anyone want a race war? That's awful.

You could instead allow black people to improve themselves.

>why do people want a race war?
Because all these assholes ever do is break shit and blame it on 'whitey' and they always get away with it.

Liberia was built on unclaimed land by free blacks who left the US in the mid-19th century

It was never conquered or colonized by another power, white or black, European or not; the only part of Africa to do so

They have had almost 200 years to "improve themselves" in a country who tried to mimic the most successful society on human history (the United States)

Look up how Liberia is today and how much they "improved" themselves.

Rather live without them all together.

Niggers need to go away.

because of racism

Strange, it seems that no matter how much white people pander to them, black people never give a single fuck about how white people feel about their racial identity.