Hey Sup Forums is it better to wait till marriage to have sex or is it not worthwhile?
Waiting Till Marriage:
alpha fux, beta bux
Don't wait. Marriage is about partnership, not sex. If you want to have sex, do it.
Why do you think every single religion has some sort of view on sex? Because chastity used to be viewed as virtuous, but in this degenerate, hedonistic fuckfest of a society we live in now, it's encouraged to not want until marriage.
Not going to hell is worthwhile, yes.
An important part of marriage is commitment, which includes presenting your virginity as a gift to your future partner. No hymen, no diamond.
as an autist this image really REALLY triggers me
I reported your post
I just can't stand images like this, there is no way anyone could use these rings, it's really REALLY conflicting with my brain right now
this. fuck impregnate and deal with whatever happens afterwards.
Currently marriage is a meme. You have legal obligation, female has gibsmedats.
Only marriage in Church without registration is ok.
As for premarital sex - a couple of times in general is not a major taboo. But you should not have it with people, you are not intend to be lifetime partner to.
Then why do women betray the partnership to have sex other man cuckboy?
Doesn't matter if your a dude op, but no hymen no diamond.
Otherwise there's no point in marrying the girl, because she will already have sex with you, and tyrone, without a ring.
> No hymen, no diamond.
If you are younger than 20 you wont have money for diamond.
If you are older, having no hymen for female is not a major backdraw. It would be very nice of course, but it`s 2017 and all females are constantly brainwashed in school and universities into things worse than this.
OP here, does anyone have one of those infographs comparing those who do and those who don't?
This one?
Exactly, so don't get married.
If women refuse to not be whores, why would you willing pledge half of your accumulated wealth to them? They refuse to hold up their end of the bargain, why should you?
And I know, white childern.
But are niggers marrying the women they impregnate?
Child support is better than child support, alimony, and losing half of your assets.
What a nig mindset
>ITT: heretics who don't realize that you must be a religious fundamentalist and save yourself til marriage to get a loving wife who will do the same
Those perfect housewives Sup Forums dreams of? They exist, especially in the USA. But they won't touch you unless you actually have religious devotion and match their chastity. The reason why women with 0 prior sexual partners do so much better in marriages isn't caused by that lack of encounters. It's because those are an entirely different breed of women that save themselves for men of a similar mindset.
I'm waiting 'till marriage.
I've had two sexual partners and both I intended to marry but we never did.
Quality, not quantity Sup Forums.
pol, explain what is a hymen and how does it work?
Wait. Its worth it.
Would you want a straw thats been sucked through 15 times? Or stuck inside 15 different drinks?
It literally does not matter because sex robots will make this conversation irrelevant soon
Have sex when you are in a meaningful relationship, no need to be in a relationship. Just don't be a promiscuous degenerate.
Just don't get dicknapped.