Okay. So the press conference that their police department just held pretty much:

Okay. So the press conference that their police department just held pretty much:

>Did not state if it was a racial issue or a hate crime
>Played down the issue

They are essentially comparing it to a bullying case.

What is going to happen?

The media and this department seems to not want to admit that racism against whites are real.

Other urls found in this thread:


He should be like Caesar and kill his captors

Stop trying to make "news" out of this.

Why are you posting this in every thread?

Why should it not be considered news?

The liberal media will hound on him out of fairness, completely ignorant to the fact that this man was in distress and it is animal instinct to want to beat the ever living shit out of people who did this do you. But, however, it's not going to happen. The justice system is fair and just, and the suspects will get their time. Vengeance is nigger mentality, and we will surpass them by punishing them in our civilized white people manner.

Does anybody have a mirror of the toilet video?

And yeah that seriously pissed me the fuck off. WHAT is wrong with this fucking world. We can't let Chicago get away with this. Rahm Emmanuel needs to fucking hang. He's already on Trump's shitlist. We need Trump. He needs to force the hate crime narrative.

Wait until Trump posts one of his award-winning world-changing magical tweets with his tiny fingers.

Fuck off faggot.

Somebody's triggered. Worse than SJWs.

>Thousands of black people are killed by chiraq niggas
>Nobody cares

>One white boy is kidnapped and you all lose your minds

Mayor of Chicago is Obama's butt-buddy.

This leftist shit will get swept under the rug by their leftist administration. That trickles down all the way through the police and news.

He's a left wing Redditor trying to do his best to cover up how big a problem niggers are.

dont let this slide

Just pull everything of value out of Chicago and let it blast itself into oblivion with gang violence.

Im not saying it will happen, just that it should. As for it being nigger mentality I disagree, the legal system is flawed it would would be for the greater good. Delivering justice is good.

I care about niggers being kidnapped but this is a huge issue in America so of course it gets popularized

>no end in sight


Twitter just took down the hashtag

you mean the ones forcing a person to drink toilet water just because they're white? he's worse than them?

I've been watching cnn and there is nothing on this. This is fake news.


Bet Obama won't say a fucking word about this.

They had knives out. They even cut some of his hair off with it. They beat him. They forced him to drink urine.

>all in good fun

>Twitter just took down the hashtag

form a massive protest you white pussies. Make sure its civilized enough

Oh shut the fuck up, Saddam.

Czechia, your colors are all mixed up
are you drunk again?

>forcing a person to drink toilet water just because they're white

No, I typed the letters 'SJWs'.

>Chicago police protecting niggers

Who would've guessed?

Trump needs to appoint a federal investigator to make an example of the case.

Can someone give me a link or tl;Dr? Just got off work and saw this thread.


>massive protest since the 70s or that wasn't about niggers or unorganized as fuck



This. This is Trump's first major test. If 24 hours from now Trump hasn't done anything about this, it's safe to say we've been conned, the swamp won't be drained and nothing will change. Do you think Obama would remain silent if 4 whites kidnapped a special needs kid and said fuck Obama and fuck black people? Hell no. That fucking nigger even shot off his mouth during the Trayvon thing which didn't concern him at all! If Trump doesn't at the very least make a public statement on this we might as well just pack it up, cause he's a confirmed kike puppet.

>black people doing bad things

Time to cover it up!

>the year is 2008
>Obama has just been elected
>a bunch of white people film themselves torturing a special needs black boy (redundant), saying "fuck Obama" and "fuck black people" nd distribute it on the internet

I normally hate whataboutism but can you imagine it?

>instantly the top story worldwide
>condemnation in the strongest terms from the president, the media and academia
>endless discussion about white racism
>in textbooks as the new Emmet Till

Fuck the victim would probably get a statue somewhere.

Instead so far the reaction is almost
>boys will be boys!

The media can't hide things like this anymore thanks to the internet, and the fundamental unfairness is so obvious to even the normiest of normies that its going to end up redpilling a lot of people.

this is awful

what was the hashtag?

twitter execs ought to hang

>instantly the top story worldwide
>condemnation in the strongest terms from the president, the media and academia
>endless discussion about white racism
>in textbooks as the new Emmet Till

Right. I don't expect nigger Obama to say anything, these were his people in his hometown where he was a "community organizer" that did this. But like I keep saying if Trump doesn't make a statement on this soon, we've been played.

Her FB, you know what to do:

What was it?

A fucking kiwi, lower than abos on the evolutionary scale.

FB /profile.php?id=100010157447383&ref=br_rs

That's because this is a hatecrime driven by racism.

The race war begins now. We are at war.

And why should we care about violent orcs killing each other? It's a beautiful thing. I wish the cycle of black on black killing in chiraq would have claimed the lives of these 4 vicous evil niggers before they had the chance to kidnap and torture anyone.

very good, leaf. we are impressed.

Media hardly even covers the thing despite the extreme graphic images all over the net. The ones who do makes it seem like some kids beat up someone because kids doing stupid thinks and thats it. Police play down nearly an hour torture thats all over the net. Its absurd.

>1 white victim
>(((a man)))

>4 black adults
>(((4 people)))

>armed assault, abduction, gagging, torture, spitting, cuts on entire cloths, kicks, beating, chocking, knife cuts down to the bone of his head, force him to drink toilet water, public humilation, everything on a public half hour long life stream
>(((alleged abduction)))
>(((possible violent assault)))
>(((possible charge for battery)))
>(((kids make mistakes)))

>4 black criminals, 1 white victim
>force him to make political statements about Trump under death threat
>fuck Donal Trump ~30 times, fuck white people, he represents Trump, deverses it.... dont know what he did... goof ass white man, cracka, white, folk
>(((possible hate crime investigated)))
>(((no signs of racial motivations)))
>(((no signs of political motivations)))
First video: youtube.com/watch?v=fDajmXg-wpg
Second video: youtube.com/watch?v=ACKlyVpPdYM
Comment section: youtube.com/watch?v=hOXQK6dxRMU

i don't care about black people in the slightest anymore and you're a fool if you do.

>implying the racewar didn't begin in the 60's when degeneracy started and non-whites moved to white countries in masse.