Chicago Police: 4 in custody after white man trump supporter tied up, tortured on Facebook Live
What do we do pol?
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I'd say I'm not racist, but this shit makes me reconsider.
for every one of ours they lose two
I will remember this day when the race war begins. They don't know what torture is until they experience the wrath of the creative white man.
pick up a gun and do something you fucking cowards. in the future, when whites are a minority and everything is terrible, we'll look back on people like dylann roof, and whoever else FIGHTS, as heroes.
inb4 why dont you.... you'll see
I'm kind of glad I don't own a gun right now because I don't know if I could stop myself from Dylann Roofing a bunch of niggers.
>blah blah blah
Sup Forums's not gonna do anything.
Sup Forums never does anything.
I can't believe they were fucking dumb enough to post that shit on facebook.Niggers will always be niggers.
dey gud bois dindu nuffin. dis waycist craka faibuk try'na fraim mah gud kid.
>smak lips
He goin to collage!
I don't get it man. Why would you want to antagonize white people? We tend to go to extremes when we get fed up.
It's political terrorism,this will happen if you vote,fear us,that's like south african shithead when they would blow things up and kill farmers
>proven hate crimes done by trump supporters: at most a few racist grafittis
>hate crimes done by black leftists: scalping a fucking retard
And WE'RE the threat?!?
I find more sad the girl laughing than the guy being tortured. I lost hope for humanity today. I'm going to sleep now. Fuck man.
I should clarify: literal fucking retard* - guy was mentally handicapped
Yeah, let's discriminate an ENTIRE fucking community of people because of 4 bad apples.
White people have done worst (rape, burglary, shoplifting, murder, discrimination) but when that happens, you can hear the crickets on Sup Forums.
You should all read your posts again and feel disgusted. Disgusted.
we should report every instance of the video on youtube so normies can't even watch it
There are many people who want to hurt you in real life
Someone give a nigger crime dump
We want normies to watch it you dolt.
If you can point me to a recent video of white people raping or killing black people due to their race or political beliefs I'd be happy to be outraged at it.
I'll wait.
Fuck off lady. Get off your fucking knees.
We did
I told you burgers - get your 2nd amendment militia now, when you still have time. When niggers will go out with cartel support, you wont have it.
Even worse, he was a special needs student.
This pisses me off even more than when one of those fucking niggers punched an elderly bus driver and ran off.
All niggers need to fucking die.
Oh shut the fuck up.
Niggers are 13% of our population, yet cause an overwhelming amount of crime and contribute literally nothing to society.
The only reason niggers are welcome here is Democrats use them for votes. They pander to them and head for higher ground once they've got the votes.
>4 bad apples
Are you fucking high? Do you not have any access to news? They're in the news literally all the time.
>have done worst
4 people literally kidnapped a special needs student and tortured him because he was white.
Are you a fucking moron?
God damn Sup Forums stop making this a popular topic. We are better than this.
That's why I carry a gun.
>stop making this a popular topic
Again, a white special needs student was captured by 4 worthless parasites and tortured simply because he was white.
The fucking media would blow this shit all over the place if 4 white people had done this to a shitskin.
low quality bait
get out cuck.
And you normie faggots crying about Dylan Roof being an asshole and staff
Why is this not on CNN? Someone tweet this to Trump.
If there was ever a good time for a good old fashioned lynching...
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy -- willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.
>Oy Vey don't mention this anymore goyim! It makes my pet race look bad!
Fuck off to the oven Chaim.
Because black people can't commit hate crimes, remember? If it doesn't promote white racism, CNN won't promote it.
Yes but they didn't target him for being handicapped they targeted him for being white,and easy (being handicapped)had he being black handicapped they might have tortured him too (they are anImáLS and there's not denying on them killing other blacks,but they might have spared the whole hate whitey thing they had in them boiling)
Race War Now.
>i want to be femdommed by black girls now
What would Trump do if he saw this?
Really? Wouldn't the way they talk annoy the fuck out of you?
Why the fuck do niggers talk like that?
This is a joke?
I hope white boi learnt a lesson.
At least these autismos would never commit hate crimes irl. Spewing racism and comitting hate crimes are 2 diff things
Wait, does this has an epilogue?
find them and kill them ISIS style
Brittany Herring, Chicago.
You find her mom. You put her on video. And she cant do shit because she's in prison. We are done fucking around
there should really be a large, organized compilation of it at an easy-to-remember website like
It arrives to a point where(given the non efficient methoD of having to taste the apples to check if they are rotten or not) there are so many bad apples in a tree you just say fuck this tree it only gives me diarrhoea
It's ame in europe with rapefugees...not all..yes but...what benefit is it in having to prove not all...if i dont belive in heaven I don't want to become a fucking mártir for the altar of tolerance fuck them!
this, my civic nationalism is fading
What even happened to the guy after that?
