>muh legacy
Muh legacy
>muh ears
Being black is your legacy. Nothing more.
>mfw I become the last black president of the united states
>muh hands
Nice get BTW. Praise Kek.
He couldn't even do that right. He's half white.
Here's your legacy:
You failed, you're irrelevant, GTFO.
Shitcan Obamacare.
There's no bigger insult than knowing that the history books will only say "he was the first black president" when they describe him. Everyone will snicker when his name comes up because it'll be so obvious that he was a token hire and dindu nuffin when he got into office.
It's called "The WHITE House" for a reason, nigger.
Obama was a really good president. His legacy will be significantly improving America after Bush. Depending on how Trump does it could be even better. Only racists don't like him because he's black
>Trump's first act as president will be to kick a proud African-American family out of their house
Shove your partisan argument up your ass!
That's all you libcucks can do, is scream "RACIST!!" whenever anyone criticizes the nigger-in-chief. His presidency is this nation's biggest mistake.
>This bitttttter.
Does the fact that you benefited through his actions make it all the more sour?
How many more days??? I need this meme to meet reality.
I lost my good-paying job because of Obummer, and still have no employment. Had to send my family away while I try to find work. Just fucking retail part-time hiring now.
Fuck Obummer.
>I blame my incompetence on others!
At least when you failed you had a better safety net to fall into :)
> first nigger to be president
> one of top-3 warmongers in history of north american united states > all of them are from "democratic" party
> destroyed middle east
> rebirth of the cold war with sanctions over Russia for american allies military killing [ethnically] Russian civilians in Ukraine to give ISIS foothold in eastern Europe
> praised by cucks for being a smooth talker
The media was able to push him into the White House but he was supposed to do something once there.
Instead he fucked up several Middle East countries, destroyed our relations with almost everyone else in the world except Britain and Germany, and only managed to pass the worst healthcare insurance scam bullshit imaginable.
Great job, sir. Great job.
He'll forever be remembered as a token black (not even American black - no slave blood in him) propelled into office by starry-eyed libs who thought he'd 'end racism' (whatever that means) by being the first brown president.
Oh yeah - racial tensions are worse in this country, too. Thanks Barrack!
I lost my health insurance because of O and I can't find full time work. I blame our shitty governor as much as Obama for the latter though, and the two of them are butt buddies.
I want to see all of his programs gutted. His legacy will be in ashes soon. This brings me joy.
underrated post
I-I mean checked
Race relations haven't been this bad since the 1960s. What was the worst you saw during Bush's tenure?
>Muh hurricane money
The worst civil unrest coming from the black community in Bush's tenure was Kanye West saying he didn't care about black people. I'm not saying Bush was a good president but for all his fuckups and cuckservatism he had nothing on Obama, SJW-in-chief. He built his career on pitting ethnic groups against each other, which in the short term worked but in the long term has destroyed the Democrat party for potentially the next 20 years.
>Muh Nobel Blackprize.
Dem digits
>muh dick
>forced to buy insurance
>bullshit expensive premiums
>didn't exactly end the iraq war
>Libya happened
Motherfucker ain't laughing now, is he?
Really. Where was Obama during the violent BLM "protests"? His benefactor George Soros funded them, so he did nothing.
Benefited how? My grandchildren will be paying this debt.
Fucking creator of McJobs and destroyer of the middle class.
I spit on his legacy.
>do nothing for 7 years and 11 months
>start doing a bunch of shit a week before you go just to spite your successor
His legacy will be that of a petty bitch.
Nothing like seeing a nigger destroy your country to make you hate them!
Rare pic.
Jamal detected, How did I benefit, by paying way more taxes than I ever have before this year?
Congress is already prepping to throw out Mooshell's "healthy school lunch program." Obama's executive actions are going to be signed away with Trump's pen, and after that Obamacare gets gutted and replaced by Congress. Almost all of Obama's entire presidency is going to be undone in Trump's first year, except for his foreign policy fuckups which unfortunately will take several years at least to fix.
And let's not forget that Trump was the most prolific member of the birther movement. His election is the biggest "fuck you" Obama could ever have gotten.
>TFW I am going to stick around DC and make sure all the (((Progress))) we made is not tossed away by the President of the United States, The Senate, the House, The Department of Justice, the FBI and the Supreme Court
>in a few years Obama will be completely forgotten by the general public like Carter
feels good man
>ketchup on a hot dog
>not mustard
fucking monsters. the cherry tomato is already a serving of fruit, and so is the apple, so why do we need another "fruit"? No vegetables, either, unless somehow ketchup and tomatoes are simultaneously both, and zero grains. This is one shitty lunch - must be in a nigger neighborhood.
>worst during Bush's tenure
i think you misspelled "did 911"
And I forgot one of the biggest kickers: the democrats cucked themselves by using the nuclear option to push through all of Obama's nominees while they still had a majority. Once Trump is in, the precedent has has been set that the filibuster rule doesn't matter when it comes to confirmations, and the Republicans are not going to change the rules back because they will use the Democrats' own rules to confirm whoever they want for the next SCOTUS justice.
Chucky Schmucky can stomp his feet all he wants and say "there will be no supreme court confrimation in Trump's administration!", but he has no power, nor do his buddies in the Democrat party. They're going to have to sit back and watch as the weapons of political war that they spent the last 8 years building turned around and pointed back at them, like the man boiled in the belly of his own bronze bull.
>Don't worry guys, once I'm out of the white house I can finally get something done!
> muh wife
> muh drones
> muh Federal Reserve
> muh children
> muh 20 year in service CIA retirement check
> muh MSM
> muh John Roberts
> muh obamacare
> muh golf game
> wut now?
wife gon run for *some*thing
(actual prediction)
I never understood this obsession some people have with ketchup. There are so many condiments out there that have zero calories and are much tastier.
I like my dogs New England style. Spicy mustard, chopped onion, relish, and sauerkraut.
>signed the NDAA, further empowering intelligence agencies, the military, and police to shit on citizens' constitutional rights
>let the banks off the hook for crashing the economy
>continued the pre-planned Iraq and Afghanistan wars and pushed ahead into Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, and Sudan
>recently signed 'anti-propaganda' bill that will effectively expand media control efforts like project MOCKINGBIRD
>impeded criminal investigations of Clinton and is helping The Oligarchs accelerate tensions with Russia
>aggressively promoted TPP
>imprisoned more whistleblowers than any president
>oversaw weapons deal to Saudi Arabia of unprecedented magnitude
>approved biggest military aid deal to Israel ever
>supported F-35 money laundering deal
>continued war on drugs despite campaigning against it
>kept guantanamo bay open
>campaigned on public option, passes legislation that forces people to buy healthcare
>oversaw Homeland Security coordination with police across the country to stop protests against the banks and the crash they caused with impunity
>still enjoys wide base of support from liberals despite all this
His legacy is
His legacy is putting the final bullet in America.
It was headed downward and he happily oversaw it's downfall.
Now it is just a matter of hoping the inevitable is delayed.
>not "the only black president"
I'm not ready to say game over yet. If Hillary had won and flipped congress then I'd be more inclined to agree, but there is a new spirit of nationalism and love for liberty and the entreprenurial spirit sweeping this country, and it's happening across the pond too. I don't think we have gotten to the point where we're just re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, and even if we we're wrong, will things really be worse because we were still trying to fix the situation?
Obamacare getting repelled!.
Literally no more legacy for Obongo.
nigger's barely even black.
>since the 1960's
you mean the 1980's
First black president thoughhhmmmmm?
HAHA! dick