Will probably be on in 15-20 mins (7:40 EST)


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What kidnapping?


check out the catalog slowpokes, there's like 15 threads about it

hint: chicago dindus committed a straight up hate crime and streamed it

tucker is the only guy all of Sup Forums can agree is a god

> he's not /ourguy/ ... right guys..

Forget when he was cucked. At least he gives this shit some level of coverage unlike other msm outlets


Kek 4 ghetto nigs are the new manson family of modern times

CNN hasn't even put a story about it on their website

They will probably cover it last with some nig nog going .. but muh racism .. muh church shooting..

How the fuck do you put up with those adverts, America?

nobody watches TV

Better pay your TV tax or they are coming for you, Nigel!

I heard it on SiriusXM just now driving home


>These commercials
Do they know their target audience?

Boomers I assume

No fucking charges?

I love these american ads, they are so bizarre its like watching japanese tv

damn i want a sleepnumber mattress and some red lobster..

one of those ads said 82% of americans try to eat healthy. kek

>medicine for the side effects of the other medicine your taking

Great stuff

did i miss cucker tarlson?

Did I miss it?

Some black people kidnapped a retarded white kid, tortured him and ranted about black lives matter, fuck drumpf, fuck white people.

CBS Chicago News refused to mention the racial elements and referred to the scalping as an "aggressive haircut" kek.

Did he talk about it?

>White male protests Trump presidency by bounding himself. He wasn't able to move until found by 4 heroic black teens that freed him.

>CBS Chicago News refused to mention the racial elements and referred to the scalping as an "aggressive haircut"

Please tell me that you're joking. Did they actually scalp him, too? Like, completely remove his scalp?

why is O'reilys TV show solidly the #1 news/opinion show and yet his radio show isn't very popular? Hannity seems to transition between the two very successfully. I've never listened to Bills radio show, but I'm pretty sure he does one. Or at least he did.

kinda joking - they refer to it as scalping, but they sure as fuck ignore all of the racial elements


what the actual fuck