Has he been identified?
that's a fucking oxymoron.
>Yeah, let's discriminate an ENTIRE fucking community of people because of 4 bad apples.
Oh, you mean like the 4 perpetrators were doing?
>Fuck white people
Sounds like discriminating an entire community of people to me.
U mad white bois :DD
How does this cuck ended up being captured by niggers?
Not if you're white. Even talking and videotaping can land you deep
No one's doing shit. I'm in Chicago right now and I'm eating spaghetti and celebrating that the police did a bang-up job.
It would be in the niggers' best interests to clean these bad apples up, but few are willing. If they can't police their own then I have no pity for them.
Literally retarded. One of the kidnappers got him from a special needs class at his school.
we're breaking the conditioning
At least you guys learn
I've always been very paranoid about being in any areas highly populated with basketball Americans, and attacks like this make me realize that it's justified. Having the right to own and carry a gun is important.
It's actually the second time a White person was victimized in Chicago for being a Trump supporter. Remember the guy beaten at an intersection and then dragged with his own car with one of the nigs driving? Before that a White lady was driving from the hospital on the south side and a bunch of "youths" attacked and vandalized her car for being in "their" neighborhood.
This is far from an isolated incident.
what the FUCK
I want off this ride
When animals run amok without being punished, they keep doing more and more until their owner uses a firm hand on them.
>what do we do pol?
We cry like the fucking babies we are. We never do nothing. Deal with it.
You faggots will rage on the internet, post memes, spam pictures about nigger IQ (literally preaching to the choir), and after that you gonna stfu and continue with your lives, because american whites are too cowardly to do anything seriously about it.
Instantly knew by just looking at the headline nogs were behind this.
Reminder that the only color that matters is BASED. There's room under the MAGA tent for people of all races and ethnicities so please don't be bigoted, that's how the globalists divide and conquer.
Civic nationalism is a bad meme. We are a world of tribes, and what connects us more than anything is blood and soil.
top kek. and yeah, white europeans (not subhuman iberians but germans/northern euros) are doing so much against their genocide.
When you're a racist Trump supporter you're just asking for this kind of behavior. It's sad and sickening, but Trump only encouraged this because of his racism.
Surely the more they kick us, the closer we get to eventually snapping. You make a good point, but patience has a limit.
You don't know about how African justice? That's what happens when zimbabweans come down the south africa, because Africans love diversity. It'll also happen to you if you steal food, or someone accuses you of witchcraft. Like it or not, if black want civilization they need the guidance of whites. Civilization beyond tribes is foreign to them.
I guess IQ difference and skull size isn't necessarily a colour but it does matter
shut up nigger
Spread it like fire, that's what.
All the e-celebs first, then more mainstream. Fucking spam them everywhere.
>NOT being racist
>against their genocide.
98% white country here ;)
>We never do nothing
So we always do something yes? Fucking treenigger that you are..
"Freeing the slaves was a mistake" -Abraham Lincoln
HOLY SHIT, the kid was retarded. Damn, this has sence. My first though that he was some kind left-wing asshole that want to have some cultural exchange.
go back to the_donald
>what do we do pol?
We chimp out
>Surely the more they kick us, the closer we get to eventually snapping.
>le angry nerd maymay
Yeah, and by then whites will be a minority.
The united states military is only 60% white, don't forget
White iberians disapeared centuries ago, rip
I definitely agree. I was thinking earlier..... our nation is so fucking weak. It's ruled by women and low-testosterone nu-males.
proof please and also it wouldnt be crickets it would be cheering
Unfortunately retards don't understand when people say blacks are great that they're supposed to realize they're lying and avoid them as much as possible.
Yeah, a portuguese "white" is as white as a "white" mexican. try again macaco
Holy shit I know I live in the UK (aka 1984 in real life) but this shit makes me want to curb stomp a nigger until I feel its head soften under my foot
Why is it always handicapped and women? For fucks sake man, kid did nothing beyond having a dissenting opinion. Don't know why, but all the things here, this is the third video that gets to me. Has the kid been identified yet? is there some way to help him?
That Drexel cunt is creaming himself right now.
That pic is so fucking edgy
wow, a american tries to banter me, and instead banters his own country, lol
>american education
I love this meme of a tortured white boi who's too afraid to fight back because that'd be racist